Vol. 4 Chapter 1.8 - Hey, you, beautiful Count. What’s your name? What’s your number?

Vol. 4 Chapter 1.8 - Hey, you, beautiful Count. What’s your name? What’s your number?

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“So what brings you here tonight?”

It was then. The raindrops that had been falling became suddenly heavier, pounding hard against the tightly closed windows. The angel hunched his shoulders in the darkness, like a poor rain-soaked kitten.

“I couldn’t sleep, so I thought I’d read a book in the study.”

“But then?”

“Because the study is past this room.”

“Did you come in to see if I was sleeping well?”

The other person nodded quietly. However, Kloff was concerned about the unfamiliar pillow placed on the bed.

“As you can see, I’m fine.”

Just as Kloff was about to say that it was alright and that Aeroc should go to sleep, the angel looked at him with an almost desperate gaze. With a short exhale, the angel turned his head away and said, “Sorry for disturbing you,” and his shoulders trembled slightly. He made a gesture as if to get off the bed, but he didn’t, and with his back turned, he made a deep appeal with his back. Although Kloff couldn’t understand Aeroc’s exact intention, he had certainly succeeded. Of course, he succeeded. Even failure would have to turn into success.

“Ah, my head is suddenly…”

“Oh my, are you okay?”

The angel approached and touched his forehead lightly. His gentle palm felt cool. It was nice.

“Do you have a fever? Are you feeling dizzy? Should I call a doctor? No, I should call one right away.”

Aeroc started to run out the door, but Kloff grabbed him in a rush.

“No, it’s not necessary. It’s just a slight headache. You don’t need to worry too much.”

“The brain is a delicate organ. You shouldn’t easily overlook any signs.”

“It’s okay, really. It’s true. I feel better now that you’ve touched me.”

What a childlike excuse. He chuckled with a bit of humility. To his surprise, the angel had been quiet, but he nodded his head shortly after.

“Maybe it’s because of that. Perhaps it’s because we’ve had less contact recently.”

Mumbling to himself, the angel tidied up the bed with a determined air of resolve. After moving the pillow to the side, he laid Kloff down and opened his arm. Then Aeroc confidently placed his own head on Kloff’s shoulder and embraced him. Kloff felt flustered. This is nice, but you’re advancing too quickly, Count. Even if you’re pregnant, you’re still quite the alpha. How unbelievably passionate.

“I’ll sleep here tonight.”

To be precise, it meant that he would sleep in Kloff’s arms. Kloff was a bit frozen, so he hesitated to say that. However, the angel made it clear that he wouldn’t accept any refusal. His hand boldly reached out and gripped the chest of Kloff’s shirt. He could feel the weight of Aeroc’s arms, relaxed and hanging naturally above him.

After wiggling into a comfortable position, the angel breathed evenly. Even though Aeroc probably hadn’t fallen asleep yet, the small sounds of breathing in the silent hours without conversation made the silence even more precious. He slightly pulled the fingertips that were resting on his solid body and stroked the silk shirt-wrapped back. He patted the angel, who hung on him naturally.

Kloff had thought of Aeroc as an alpha, but the body touching him was much softer than he had expected. Kloff realized that even if Aeroc had delicate features and a jawline at first glance, he could pass as an omega. Perhaps he looked like a slightly more masculine omega. The belly against his side was as plump as freshly baked bread. He didn’t have much fat on his limbs, but his belly was full. His pregnancy, maybe it was really true. If so, Kloff must have been a massive fool to lose his memory over his pregnant lover. How lonely must the angel have been that he sneaked into his bed at night?

Kloff grabbed him by faking pain, but in reality, the one who needed the embrace was the angel. He was clinging to him like a statue. It was really cute. How did you manage to capture a lover like this, you amnesiac wretch?

The sound of rain falling in the distance began to diminish. The air was cool, but it wasn’t the same inside the bed. Both the person who occupied the embrace and the one who gave it felt a warm body temperature. It was a peaceful night.

The morning sunlight illuminated the room brightly. His eyes woke up soon, dazzled by the sun. He rubbed his eye with one hand and realized that he couldn’t feel anything in the other arm. He turned his head. A golden light, brighter than the sunlight, dazzled his vision.

Ah, he slept with the angel.

Kloff watched Aeroc sleeping soundly in his arms. His cheeks were a little messy with tear stains from, perhaps, crying in his sleep, yet it made him look so endearing. If they hadn’t been in any kind of relationship, Kloff had thought of trying to flirt with him. However, in the blink of an eye, they were sharing a bed. It was really great that such beauty was so proactive.

They were facing each other, and his hand naturally found its way to his waist. Kloff cautiously stroked it. There was a child inside this. Kloff had his doubts about how an Alpha could be pregnant and whether he truly was even an Alpha. Still, Kloff didn’t doubt the fact of his pregnancy. Even if it was a lie, Kloff wanted to believe it as the truth. At the same time, Kloff felt a pang of regret for not remembering the relationship that they had. Surely, those must have been joyful and blissful moments. Kloff hoped for those memories to come back to him soon.

To be honest, even if his memories didn’t return at all, Kloff would be fine. This was better, the current himself was cherishing an irreplaceable lover, unlike that bad-tempered lout. Besides, even without memories, Kloff was young enough to just create new ones in the future.

Kloff was a bit worried about when he could return to his accounting work. With a child on the way, as a father, Kloff had to provide for his partner and the child. Maybe managing the Count’s estate properly would be enough… but Kloff stopped himself from going down that train of thought as he felt like a con trying to woo a lonely widow. Nevertheless, the angel’s tendency to overspend had to be addressed. With all that extravagant spending, they might end up thrown out of this mansion before the child was even born. It wouldn’t matter if they weren’t in any relationship, but since they had a child together now, it would be bad if they became broke. Perhaps they should discuss major expenses in the future.

Kloff lightly stroked Aeroc’s pale cheek with his thumb. He didn’t want to wake him, but Aeroc was just too adorable to resist.


Kloff hugged him tighter as he snuggled closer, mumbling against the tickle. He seemed to be making a worried expression in his dreams, furrowing his brows a few times. The angel’s fingers twitched over the neatly placed fingers on the pillow. Kloff held onto his hand firmly. His delicate eyelashes trembled as he made faint moans. After a moment, teardrops trickled down his nose.

“I’m sorry, I love you.”

A weak confession escaped his mumbling lips. Kloff wasn’t sure what he was apologizing for, but Kloff knew who he was sorry to. His past self before losing his memory. Just for what reason did Aeroc apologize and express love at the same time? Kloff felt a pang of jealousy as much as he felt pity. This was such a foolish feeling for himself, yet Klopp didn’t know what to do with it.

Unable to hold back, Kloff left a light kiss on Aeroc’s trembling lips. Despite being lovers, it was undoubtedly a stolen kiss. He felt a sense of guilt for molesting someone asleep, but at the same time, a secretive desire sent shivers down his spine. The pulsating sensation of a living, breathing heartbeat was wonderful. Kloff stole more kisses from Aeroc. Lightly at first, and then deeper. Their lips met, and there were sounds of their lips meeting and separating. Still, the angel remained asleep. Kloff grew bolder and bolder. Using his tongue, Kloff parted Aeroc’s lips and ventured deeper. Despite his pitiful expression, Aeroc accepted the kiss without resistance.

Even with the rather deep kiss, Aeroc only whimpered in his sleep rather than waking up. He exhaled in various colors, releasing a colorful array of breaths. How could a person be so lovely? Kloff pulled Aeroc back into his arms and held him close. He wanted to stay like this for hours.

During the kiss, his vigorous vitality seemed to be redirected elsewhere. No matter how strong his self-control, continuing until there would be truly a crime. Kloff managed to restrain himself. Instead, Kloff explored Aeroc’s smooth back, his waist, and his agile, tight buttocks. Those tight buttocks fit perfectly in his one hand. Kloff took his time, allowing his fingertips to feel every sensation.

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