Inheritor Of Magic: The Magi King

Chapter 445 445 Fireworks

Chapter 445 445 Fireworks

Wolfe lowered the sound barrier around them and activated an Air Magic spell to amplify his voice.

[Attention everyone. We will be doing a weapons demonstration for our guests over the next few minutes. Please don’t be alarmed by the noise or the light show. I appreciate your understanding.] He called out to the village.

“There, that should be enough warning for the villagers. Now I will set a barrier over the city, and we can fire straight up into it to show off the weapons and their abilities,” Wolfe explained.

He gestured for Priya to pick a weapon and placed a dome-shaped barrier over the village for her to shoot at.

“These are the standard explosive rounds. Anyone can use them, so do not under any circumstances allow them to fall into the hands of the Mundane Army.” She explained.

Then she fired up at the barrier, and a large explosion lit up the sky, bringing scattered cheering from the people watching.

Followed up by a half dozen more shots in rapid succession, it was like a fireworks show in the twilight, and then she switched to the Lightning rounds.

“These are better for disabling vehicles, and they can be modified to create an area of lightning around the point of impact so that you can disable multiple smaller vehicles if you have a Witch or Demon with you,” Priya explained, then lit up the barrier with crackling lightning.

“For the heavy machine gun, I went with [Cluster Grenade] rounds. You will have no problem dealing with infantry using these.” She laughed, then handed the weapon to Wolfe, who could more easily point it straight up since it was too heavy for most to use it without the tripod. Googlᴇ search ɴovᴇl(ꜰ)ir(e).nᴇt

Wolfe unleashed a few two to three-second bursts from the large gun, letting the grenades light up the sky and then placed the machine gun back on the ground.

“Those are the basic three of the infantry weapons. With those, we took out entire supply convoys and even a reinforcement battalion from the north.

The explosions and lightning will take out their armoured vehicles, which are usually the greatest threat, so I think this should be what you were looking for in a weapon stockpile.”

There was some scattered applause as the show ended, and everyone slowly returned to work after Wolfe lowered the barrier and turned his attention back to the Kitsune.

The older man was using his fingers and a notepad to make a calculation so that he could be completely sure that he was getting everything that he needed, but without asking for more than he could pay for.

Asking another Demon for a Favour was a tricky prospect, and a long-distance alliance only bought you so much free loot to keep up your end of the bargain.

It was clear that Wolfe’s group wouldn’t have any issues holding the western border or the nearby mountain passes, so Dali was the weak link in this situation, despite all his people’s skills and experience.

“What would you ask of us in exchange for these weapons?” The Kitsune Elder asked cautiously.

“Two things. Allegiance and manpower. I want us to work together to get rid of outside influences in the Frozen Wastes, and I need more people to make sure that it gets done.

With your help, we will have a significant force on the eastern border, and over the course of the summer, I will be going out to talk to the villages along the southern coast.

Once those agreements are made, the primary routes in and out of the Wastes will be secure, and we can start working to rebuild as a single nation. One consolidated force that can work together to secure our home.

I know I’m relatively new here, but where else could be home for a Demon or a Magi but here? Who else would take us in? This will be our place, and all who agree to live in harmony will be welcome as I work to break the curses on the land.”

The Kitsune sat in silence while he took in Wolfe’s grand vision for the future of the Frozen Wastes.

“Do you really think that you can do all that?” Dali asked.

Wolfe nodded. “I do, and I’m doing it. The Fae Forest broke the communication curses in the region, and I understand now how to do it elsewhere.

Once we get time, I am going to work on expanding the forest and the range around it where the curses are broken.

Once the communication curse between the Witches and locals is broken, we can start spreading healing and nature magic further and further out. It will increase the quality of life for the entire nation, and it will allow those Witches who have been living as nomads a chance to settle down and become productive members of a new society.”

Even Cassie and Ella were shocked by Wolfe’s speech. He had always said that he wanted to keep them safe, but a whole nation, making up the Frozen Wastes, which held so many resources and so many hidden people, would be enough to shake up the entire continent’s power balance.

“Don’t you think that will turn the humans against us?” Dali asked.

Wolfe smiled and shook his head at the man’s well-justified fears.

“Not all of them. Gormana, for sure, will be fairly easy to get on our side. I’ve already started to work out deals with their people to trade resources from our allies directly to them.

Once we have them on our side, we can start to work on their allies through them.

We have the ability to solve their resource shortages. Not in a decade, not at some vague point in the future, but this year. Once they start to realize it, we will start to get more of them on our side. When the backlash comes, we will not be alone.”

The Demon looked encouraged, and even Kira was beginning to believe Wolfe’s spiel, but the fact remained that first, they would need to get a large number of villages on board for this plan to work.

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