Chapter 862 A Down-And-Out Hero

Chapter 862 A Down-And-Out Hero


Xiang Nan looked at the queue in front of the official teleportation portal.

"Yes." The soldier in charge of guarding the teleportation array said, "Anyone who uses the teleportation array must make an appointment."

"Especially after you choose to pay."

Xiang Nan said, "Believe me, once I arrive at the The Haotian Empire on the Blue Tide Continent, I will immediately ask someone to help me pay for it."

The soldier shook his head and said, "The rules can't be broken. Even if you have money, you have to make an appointment. According to the current usage situation, you have to wait for about three years before you can use it."

"Three years, I've really seen a ghost." Xiang Nan muttered to himself, "Looks like I have to take a flying ship to arrive at the Red Earth Continent before transferring to the teleportation array and heading to the Blue Tide Continent."

The soldier said, "Let me kindly remind you that this is also impossible. The teleportation array of the Red Earth Continent is also very tight, and it is not much better than our The Nine Firmaments Continent ."

"How could this be? What exactly happened? Why are so many people going to the Blue Tide Continent?" Xiang Nan asked curiously. He didn't know much about the current situation.

The soldier looked at Xiang Nan like a fool and said, "Do you know how many people in the entire Southern Domain want to go to the Blue Tide Continent to study?"

"Do you know how many merchants are going to Canglan Continent to do business, how many wealthy people are going to visit Canglan Sect, and how many women are going to see places where Xiang Nan used to practice martial arts?"

"You don't know anything about the current situation, so I advise you to give up."

"There's actually such a big change." Xiang Nan shook his head helplessly. He hadn't expected that his actions would cause such a huge "turmoil" in the Southern Domain. This was something he hadn't expected.

In an inn.

Xiang Nan tore off the human skin mask on his face and muttered, "Seeking help from the First Prince, you should be able to directly use the teleportation array, but …"

If the Battle of Beast Spirit Island taught Xiang Nan the greatest lesson, then he absolutely must not trust anyone.

"Let's go to the Plum Blossom Forest to find Mr. Rihua first. Slaughter luck is still there."

Xiang Nan put on his human skin mask and set off again. Along the way, he smelled the fragrance of wine floating out of the restaurant. This smell made Xiang Nan clutching his stomach and stopping at the entrance of the restaurant for a long time. He was reluctant to leave, and his mouth was full of saliva.

His stomach growled, but there was nothing he could do.

"Who would have thought that Xiang Nan, who saved the six great sects, would end up in such a miserable situation that he couldn't even eat." Xiang Nan touched his storage ring and sighed in his heart.

He finally understood what it meant to be a hero who could not be defeated by a penny.

There were obviously tens of millions of gold coins in his storage ring, but he couldn't even take out a single one.

He could not even hire a carriage and could only walk to the Plum Blossom Forest. At this speed, it would take him more than a month to arrive.

However, within half a day, Xiang Nan was already starving to death.

He had a body equivalent to a Body Tempering Realm, but he was unable to absorb spiritual energy. Hunger would become his biggest problem.

He eats more than ordinary people.

The most damning thing was that a bun shop by the side of the road had just opened its drawer. The steaming smell of meat bun drifted over, making Xiang Nan unable to move a single step.

He stood at the crossroads and looked at the snow-white meat buns with envious eyes. His belly cries grew louder and louder.

"Young man, you don't look like a beggar. Did you steal the money? Here, I'll give you two buns to eat." The aunt's heart softened when she saw that Xiang Nan's eyes were glittering with stars and she stared at Steamed Bun.

Xiang Nan hurriedly wiped his hands off his body, then took the bun with both hands. At this moment, he felt that his hands were heavy.

"Don't be discouraged. Things will get better. We have thieves here, but there are more good people."

"Look at how much trouble Xiang Nan is facing. He hasn't given up. Our The Nine Firmaments Continent is worthy of being saved and trusted."

Hearing this warm words, Xiang Nan sighed in his heart. It was worth it.

Even if it wasn't for the martial world, even if it wasn't for the six great sects, and only for these kind civilians, his persistence was worth it.

"Thank you, Auntie." Xiang Nan respectfully bowed to the aunt.

"Eat while it's hot. It'll be cold soon." Auntie laughed and went back.

Xiang Nan took a bite and his mouth was full of oil. He felt that he had never tasted such delicious food, nor had he ever been so happy.

Ever since he lost his strength, he felt that his body was so fragile that he felt dizzy from hunger without eating a single meal.

His thirst for delicious food had never been so intense. He felt that even a meat bun that had just come out of the cage was so delicious.

However, after walking for a long time, he was hungry again.

He really wasn't used to eating alone. It was so troublesome to eat three meals a day. He felt that his time had been taken up by eating a lot.

In the past, he had only eaten a meal of meat mixed with spiritual herbs for more than ten days, and that was enough.

"No, I really can't hold on any longer." Xiang Nan shook his head. He found a pharmacy to borrow a pen and paper and wrote a letter to Mr. Rihua.

He handed the letter to the little bird and asked it to take it to Mr. Rihua.

The content of the letter was very simple. It simply explained his situation. He also said that he had greeted Slaughter luck in advance. If anything unexpected happened in the sect ranking tournament, he would ask Slaughter luck to go to Plum Blossom Forest to find Mr. Rihua.

Hopefully, Mr. Ri Hua would be able to take in the slaughter shipment, but now that he had some inconvenience, he would not be able to take the slaughter shipment away in a short period of time.

The little bird's speed was very fast. It had been hitting back and forth in half an hour, with a small parcel in its mouth.

Looking at the way the little bird flew back, Xiang Nan sighed emotionally, "I really miss the days when I could fly."

He took the parcel. Inside was a letter and two signaling orders.

To Xiang Nan's particular surprise, one of the two signaling orders belonged to Mr. Rihua himself, and the other was actually Feng Xuan's.

Xiang Nan hurriedly opened the letter and wrote Mr. Rihua's words.

After the Battle of Beast Spirit Island ended, Slaughter luck had already gone to the Plum Blossom Forest, and Mr. Rihua had also accepted him so that Xiang Nan did not have to worry.

In addition, Feng Xuan knew that Xiang Nan and Mr. Rihua had a very good relationship. He also took a sliver of luck and went to ask to see Mr. Rihua once. He also sent a message to Mr. Rihua. If Xiang Nan was still alive, please pass the message to Xiang Nan.

The last part of the letter was nothing more than greetings.

Unfortunately, there was no money in the package given by Mr. Rihua. As an expert, Mr. Rihua did not consider such a small situation.

Xiang Nan sighed. He took the signaling order. There was a flash of light on the signaling order, indicating that Mr. Rihua had injected spiritual energy. Xiang Nan only needed to throw the signaling order out.

"I've finally gained something." After Xiang Nan told the messenger about his situation, he released him.

The messenger turned into a ray of light and flew straight to the horizon.

"Next, it's time to solve the problem of food and clothing." Xiang Nan looked at Little Sparrow and said, "I know that you little bastard must have hidden a gem with you. Hand it over."

Little Sparrow looked up at the sky and pretended not to hear.

"Do you want me to starve to death?" Xiang Nan said seriously, "If I can survive, I can give you more gemstones."

The little bird was extremely helpless. It could only open its mouth and spit out a small stone the size of a grain of rice into Xiang Nan's palm.

The little stone glowed with double-colored fluorescence. Its surface was red, and the outward layer was purple.

"This thing seems to be very valuable." Xiang Nan's eyes lit up. "Damn, I actually fell like a little bird. I'm so excited when I see a gem."

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