Imperfect Desires

Chapter 715 Trying To Talk Reason

715 Trying To Talk Reason

Zhou Liqiu was stuck to Dylan who had his eyes closed and jaw clenched. However, it didn't faze the girl who continued to chatter. What Cali heard was, "Don't be so down. Sister Hui will be fine. You should take care of yourself first."

Dylan peeled her hands off of his body and stared at her hatefully, "Do you really think I'm concerned about her condition?" Zhou Liqiu was taken aback by the hatred in his eyes. "And even if I am, I don't need you to console me. Get lost already!"

Zhou Liqiu's expressions changed slightly as she made a pitiful look to question, "Do you still blame me for what happened back then?" Dylan didn't reply. "Dylan! Dead is gone. Do you really have to punish the living even now? You asked me to get lost back then and I did leave you. Just to give you some space. All these years are not enough to forget it?"

Dylan gnashed his teeth, "Forget it?" He laughed mockingly, "Don't make me repeat myself. It's a hospital, I don't want to deal with the likes of you." He sighed heavily, "And I clearly told you that I have a girlfriend now. Stop whatever delusions you have."

"Dylan!" Cali called out to him.

Dylan looked up and seeing Cali standing at the end of the hallway, he immediately rushed to her side and hugged her. He had been keeping all his emotions buried all this while but now that he hugged her, he wasn't able to stay as calm. Cali patted his back gently and let him continue to hug her in silence.

When he reluctantly pulled away, he asked, "How is Dazi? Is he okay? There is nothing serious, right?" He had been wanting to see Darren all this while but he couldn't bring himself to do so. No matter how estranged he had been from his sister, in the end, it was his sister who hurt his best friend. He didn't know if he'd be able to even face him ever again. Since he couldn't distance himself from this crime.

"He is... Fine," replied Cali. "Don't worry about him. He has survived a lot more than this. This much won't be able to break him."

Dylan bit his lip and hesitated before saying, "And how is...?"

Although he wasn't able to put it in words, Cali understood him well as she replied, "Xiu is also fine. She has woken up. Although her attending doctor was really angry after seeing her condition, she is still doing better than I expected."

"That's good..." Dylan felt something finally settling in his heart.

"Your sister is in pain right now and you're worried about outsiders!" Dylan didn't want to pay attention to the owner of this voice but the latter didn't get the hint. "You're really heartless!"

When Dylan was pulled from his arm and had to turn around, he glared at Liu Nuan who was hopping mad. "You stay out of it! It doesn't concern you at all."

Dylan took a long breath as he clenched his fists, "You should be concerned about more important things right now. If you've forgotten, let me remind you, since Xiu is a Xin she is your cousin. Choose your side wisely because by standing on my sister's side, you'd be standing against Xin Clan."

Liu Nuan's heart thumped wildly. For some reason, she had been feeling apprehensive from the moment she had learned this as well. She didn't know why she felt this sense of crisis but something within her was warning her repeatedly.

"From the fear of standing against Xin Clan, I won't stop supporting the truth!" retorted Liu Nuan righteously. As if she believed every word she was saying. "That girl not only ruined Meihui's big day but she also tried to kill her. That's attempted murder! I'm surprised how none of you are even trying to file a complaint against it."

"If you're so capable, do it yourself!" spat out Dylan. "But first don't forget that Xiu raised her hand only after my sister did it. And she only hit her, it wasn't attempted murder. However, what my sister did is definitely counted as attempted murder." He looked over at his parents who had been sitting silently and added, "I don't think there is anyone dumb enough like you to try turning black to white."

Liu Nuan still didn't want to talk reason as she insisted, "But that only happened because that girl provoked Meihui. If she hadn't ruined her wedding day, why would Meihui lose all her reason?"

"Does that justify her actions? No reason can justify someone's murder! Just like you can't justify what you did back then to Chen Xiu!" Dylan's patience finally ran out. Liu Nuan was startled when Dylan talked about such an old incident. "You're also a murderer and you know it! Maybe that's why you think you can justify my sister's actions. But you can't! No one can justify it!"

"Dylan, this is a hospital. Don't create a scene."

Dylan snorted at his mother, "Why don't you say the same to her as well? I'm certainly not the one who is trying to create a scene here."

Zhao Wei looked at Liu Nuan and said, "Nuannuan, you should go home now. And take Qiuqiu with you."

"But aunt!"

Zhao Wei didn't let her talk, "There is nothing to talk about now. You can come to see Meihui when she is awake. For now, leave!"

Seeing those two leave, Zhao Wei looked at Dylan with a complicated gaze, "Dylan, even if your sister is wrong you should..."

Dylan raised his hand to stop her from continuing, "Don't you dare say I should stand by her side. This is all on you! Whenever she did a mistake, you forgave her out of your own guilt! But it won't change the fact that while trying to fix your mistake, you've brought her on the route to destruction!"

Dylan held Cali's hand and left the hospital. He didn't want to stay there even for a minute now. He was done trying to reason with his parents who always could bend their morals for his sister!

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