Chapter 895 Refined Elemental Stone

Chapter 895 Refined Elemental Stone

Xiang Nan hurriedly attracted the Heavenly Lightning to recover his Astral Qi. However, after he reached the Heaven Scryer Realm, his Yuan Qi underwent a qualitative change and turned into Astral Qi. The speed at which the Heavenly Lightning replenished his Astral Qi seemed to be too slow.

It took him half an hour to replenish all of his Astral Qi.

Then, he impatiently used the second stage of the Terminator Dragon Soul, Dragon Spirit Possession. At that moment, a three-meter thunder dragon suddenly appeared and began to slowly revolve around Xiang Nan's body.

As for his intent, it had once again risen to the stage of sudden appearance.

"I can release my intent during the Emergence Stage. If I chop out a saber light at the speed of sub-light and the intent wraps around the saber light, then the saber light can reach the speed of sub-light!"

Xiang Nan was incomparably excited. He hurriedly pushed open the door of the secret room and quickly advanced outwards. After crossing the teleportation array for a while, he appeared next to a pond.

The water in the pond is salty and seawater.

Xiang Nan jumped into the pond and swam all the way out. Sure enough, there was an endless ocean outside.

He clenched the hilt of his saber tightly, and his entire heartbeat reached an unprecedented speed.

Shortly after, lightning flashed on his hands.

"Secondary Light Slash!"

Suddenly, lightning intent appeared, and Xiang Nan slashed towards the distant seawater!

A faint light flashed in front of him.

But before Xiang Nan could react, he was suddenly swept away by the violent current.

Where he was, the sea water in that area was all boiling.

"Success?" Xiang Nan was overjoyed, "I really succeeded!"

Too fast! The speed at which the saber beam flew reached the speed of sub-light! It was too fast, so fast that Xiang Nan's naked eye almost missed it.

The second Light Slash had brought Xiang Nan an enormous benefit, that was, he didn't have to personally charge towards the enemy!

He lowered his head and looked at his arms, only to find them numb and unbearable.

"The sudden lightning intent is indeed formidable." Xiang Nan sucked in a breath of cold air! But choked to death by the seawater.

Damn, why did he become as stupid as Xiao Jun, sucking in a faint breath of cold air in the seawater!

Back then, when Xiang Nan protected his body with his Yuan Qi and used the speed of light, he was able to break the bones of both his arms inch by inch.

He thought that the saber had a very heavy quality, and the result of brandishing the saber was similar to that of smashing someone else with his fist.

However, after he possessed the Astral Qi, even though his arms could be protected by even more powerful Astral Qi, the saber light he chopped out was no longer Origin Energy Saber Light, but Astral Qi Saber Light. His defense had increased, but his reaction force had also increased. This ratio remains unchanged.

But his intent had increased! From the Void Spirit Stage to the Emerging Stage, he was able to cover his arms with lightning intent and protect himself better.

"Again! I want to see how many times I can use the Light Slash." Xiang Nan slashed his saber in the distance.

The saber light continued to shoot out at the speed of sub-light. Although Xiang Nan was on guard, he was still swept forward by the brutal sea water twice this time.

The skin on Xiang Nan's arms had already cracked under this second strike. Blood seeped out and mixed with the ice-cold seawater.

"I should be able to use three sabers." Xiang Nan nodded in satisfaction. If he did it again, the bones in his arms would be completely broken.

"This is the power that a Divine Grade Lightning meridians talent should possess!" Xiang Nan was so excited that he wanted to laugh.

One strike, at the speed of sub-light, the Dipper Qi Saber Light!

Who can handle it? Perhaps even a true fifth stage Heaven Scryer expert would be scared out of his wits.

Xiao Ye's strength was only equivalent to a Heaven Scryer fifth layer martial artist with a very poor foundation, but if he encountered a slightly talented Heaven Scryer fifth layer martial artist, he would undoubtedly be defeated.

But the sub-light speed of the Astral Qi Saber Light? Even the best of the fifth level of Heaven Scryer had to lower their heads!

When Xiang Nan returned to the secret room, his heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

In battle, he could release at most three Light Slashes. This was his strongest trump card, and it was the only one in the world.

His body trembled, and the three-meter thunder dragon collapsed on its own.

Using the Terminator Dragon Soul still consumed a tremendous amount of Astral Qi. Now that he was using Astral Qi to use this martial skill, his consumption had also increased proportionally.

"As for these books …"

Xiang Nan looked at a large number of books on the ground. He should be able to find the third level of the Terminator Dragon Soul Art.

However, to cultivate the third level, one needed to be at the third level of the Heaven Seeking Realm. There was no way he could use cultivation to test his authenticity.

"Forget it. Pack it up first." Xiang Nan opened his storage ring and packed up the half of the books on the third level of the incantation.

"Let's go check on Mr. Jiang Huai's progress first. If we still have enough time, we'll find an opportunity to eliminate half of the books on the third level."

Xiang Nan returned to the Jiang Clan through the teleportation array.

When he handed a copy of the second level of the Terminator Dragon Soul manual to General Rong , General Rong was already laughing heartily.

"Old Master, according to the agreement, this is the second level of the Terminator Dragon Soul." Xiang Nan said respectfully.

"Good, good, good." General Rong said happily, "Little friend Xiang's actions are truly meritorious."

"I've taken away the rest of the books. I don't have enough cultivation realms to verify them. I'll definitely return the complete incantation to you when it's done in the future." Xiang Nan said.

The general said, "That's right! Those messy books only have value in your hands."

Xiang Nan said, "I want to take a look at Old Master Jiang Huai."

"Of course, but before that, can you conceal the second level for me to see?" General Rong 's eyes sparkled.

"No problem." Xiang Nan's right arm trembled and a lightning dragon suddenly appeared.

"This is the second level of the Nirvana Dragon Soul?" General Rong was shocked. "But from what Grandpa said, it doesn't seem like that."

Xiang Nan said, "The second level is to cultivate meaning. Everyone's meaning is different, so the specific moves they embody are also different."

"No wonder" General Rong nodded.

"That's amazing. Let's go." Xue Lu held Xiang Nan's arm and happily walked towards Jiang Huai's forging room.

She was so beautiful, this was the husband she thought she was! Looking at Xiang Nan, thinking about that Xiao Yue, she was truly superior to him in judging.

One of them was tall, possessed peerless talent in martial arts, and was upright, while the other was not to be mentioned.

When the two of them arrived at Jiang Huai's forging room, they discovered that Mr. Jiang Huai was at a loss.

"What? Is the old man's progress not going well?" Xiang Nanqi said.

Jiang Huai frowned and said, "In order to verify the weapon formula, I have to use something, but I don't even have a home for this."

"What is it?" Jiang Xuelu asked curiously.

Jiang Huai said, "Essence Stones."

"Essence Stones?" Xiang Nanhe shocked Xue Lu at the same time.

"This Essence Stone seems to be as rare as a Void Stone, right?" Xiang Nan said.

He had heard of the Essence Stone. It was a very rare gem, and its number of existences was probably comparable to the Void Stone.

Jiang Huai said, "Without Essence Stones, I can't continue to experiment."

Xue Lu thought for a moment and said, "I roughly know where I can find the Essence Stones."

"Where is it?" Jiang Huai became excited and grabbed Jiang Xuelu's wrist.

"On the The island of exile ," Xue Lu broke out in a cold sweat.

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