Chapter 865 Conscience

Chapter 865 Conscience

"How is it! How is it!" Liu Dongyuan excitedly grabbed Xiang Nan's shoulder and shook it forcefully, "Isn't it very similar?"

Xiang Nan helplessly looked at the stage and could only applaud, "Yes, it's too similar."

"I want to ask one more question. Is this the performance of the Iron Blood Heroic Soul?"

Liu Dongyuan said excitedly, "Of course! Who else could the Iron Blood Heroic Soul be if it wasn't Xiang Nan?"

At this time, a beautiful woman walked out of the stage.

When the woman appeared, the audience cheered. They kept throwing gold coins, purses, and anything valuable they could find on the stage.

"This night belongs to Xiang Nan!" Liu Dongyuan was so excited that his eyes were filled with tears, "This night, the whole world only called out one person's name."

At this moment, Xiang Nan and Yue Donghai on the stage had already reached the end of their battle, and Yue Donghai had died in battle!

As for Xiang Nan, he stepped on Yue Donghai's corpse and pointed his hand at the peerlessly beautiful woman, "Master, I did not disappoint your hopes!"

"Uh … can I ask you something?" Xiang Nan pointed at the incomparably beautiful woman and said, "Is she playing … Xu Caiyue?"

"Of course!" Liu Dongyuan said excitedly.

On the stage, Xu Caiyue had already rushed to Xiang Nan and hugged Xiang Nan tightly. The two of them kissed each other affectionately in front of the audience.

At that moment, everyone present cried, especially the young men and women. They couldn't stop crying, but they didn't forget to throw money on the stage.

Xiang Nan himself looked extremely embarrassed and said, "Is this appropriate? I remember that Xu Caiyue seems to be Xiang Nan's master. Is it really okay for them to kiss?"

Liu Dongyuan said excitedly, "This scene is the voice of thousands of people in their hearts. We are just presenting the most perfect ending to everyone."

"But that didn't happen," Xiang Nan said.

Liu Dongyuan said, "What is a performance? What the audience wants to see is the best performance! Xiang Bei, you still have a lot to learn."

At this time, beside the stage curtain, someone slapped the fan hard.

The wind swept through Xiang Nan's long shirt. He held Xu Caiyue in his left hand and raised his saber in his right. He shouted, "For the Southern Domain!"

The entire audience exploded. Everyone stood up and shouted, "For the Southern Domain!"

The performance ended satisfactorily.

The audience refused to disperse for a long time. They were still chatting endlessly, their hands still gesturing.

A large number of young girls rushed to the grandstand and undisguised themselves towards Xiang Nan, releasing their youthful vitality and admiration.

The little bird slapped Xiang Nan's face and pointed at the stage with the tip of its wings, which meant, "Look at him!" What kind of scenery does he have? You useless fellow, alas

Xiang Nan was speechless.

"Come, follow me backstage." Liu Dongyuan wiped his tears and took Xiang Nan to the back.

Backstage, the actors were removing their makeup. The handsome man who played Xiang Nan pulled the hand of the woman who played Xu Caiyue and said, "Xiao Wan, how was my performance today?"

That woman was indeed very good-looking. In terms of appearance alone, she was not much worse than the real Xu Caiyue.

Xiao Wan looked at the handsome man absentmindedly for a while, then sighed and turned to leave.

"Xiao Wan, wait, let me introduce you." Liu Dongyuan rushed forward and grabbed Xiao Wan's hand. "This is Xiang Bei, our new member."

"Xiang Bei, this is Xiao Wan, the pillar of our Moonlight Tour."

"Hello." Xiang Nan shook hands with Xiao Wan.

Xiao Wan did not seem to be in a good mood. She only forced a smile and turned around to leave.

Liu Dongyuan said to Xiang Nan, "Don't worry. Xiao Wan's mood is low for a reason. She knows that the Xiang Nan in front of her is just an actress, but the real hero of the Southern Domain will never come back."

Hearing Liu Dongyuan's words, all the actors behind the scenes fell silent. They silently packed their belongings, not a single one of them speaking.

The Moonlight Tour set off just like that.

They had a crude flying ship of their own, and they had booked seats in advance. The next day, they used the official teleportation array to travel directly to the distant Eastern Region.

The Eastern Region was no worse than the Southern Region.

Xiang Nan did not have a clear goal. He did not know where to find the divine lightning, so he could only follow the team around first.

Fortunately, the performance team would have all kinds of spectators, so it would be much more convenient for them to inquire about the whereabouts of the divine lightning.

The flying ship docked in the Eastern Region, a place called the Exile Continent.

This continent had different customs and patterns from the Southern Domain. There was no official power in the true sense of the word.

The exiled continent was the homeland of the refugees. Criminals from all over the world, the pitiful displaced, and the homeless had gathered on this continent, forming a unique scenery.

For thousands of years, they had stabilized, but their customs were still strong. Because they had been persecuted, they no longer trusted their country, nor did they form a country. There was no country here, only a home.

Freedom was the only main thought in the exiled continent. They were willing to give everything for these two words.

On the flying ship, the man playing Xiang Nan walked over with a plate of food. "Guild Leader, I don't understand!"

This brat was a big celebrity in the regiment. Right now, no one dared to "disobey" his thoughts. Even Liu Dongyuan was polite to him.

"Luo Xiao, just say what you want." Liu Dongyuan arrived.

Luo Xiao frowned, "Now is the most popular time for the Iron Blood Heroic Soul. We should stay in the Southern Domain and continue performing! We shouldn't leave the Southern Domain and come to such a damn place."

"No one here has heard of Xiang Nan's story, and we can't make a lot of money!"

Xiao Wan, who was sitting beside him, frowned, but she did not say anything.

Liu Dongyuan said, "Because of this, we should come to the Eastern Region and show the story of Xiang Nan to the people here. Let them know that freedom is worth defending and even paying the price of their lives!"

"We can't just see money, we should also see responsibility! It's our responsibility to spread the story of Xiang Nan!"

Xiang Nan looked at Liu Dongyuan in astonishment. His heart had greatly changed. He didn't expect that he still had such great ambitions. He wasn't a businessman who entered the eyes of money.

"Who will cheer for me?" Luo Xiao spread out his arms and angrily said, "Nobody!"

"Which girl would throw herself at me? Let me tell you, no one! Xiang Nan can't eat here!"

"Enough!" Xiao Wan slapped the table and said angrily, "Luo Xiao, is that all you have in your eyes? Could it be that Xiang Nan's death has not awakened your conscience? You have truly disappointed me!"

Xiao Wan threw down her chopsticks and ran away angrily.

"Ah, Xiao Wan." Luo Xiao wanted to chase after him, but he gritted his teeth and resisted. He said to himself, "Women, you can't be too spoiled! Otherwise, you'll get kicked in the nose and face!"

Xiang Nan sat by the side and watched all of this calmly, but he didn't have any thoughts in his heart. These things had nothing to do with him.

"Guild Leader." Xiang Nan said, "Have you ever heard of World Slaying Divine Lightning?"

Liu Dongyuan said, "Of course, this thing is an indelible pain in the hearts of people all over the world."

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