Chapter 893 Dream

Chapter 893 Dream

"Hu …"

Xiang Nan suddenly opened his eyes. He looked around. The secret room was still the same secret room. There was no one else here except him.

"I dreamed of her again."

Xiang Nan was stunned for a moment, then immediately went to sort out the incantations. He still remembered what the woman in his dream had said.

There was a mainstream way of compiling martial skills. This way of compiling was called order.

For the simplest example, it was like one, two, three, four. This was also an order. One must be followed by two, and two by three.

The Jiang Clan's ancestor must have compiled the Nirvana Dragon Soul according to order, but he failed. He tried many other methods, but at least it could prove that the normal order compilation method was wrong.

Xiang Nan spread out the papers on the ground. He looked at them page by page. Sure enough, many incantations were written according to the normal order. These papers took up at least half of the space.

Xiang Nan immediately took all the papers that were in good order and stacked them on the wall.

Then he went to look at the rest, but at this time, Xiang Nan's eyes suddenly moved, "Something's wrong!"

"No, no, something's wrong! Was that really a dream just now?"

"How could that be? The woman in her dream actually possesses more meticulous logic than me, even more foresight than me?"

Xiang Nan felt his hair stand on end. Something was wrong! Dreams shouldn't be like this.

Xiang Nan had always thought that she dreamed of that woman because of her memories as an artifact spirit. In other words, she was just a person in her dreams, a projection of her memories and longing.

A human being could dream of many strange things, even things he had never seen before. However, there was an easy way to distinguish dreams, and that was logic.

Dreams can dream of unfamiliar things, but can not dream of unfamiliar logic!

For example, if a person dreams of a cow with wings, that is normal, because dreams are chaotic.

However, if a person had never learned arithmetic and dreamt that one plus two equals three, this obviously shouldn't have happened.

Dream, based on the subconscious and memory fragments of a person, if a person does not even know how much one plus one equals, he will never dream of one plus two equals three.

Xiang Nan slapped her forehead and said, "Even I didn't know that I would eliminate a batch of incantations by eliminating order, but she did!"

"That means … she is not my dream at all? She has an independent consciousness? Oh my God, how is this possible!"

Xiang Nan's mind buzzed. In his dreams, there was a person with an independent consciousness?

"We have to figure this out!"

Xiang Nan immediately lay down and began to brew again. Gradually, he fell asleep again.

As expected, that woman appeared again!

"Who are you! Are you a human or a ghost?" As soon as Xiang Nan met, he asked with a face-to-face expression.

The woman smiled and said, "I'm human."

Xiang Nan realized that his question was wrong. If she was really formed by his subconscious, then her answer might also be his. He said, "Another question, who are you and what is your name?"

The woman said, "I can say any name, but do you believe me?"

Xiang Nan shook his head and tried to calm himself down. "Now I want to ask you something that I never knew. You have to answer me, and when I wake up, I will personally verify that your answer is correct."

Xiang Nan looked at the last row of books. He hadn't even touched the books on the shelf. He didn't speak anymore, but waited quietly for them to wake up.

His heart was full of worries, and he quickly regained consciousness from his dream.

At this time, Xiang Nan gently waved his hand towards the last row of bookshelves, the first row of first books. The book fell to the ground and spread out the pages.

Xiang Nan did not go over to look at the words on the page. Instead, he took out a piece of Ning Xin Grass from his storage ring and ate it. Then, he lay down again and waited quietly.

Gradually, he fell asleep and the woman in the dream appeared again.

Xiang Nan pointed at the book on the ground and said, "I just took this book down, and I have never seen it before. If you have an independent consciousness, then go and take a look and tell me the first line of the book."

The woman smiled. She walked over and took a look, "Returning Qi enters the sea. With Eight Powders of Qi, three True Qi, five Void Qi. With two Void Qi, three True Qi can condense light …"

Xiang Nan's heartbeat was thumping. He tried his best to calm himself down.

After a while, he woke up from his dream. He rushed to the book and picked it up to read the words on it.

The first line.

Returning Qi into the sea, Qi by Eight Powders, Three True, Five Void


The book in Xiang Nan's hand fell to the ground. It was as if he was struck by five bolts of lightning, causing his entire body to freeze.

Really! It was actually true!

Dreams were chaotic and illogical. Now that he could dream of her every time he dreamed of her and could talk to her normally, this was inconceivable in itself.

However, she actually existed in her own dreams. This sentence itself was full of contradictions, that is, it was unreal in her dreams, but she had an independent consciousness.

Xiang Nan ate another piece of Ning Xin Grass. After a while, he fell asleep.

"You actually … really exist." Xiang Nan looked at the woman in shock. "Who are you and what's your name? Where should I find you?"

The woman's expression suddenly became dejected. She shook her head and said, "I don't know."

"How can you not even know who you are?" "Then how did you get into my dream?" Xiang Nan said anxiously.

The woman wondered, "In your dream? This is my dream."

"Your dream?" Xiang Nan hurriedly said, "Wait, wait, you always thought this was your dream, so I was the one you dreamed of?"

The woman was also stunned, "Yes."

"This" Xiang Nan's mind was in a mess. He was clearly dreaming about her.

But she said she was dreaming, dreaming of me.

What's going on?

Xiang Nan frowned and said, "This is indeed my dream, not yours. Look at these bookshelves, these books, these are all things from my world."

The woman said, "I thought these were all inexplicable scenes I dreamed of. Could it be that everything I dreamed of was true?"

"This is too big!" Xiang Nan's mind buzzed, "Is that … are you in my dream, or am I in yours?"

"Just now, I woke up twice. What did you find?"

The woman said, "You suddenly disappeared from my dream twice and appeared again for no reason."

"I really want to catch a glimpse of it." Xiang Nan hurriedly waved his hand, signaling the woman not to speak. He muttered, "Dreams are not the real world, so it is impossible for real creatures to exist in dreams."

"But it's true that you have an independent consciousness, and I have my own consciousness."

"In other words … our dreams are connected!"

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