Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 431 431 Did Nothing Wrong

Chapter 431 431 Did Nothing Wrong

Wolfe looked to Kira, who had sad tears running through the fur on her face.

“So my mother was right. The Magi didn’t do anything, but that was the problem. Even when the world needed them to intervene for the good of the whole, they did nothing, and it turned the world against them.” She whispered.

In a way, that was exactly right. It was the Magi policy of not intervening in the affairs of everyone else that caused the world to turn on them. They didn’t do anything wrong, but not doing anything was what was wrong.

“It looks like there are a lot of Witch Magic spells in there. We will have to show this to the others, but did you find anything in the Elemental Magic?” Wolfe asked.

“I’m just about to start looking. I just had to take a break after seeing the visuals of the past.” Kira sighed. Thɪs chapter is updatᴇd by NovᴇlFire(.)nᴇt

“That’s understandable. It’s a lot more recent in your history, where it is historical knowledge to me.” Wolfe agreed.

Wolfe delved back into the knowledge crystal and found that there were some very strange elemental spells in there. The first thing that caught his attention was that all of the spells seemed to be useful for day-to-day living but in strange and unexpected ways.

They weren’t combat-oriented spells, but they focused on things that Wolfe had rarely concerned himself with.

It had never occurred to him to learn how to create these knowledge crystals himself, but that was included in the library. There were Light Magic spells that created a form of magical sunscreen, communication spells which modified a regular radio that would be very useful in the Fae Forest, and simple things like a water spell that would test the temperature of liquids so that you didn’t burn yourself on hot beverages.

That last one made both Wolfe and Kira laugh a little. The Magi were notoriously magic-dependent, but the knowledge that they didn’t even test the temperature of their drinks themselves and used a spell to make sure that it was right before they picked up the cup was still amusing.

They searched for a few more minutes before Kira laughed and poked Wolfe. “Check section 817. There’s a spell that might come in useful for you.”

Wolfe scanned through the listings until he found it.

[Condom]. Creates a heated sheath of Air and Fire Magic over the male member to serve as a prophylactic. May also be suitable as a treatment for medical or genetic deficiencies.

Wolfe laughed.

“Did they seriously make a magical cure for Erectile Dysfunction in the form of a condom? Exactly how much spare time did they have?”

Kira shrugged. “A lot, apparently. But it might also be that they used magic for everything instead of doing it with manual labour. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is an Air Magic spell in there to take the work out of the deed itself.

But there are some useful things in here. Look at these Mana Crystals. They’re still Mana Crystals as we know them, but they’re a different spell than the Witches use, and the mana density is much higher in the more advanced versions.”

She was right. The ones that were used as money and storage were the most basic version of the spell, and there were two more advancements listed in the crystal.

There was also a small section on clothing Inscriptions, which was what Kira had wanted him to make when she first came to talk to him. According to the Magi who had made it, a Noble Lady’s garments should contain a total of one hundred and one inscriptions, but a common garment should contain thirty essential spells.

The ones that he had placed on the chair cushions for comfort were among them, as was the gravity spell he had placed on the Elder’s walker and a three-layer armour inscription. Beyond that, there were cleaning spells, water creation, various fire spells for heating, cooking, lighting fires and putting out fires. It was all very specialized and all very mundane, designed to cover nearly every essential daily activity.

With clothing like that, a Magi woman wouldn’t lack the ability to use Magic for any task she would normally be asked to do. There was even a [Wind Blades] spell that was listed as great for chopping wood because a real wood fire was pleasant to sit in front of.

Of course, there was also Earth magic to create the logs to split because the Magi wouldn’t do something so mundane as cutting down an actual tree. Why they didn’t create the logs already split wasn’t clear, but Wolfe suspected that it had something to do with ritual or tradition.

“So, now that you have a specific guideline as to what should be on the clothing, do you think that you could make me a set? I’ve got a spare Kimono here.” Kira finally asked once she had looked over all the parts she deemed immediately interesting.

“I think that I can do that. It will have to be the Commoner version since I can’t use all the spells that are on the Noble version. I don’t think that anyone can, actually. The whole family would have to get together to find Magi with the ability to use all those advanced Arrays.” Wolfe agreed.

“While it is a bit sad to know that I will be dressed as a Commoner, it’s a definite step up from inscribing nothing at all. Those Inscriptions will cover nearly everything that I need to do daily, even if they seem to have a heavy bias toward housewife and not combatant.” Kira agreed.

“You know, there is no hard limit on it. I can add more combat magic to the clothing if you want.” Wolfe offered.

“Just a bit of combat magic would be nice. A little something in case we’re in trouble, like a Gravity Array and that fun split fireball spell you used on the shotguns. Grenades, I think they were called.

Unlike the Magi of old, I suspect that this generation is not going to follow along the path of the pacifist.” Kira agreed with a wink.

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