Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 427 427 Utility Upgrades

Chapter 427 427 Utility Upgrades

Once dinner finished, there were an incredible number of tasks waiting for Wolfe that were threatening to keep him out of bed all night long just to catch up on the ones that were making things inconvenient for the Witches.

Part of what needed to be done was a series of upgrades for the main concourse where the vendors had been set up, and that was an everyday concern, as well as all night long, as many of their workers were both working night shifts and nocturnal in nature.

That part had actually worked out very well for them. The nature of the nocturnal animals meant that they preferred the night shift, so the offer to let them work from sundown to sunup was welcomed and not a nuisance, as humans and Witches would have viewed it.

None of it was all that concerning, but they needed a number of Gravity Magic arrays to let them move goods around more easily, and the witches had gotten the idea that they could put charms on the stalls for preservation so that unsold inventory didn’t go bad while it was sitting at the booths, but there was a shortage of witches with both the power and the aptitude for Air Magic to get to the issue.

“So, basically, you want me to walk from booth to booth and ask them what they need? It sounds like it’s mostly the same spells over and over. They just need to be targeted and engraved so that the shopkeepers can recharge them every day.” Wolfe asked the Witch, who had taken it upon herself to be his guide for the evening.

She was a Myrrh Coven witch, lighter in skin and eye than the Sylvan Coven witches, and close to Priya in age. Likely one of the many veterans that they had saved from the armies, though Wolfe didn’t recall the exact time she arrived or her name.

“Pretty much. You could make amulets in advance, but then they would need to be targeted, and we are still short on people, even with all the new arrivals. Or perhaps because of the new arrivals? There was so much that we didn’t consider when we brought them in, and now everyone is playing catch-up on the tasks that we missed.

This market is one of them. We should have considered that we would need a set of shops that were open all the time, especially with the travellers that we get from within the Forest now that the monsters are becoming less aggressive.

The daily scouting reports have become more of a shopping trip for most of the villages. They send us whatever news they have, and their scouts pick up anything that they need.

Speaking of which, we really need a lot of those backpacks. The scouts could use them to take more stuff home with them, and I can guarantee that the Myrrh Coven and whoever you sold the last ones to are going to want more as soon as you can deliver them.” She reported.

“I will make some for the shops here when we get to the vendor, but the rest can wait for another day. The Morgana Coven villages aren’t expecting us for ten days, so we have time to make their next order.” Wolfe replied as they walked up to a candy shop run by bunnies.

“Good evening, Mister Wolfe. What brings you by tonight? Do you need some chocolate-covered coffee beans? They’re a brand new offering, as we only just got chocolate trees.” She asked.

“Oh, that sounds good. I will take a bag of those. But I am here to do the inscriptions for the shops before I go to bed tonight.” Wolfe explained.

“Wonderful. All we need is [Preservation] to keep the candy fresh. We don’t have a lot of heavy stuff like the butcher shops and the vegetable sellers.” The candy striper informed him.

The charm only took a second, and Wolfe had it ready before the bag of candy was tied up for him.

“On the house. Thank you, Mister Wolfe. If you enjoy them, be sure to tell others. I think they’ll be a big hit.” The bunny giggled.

They moved on to the next stall, and the witch escorting Wolfe sighed. “Fully caffeinated Bunnies is a hazard that we never factored in either. I’ve never seen anything that hyper before.” Tʜe source of this ᴄontent ɪs Novᴇl ꜰirᴇ.nᴇt

Wolfe couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s the small things that stack up, right? But, at least it’s easy work tonight.”

The next vendor was one of the ones that needed a gravity spell. They were a clothing vendor that had managed to get one of the prime spots near the gate, so they were one of the first shops visitors would see, and they often moved clothing by the bale if the witches had made that much.

Wolfe was honestly impressed by the amount of product that the Witches had been creating lately. It might be partially due to their increasing magical abilities, but it was a sign that nobody was slacking and that they were all doing their best to get what they could to their allies.

Wolfe was just finishing with the enchantments for the clothing shop when a small weight suddenly landed on his back, and the smell of sandalwood smoke and something vaguely animalistic reached his nose.

A second later, a small white furry face came into view over his shoulder as Kira adjusted herself so she could talk to him face to face.

“Wolfe, good to see you again. I’m glad I caught you before you went back into hiding,” the three-tailed Kitsune greeted him.

“Indeed. Though as I was standing still, it might not have been necessary to literally catch me. I heard that you and the others who can’t use spells but can use mana have some additional requests for me.” Wolfe replied.

“More than a few, but we have narrowed it down to only a couple to start with, other than the ones here in the market. Those were initially our idea, a little something that we could do for the village. But it takes time to get someone out to cast so many spells.

They’re not close to as fast as you are with it, and you’re the only one that can use the Gravity Arrays.” She explained.

“Follow me, and we can talk as we walk.”

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