Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 443 443 In The East

Chapter 443 443 In The East

Wolfe led the small group to a group of benches that had been organized in the green space so residents could sit and talk without being disturbed.

“Take a seat, and I will place a soundproof bubble over the area so that we can talk in private.” He informed the Kitsune and his second in command, who had followed along silently behind them, watching everything around them with awe.

He was so distracted by the wonders of flying witches, faeries playing in the trees and the smell of dinner service that he didn’t even notice that everyone had stopped until he ran straight into his boss.

“Sorry, I was, well, yeah.” He mumbled.

“No worries, Dave. We’ve all been there. Plus, it smells really good. It’s been a long time since we had proper spices.” The older Kitsune agreed.

Wolfe gestured up to the platform where Stephanie was watching him from Sophie’s shoulders and made an eating gesture. New ɴᴏᴠᴇʟ ᴄhapters are published on novᴇl(ꜰ)ire.ɴet

[No problem, I will have something sent down.] The Familiar Cat laughed, then promptly ignored him again to snuggle into Sophie’s hair.

Wearing a cat like a shawl had to be hot in this weather, but Sophie didn’t seem to mind, and Wolfe could see one of the staff gathering up a cart full of trays and gesturing their way only seconds later.

“Alright, I’ve got some food ordered for us. Now, what all did you need for your people, and what sort of deal can we work out between us?” Wolfe asked.

“What we need, other than some of that food, are weapons to defend ourselves. We’ve got some from the mundane army, but that’s barely sufficient against the Monster Tide since we can’t exactly keep the artillery with us.

I brought enough trucks for all ten villages in my region near the border, and I hope you don’t think it’s presumptuous, but it was a long trip.” He explained.

“Not at all. We prefer bringing larger groups into the fold. It saves us a lot of time if we can deal with ten villages at once.

I know that you’re right at the border with the Grand Dutchies, but I don’t know anything else about your villages. Can you fill me in so I have an idea of what you might need?” Wolfe replied.

“We’re not right at the border. That’s all been shelled into oblivion. We’re a bit west on the far side of the mountain ridge that marks the edge of the Frozen Wastes.

It is a major invasion route, and every year, the Grand Dutchies try to spread further and further to look for resources.

When the continent was remade, they didn’t get much for metals or fossil fuels, and they’ve basically run out at this point. So, they’re trying to grow crops in the Frozen Wastes and exploring for oil and natural gas.

But that means they need to chase the locals away.

So, we’re constantly under attack with little notice. The only saving grace is that their presence helps herd the monsters to the southwest along the coast and toward the witches. That way, we don’t get as many of them, just the occasional small wave and the roamers.”

Wolfe nodded and looked to Kira to see if she wanted to add anything.

The Demoness shrugged and wrapped two of her tails around her friends.

“My personal goal is to get them completely out of our territory by any means necessary. But I rather like it here, so I might need to update that goal.” She shrugged.

Her father gave her a suspicious look. “You’ve gotten used to being here in all this luxury, and you’re planning to just not return, aren’t you?”

She patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t get so down about it. Think of me as an ambassador from our village to the Fae Forest. I will speak on our behalf and make sure that you’re getting everything that you need to fight the good fight.”

“You know, as the strongest of your siblings, you’re supposed to take over the leadership role.” Her father reminded her.

“But if I stay here, then my eldest brother can get the Mayor’s job that he always wanted and complained about being passed over for. He’s so devoted to trying to prove he’s worthy. It would be a shame to take that from him.” She countered.

“He’s an idiot, and none of his ideas actually work. If anything, I would pass it to your youngest brother, and he’s barely thirty.” The older man sighed.

“See, problem solved. Now, did you want Wolfe to come up with the defence supply numbers, or should we get you the list of available items, and you can pick from there based on your own tactics?” She asked.

This Ambassador thing was going to work out well for him, Wolfe thought. She could negotiate with her father better than anyone else, and he couldn’t really even argue back since he respected her so much.

“If you have a list, I think that we can come up with something. It’s hard to adapt a plan until we know what you have and what it can do.” Her father sighed.

Kira smiled at Wolfe, then winked at Cassie and Ella.

“I think that means we get to have a practical demonstration and maybe some fireworks today. This is going to be so much fun.”

“She has a point. They have never actually seen the weapons in action, only heard the reports over the radio, so they have no idea just how deadly they are or how to plan an ambush using them.” Ella reluctantly agreed.

“Do you think that we need to ambush them to win, even with your weapons? I heard that they were very good.” The second in command asked.

“On the contrary, you should ambush them because you can send a small squad to take out an entire unit if you can get the drop on them. If they don’t see you coming until you’re in position, you can eliminate hundreds of soldiers and armoured vehicles without taking any casualties.

That was our goal last winter, to try to develop a tactic that would lead us to a zero casualty battle season.” Wolfe explained.

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