Chapter 881 Special Treatment

Chapter 881 Special Treatment

Jiang Xue Lu hurriedly said, "He is my personal bodyguard."

The guard frowned and said, "What personal guard? Did you inform the clan? Is it trustworthy?"

Jiang Xuelu was embarrassed. She didn't want to lose face in front of Xiang Nan and smiled. "It doesn't matter. Xiang Bei is not only my personal bodyguard, but also my good friend. He saved our Jiang family. He is trustworthy."

Xiang Nan took out the long saber from his back and said, "This is just an ornamental item."

The guard grabbed the long saber, this action was very rushing! He weighed the saber in his hand and said, "It's not of any grade, but the clan has strict rules. I'll take this saber."

"You accepted it?" Xiang Nanqi said.

The guard nodded and said, "Anyone who intends to bring a weapon into the headquarters must confiscate the weapon. This is the rule."

Xiang Nan looked at Jiang Xuelu curiously.

'"My brothers and sisters have personal guards, and their guards are armed. Although the family rules are there, they can sometimes be accommodated." Jiang Xue Lu's expression is a little awkward. She hurriedly said, "My brothers and sisters all have personal guards. Their guards are also armed."

"No." The guard refused.

Xue Lu was anxious and said, "Then return the saber to Xiang Bei. We'll just deposit the saber outside."

"No." The guard shook his head.

"Oh" Xiang Nan suddenly understood. He could tell.

Jointly, Xue Lu was not welcomed in the Jiang Clan's main residence! Even a gatekeeper dared to look at Jiang Xuelu's face.

Xiang Nan went up and kicked the guard to his knees. With a puff, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Xiang Nan's attack was extremely fast. No one was able to react. Everyone was shocked and Xue Lu was stunned.

"Dog servant." Xiang Nan looked down at the guard condescendingly and said, "I've never seen a dog bite its master. Today, I've really opened my eyes."

The guard was furious. He roared and pounced towards Xiang Nan.

The other guards also surrounded Xiang Nan and shouted, "This person will break into the headquarters alone and take him down!"

Xiang Nan's body shook, and then he returned to his original spot. He heard a series of slaps. All the guards were slapped to the ground, their faces red and swollen, and even their teeth were broken.

Jiang Xuelu was both scared and relieved when she saw this scene.

She was also infected by Xiang Nan. She took a step forward and harshly shouted, "I have rebelled against you! I am the descendant of the Jiang Clan's orthodox bloodline. As the guards of the Jiang Clan, you dare to attack me! This is a great disrespect to my master!"

"According to the family rules, all of you will die!"

The guards were originally incomparably arrogant, but after hearing what Jiang Xuelu said, they were all so frightened that they didn't dare to say anything.

Xiang Nan had already retrieved his saber and was ready to kill all of them on the spot.

Xiang Nan hurriedly winked at Xue Lu before putting away his saber.

"Let's go!" Xue Lu waved her sleeve and strode into the clan.

Xiang Nan followed behind Jiang Xue Lu by two steps. He turned around and saw that the guards had sinister expressions on their faces.

After entering the main entrance, it was one of the outer palaces of the Allstar Residence. First of all, it was the reception area of the clan.

The receptionist in the small room was an old man. He looked up at Jiang Xue Lu and said indifferently, "Xue Lu is back. Come, register."

Xue Lu had no choice but to pick up the brush and write down the names of herself and Xiang Bei.

Xiang Nanchao glanced at the registration book and found that it was basically empty.

It could be imagined that the young masters and young ladies of the Jiang Clan would normally openly enter and exit the Jiang Clan. No one would dare to throw this old man a glance. No one would sign the registration book. Only General Xue Lu did not dare not write it down.

Xiang Nan had a thoughtful expression.

When the old man saw that Xue Lu had finished writing, he gave her a faint glance and said, "I will inform the elders. During this period, you and your men should go to the Thirteen Mansions and wait."

As he spoke, the old man did not show the slightest bit of respect.

Jiang Xuelu's expression was very unsightly. She brought Xiang Nan into the mansion and walked through a long corridor into the distance.

After passing through layers of mansions, they finally arrived at the Thirteen Mansions.

There were a total of fourteen palaces in the General Palace, thirteen Allstar Palaces on the periphery, and the Inner Palace was the largest.

The Thirteen Palaces were the most dilapidated place. It looked more like a large warehouse filled with debris, as well as a place where the servants lived.

Xue Lu was the orthodox descendant of the Jiang Clan, yet she actually wanted to wait here for a summons?

A servant vacated a vacant room for Xue Lu. It was obvious that no one had lived in this room for a long time. It was filled with dust. The moment he pushed open the door, it was filled with dust. The house had two floors, but the space was small. Other than the necessary tables, chairs, and wooden beds, there was nothing else to be furnished.

Jiang Xue Lu apologetically said to Xiang Nan, "Sorry, I made you laugh."

"Nothing." Xiang Nan gave Jiang Xue a bright smile.

"Help me tidy up." Xue Lu smiled. She picked up the basin and fetched water from the well. Then, she rolled up her sleeves and started to clean the room with a rag.

This scene made Xiang Nan feel a little sad.

Xiang Nan only needed to wave his hand to clean up the upper and lower floors. However, he knew that Xue Lu did not really need to work. Instead, he took this opportunity to calm down.

Xiang Nan smiled and pushed Xue Lu to the side, "How can I let a young lady like you do such a thing? Let me do it."

Xiang Nan grabbed the rag and started to work.

Jiang Xue Lu stared blankly at Xiang Nan and was somewhat distracted for a moment.

Xiang Nan also sighed in his heart. They were all forced out! Jiang Xue Lu was a thoughtful woman, but at her age, who would be willing to calculate this and that all day was forced by the environment.

Worse still, a large clan like the Jiang Clan didn't even prepare food for Jiang Xuelu.

In the evening, the two of them walked out of the courtyard. In the larger courtyard outside, the servants were eating at small tables.

Meanwhile, Xiang Nanhe and Jiang Xuelu stood at the door in a daze.

Jiang Xue Lu smiled self-deprecatingly, "It seems that she hasn't prepared for us."

"Let's go out and eat." Xiang Nan smiled.

Jiang Xuelu shook her head and turned around to enter the room.

Xiang Nan knew that she didn't want to look at the old man and the guards at the door anymore.

"It's the same for me to do it myself." Xiang Nan took out a lot of raw meat and vegetables from his storage ring. He rolled his sleeves and said, "Let me give you a taste of my cooking today."

Then Xue Lu's eyes lit up, "You can cook? I really didn't expect that."

"Look." Xiang Nan rolled his eyes at Xue Lu.

Later, a large table of steaming food was served.

The two of them sat opposite each other and moved Xue Lu's index finger. As they ate, they praised Xiang Nan for his good cooking.

However, as she ate, she fell silent, only lowering her head and not uttering a single word.

Xiang Nan sighed and said, "Cry. Crying will make your heart feel better."

Then, Xue Lu leaned on the table, her shoulders constantly shrugging.

Xiang Nan knew she had a story, but if she didn't tell him, he wouldn't ask.

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