Chapter 910 Wonderful Madame

Chapter 910 Wonderful Madame

"What wonderful lady?" Xiang Nan said.

Jiang Xuelu's expression changed drastically as she said, "Run, everyone, run! Don't stop here!"

However, as he spoke, it was already too late.

A pink shadow suddenly flashed past the crowd on the left.

Everyone hurriedly looked to the left, only to see a pink shadow flickering in front of everyone's right.

The crazy monk shouted, "Squat down!"

Everyone immediately squatted down together. At the same time, the crazy monk fiercely flicked his finger towards the staff.


A shockwave immediately spread out and the surrounding trees trembled. In an instant, within a radius of one mile, they were razed to the ground.

"No way. Madame Wonderful's cultivation is too high. We have no way out." Xue Lu was so anxious that cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

Sure enough, the so-called wonderful madam did not suffer any injuries.

The strange laughter was getting closer and closer. It sounded like someone was whispering in everyone's ears and laughing softly.

This scene caused everyone's hair to stand on end, and a wave of cold air rushed straight from the soles of their feet to the top of their heads.

Following which, another pink shadow swayed over. At the same time, a powder-like object sprinkled down from midair, smelling odd.

The crazy monk's body trembled and he fell straight down.

Xiang Nan was unable to use his Yuan Qi and Astral Qi, nor could he resist. Immediately after, he felt a burst of dizziness and lay on the ground.

All the members fell one after another. None of them fainted directly. They were only half-conscious and could still see with their eyes.

Xiang Nan saw a charming woman in a long pink dress falling from the sky. The woman released a light cord, tied everyone up, and dragged them on the ground quickly.

After a while, everyone was brought into a cave. After walking thirty to fifty meters deeper into the cave, a fork in the road appeared.

The fork of the road was divided into eight paths, and the stone walls of each path were hollowed out, making it look like a prison.

In this large number of prisons, there were still many men lying in disarray. In the corridor, there were rows of frightened maids. These maids were holding trays. Some of the trays were filled with soap pods and other cleaning items, while others were filled with brand-new clothes.

Madam Nan Miaomiao's logo was alluring, but her face carried a very strong charming aura.

She dragged out all the women on the team, causing the women on the tour team and Xue Lu to stand in a slap.

The girls were so frightened that their faces were as white as paper, but they didn't dare to say anything.

The wonderful lady nodded and said, "From today onwards, you are all my slaves. If you are obedient, I will leave you a path of survival. Otherwise, you will be courting your own death."

She looked at the girls, seemingly very satisfied with Jiang Xue Lu and Xiao Wan's beauty, and said, "You two are very good, you can be my first-class maids."

Then she looked at some other girls, two of whom looked rather ordinary. The wonderful lady said, "I don't have any ugly people here!"

After saying that, she immediately flew towards an ordinary-looking woman. Her small cherry mouth suddenly opened incomparably wide, and she actually swallowed the upper half of the woman's body in one bite!

Immediately after, with a kacha, the wonderful lady actually bit off the woman's upper body, leaving behind only two broken legs that coughed out blood.

All the men in Xiang Nan immediately opened their eyes wide. This scene was too strange.

"She's not human?" Xiang Nan said weakly.

Seeing this, another woman with mediocre looks screamed in fear and ran out of the cave.

These women didn't seem to be under serious control. At the very least, they could still run.

However, after a mess of chewing, the madam swallowed the flesh and blood in her mouth. It was hard to imagine how her slim figure managed to eat half of a living person at once.

Her body transformed into a pink shadow as she chased after him. At the same time, she opened her mouth again. Her entire head and mouth became incomparably large. With another click, she bit off the upper half of the woman who had fled for her life.

Two short legs that spat out blood fell to the ground with a cracking sound.

"Evil beast!" When the crazy monk saw this scene, his eyes turned red with anger.

Xiang Nan also took the opportunity to see the cultivation of the Wonderful Lady. This woman had the strength of the fifth level of Heaven Scryer, but her martial arts talent was extremely strong! The worst, the worst, was equivalent to a Seven Tigers of the Southern Domain at the fifth level of the Heaven Scryer Stage.

Naturally, it was self-evident how powerful such a person was.

"Do you understand?" The madam turned to look at the girls on the tour.

The women nodded their heads repeatedly in fright, all of them sobbing, but they didn't dare to resist in the slightest.

"The two of you are the most beautiful." Miraculous Madame used her slender index finger to slash Xue Lu and Xiao Wan's chins. She then said to the maids beside her, "Take the two of them to wash up and change their clothes, and teach them the rules."

"Yes." The four maids stood out and pulled Xue Lu and Xiao Wan away.

The person who turned Xue Lu's head back three steps at a time kept looking at Xiang Nan, his eyes filled with helplessness.

Xiang Nan gritted his teeth and said, "You'd better let us go, if …"

The wonderful lady sneered and wiped Xiang Nan's mouth with her fingers. Xiang Nan's upper and lower lips immediately stuck together.

She looked at Xiang Nan and Mad Monk with an incomparably greedy look in her eyes. She licked her bright red lips and said excitedly, "It's been a long time since I've met such a high-grade human cauldron. You two, I want to stay and enjoy it slowly."

"Before you two eat, eat some appetizers."

Her gaze was directed at Luo Xiao, the most handsome person in the crowd, and she overthrew Luo Xiao to the ground.

When Luo Xiao saw her eat people, he was so scared that tears ran down his nose, "You, what are you doing? Don't eat me."

He struggled to resist, but he was infected with the pink poison, and his body didn't listen to his orders at all.

"How can I be willing to eat you? It's too late for me to properly love you." Waving her right hand, the clothes on Luo Xiao's body shattered and she became naked.

What surprised Xiang Nan and the others even more was that Madame Wonderful had taken off her body. She took a step and sat on Luo Xiao's body, immediately rising and falling.

Luo Xiao did not know what kind of seductive technique he had suffered. His previous expression of fear instantly disappeared, and his entire face flushed red with excitement.

He knocked the wonderful lady to the ground and directly pressed her down, causing his body to wildly shrug.

The mysterious lady laughed foolishly while gasping for breath.

Xiang Nan and Mad Monk exchanged a glance. They felt that this scene was unimaginable.

The girls on the tour covered their faces shyly and didn't dare to look.

However, the maids in the cave were accustomed to such a scene. They did not show any expression and seemed to have accepted the fate arrangement.

The more Luo Xiao moved, the more excited he became. His mouth and nose were snorting heavily, but his skin gradually dimmed.

Originally, the skin of a young man had lost its luster due to this kind of behavior. It gradually relaxed and looked like a man in his fifties or sixties.

On the contrary, Miraculous Madame's skin, which was covered in white shopping clothes, became even redder and slowly showed a faint pink color.

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