Vol. 4 Chapter 3 - Lucid dream

Vol. 4 Chapter 3 - Lucid dream

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Two tiny hands stretched eagerly towards Aeroc. Straining against his tummy, he tried to wiggle up and stretched his arms out again. When he couldn’t reach, he grunted and kicked his short legs vigorously. It seemed like he was trying to crawl.

The baby’s kicks stirred Kloff from his sleep and he frowned. Raising his arm without opening his eyes, he deftly scooped the squirming baby up and patted him on the back. He mumbled something, but the strength quickly left his hands. The baby giggled again and crawled towards Aeroc, who was now much closer.

He spread his arms wide and demanded to be picked up. The spear in Aeroc’s chest melted away as he hugged the baby with the sweet smell of milk.


A small hand touched Aeroc’s cheek. Aeroc grabbed it and kissed its palm. The baby tickled and purred.

My lovely baby, Lenoc.

In an instant, the foreignness that had dominated Aeroc’s senses since he left the garden was broken. It was not Rapiel. This was heaven where Lenoc existed, not hell. His reality returned as he breathed in the child’s breath.

“Hello, my baby.”

Aeroc’s voice trembled for some reason. How could he have forgotten Lenoc when he hadn’t let go of this baby, not the day before, not yesterday, not this morning, not until he went for a walk in the garden alone just now.

“Did you sleep well?”


Aeroc kissed the baby’s tiny forehead and laughed with him. The baby leaned back comfortably in his arms. It was time for him to be hungry. The milk bottle needed to be heated. The afternoon break would be over, and the resting servants would soon be working again.

The man who had been working on diplomatically crucial economic negotiations and hadn’t been home for several days in a row was quite unconscious of himself. Kloff had insisted that it wasn’t right to leave childcare to Aeroc, so he had insisted himself on putting Lenoc down for a nap, but he ended up getting knocked out first. And that made Aeroc go for a walk in the garden and have a weird dream.


Kloff didn’t even stir when his alter copy reached out a tiny hand and urged him to get up. There was no way Aeroc was going to be able to move this behemoth, so he had to leave Kloff alone. Aeroc decided to just cover him with a blanket. Aeroc held Lenoc in one hand and pulled the blanket over him with the other.

“Daddy’s tired, so let’s go get some food.”

Still unable to comprehend words, Lenoc fumbled with his hands. As Aeroc started to get up, he was suddenly grabbed by the hand.

“Don’t… go.”

A hoarse voice said.

“Are you awake?”


“Sorry, I was loud.”

“No. More like from your scent.”

With a grunt, Kloff barely opened his eyes, barely able to lift himself. Aeroc had thought Kloff had amazing senses, but to be awakened by a smell that wasn’t even a sound. He was a beast, indeed. The man with the dog snout circled his arms around the waist of the man in front of him.

“You’re heavy. I’m carrying Lenoc, and it’s not safe to lean on me like that.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay.”

“It’s not okay.”

Ignoring the protest, with half-open eyes, he waved at the smiling Lenoc.

“Did my boy sleep well? Are you excited?”

Kloff made a good snorting noise, unabashedly. It came back to Aeroc’s mind that he’d done this amazing thing before, where he’d sat Lenoc down and rhymed with strange nursery rhymes. The more he learned about Kloff, the more he was a new human being.

“I have to feed Lenoc his yums, let go.”

“Me too, yums.”


Goosebumps ran down his spine and Aeroc almost punched him. But instead, Kloff took his hand and kissed it. Not on the lips, but on the middle of the palm, and then on each finger. It had been over a year since they had spent the night together, but every time he did this, Aeroc blushed like a tomato.

“W-What are you doing in broad daylight?”

As Aeroc took his alphabet away from embarrassment, Kloff replied back, “I’m begging for love, holding the hand of a cold lover who won’t even give me a good morning kiss and ask me if I had a good sleep.”

“Shut up. What morning, it’s already afternoon. If you’re going to get up, get up quickly.”

“You’re cold. I’m hurt.”

“What trickery are you trying to do?”

Aeroc shook his head, not wanting to show his red face, and turned to leave the study. He could hear Kloff approaching. Before Aeroc could open the door, Kloff swept him and Lenoc up from behind in one sweeping embrace. He planted a quick kiss on Lenoc’s cheek before burying his lips in the nape of Aeroc’s neck.


“Hmph. It’s always best to wake myself up with your scent.”

“You pervert.”

Still not listening, Kloff smirked at Aeroc, who turned away, a shiver running down his spine.

“I’m done with my work. I’m free tonight.”

“What’s that got to do with me?”

“It does.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It does.”

Aeroc refrained himself from fighting back that there was no such thing. There was no point in getting involved in a childish argument, it would be better for him to just ignore it. Aeroc opened the door and left the study. Let’s just feed Lenoc some food, spend the afternoon discussing gardening with Hugo, and then read the book he had been putting off. The other person was free, so he could leave Lenoc to him at full charge.

He was sure that everything went as he planned until the discussion with Hugo. But Aeroc’s plans for reading were dashed when Lenoc, having eaten his food and expelled his natural waste products, crawled excitedly around the playroom with his dad for the first time in a long time, then suddenly collapsed into a breakdown and fell asleep.

* * *

“Come on, we are alone now.”

Aeroc took an involuntary step back at the sight of Kloff approaching, loosening his tie.

“N-Now? Everyone’s still awake.”

“I’ve been waiting weeks. My work, and then Lenoc. Give me a reward.”

“This isn’t a reward, it’s extortion.”

“Whatever. I’ll take what I want.”

“How greedy! This guy…….”

The smirk on Kloff’s face was so handsome that Aeroc forgot what he was going to say. A lump of smooth flesh slipped between his half-parted lips.

Hot air filled the room. Aeroc covered his mouth with the back of his hand, unable to hold back a moan at the violent gesture. Kloff grabbed the hand and sucked on the inside of the wrist, leaving red marks, and captured the gasping Aeroc’s lips. He tasted white-hot climax again and again before he reached his physiological end as a man. His head was melting.



He followed the voice that called to him relentlessly. It didn’t matter what he gave, whether it was pleasure or pain. It only mattered that they were together. After several rounds of mind-numbing sensations, the alpha finally climaxed, and as if to declare his possession, he began to inflate the member that filled his mate’s body. A dull ache followed.


“Sorry. I should have pulled out sooner.”

“You’re not sorry at all, what a lie.”

“Did I get caught?”

Smiling shamelessly, he whispered his love. The energy to be angry, even as a joke, was gone. Aeroc just relaxed into his embrace and caught his breath. He loved the comfort of Kloff’s weight. Even though his hips ached like they were going to rip out.

There was nothing like falling asleep in the arms of the one you love, and as Kloff whispered his love endlessly, Aeroc thought the world could end as it was. Kloff was a little, no, a lot, wild, selfish, and brash, but he was the most loving man Aeroc had ever known, and that was enough.

* * *

Two months later.

“It’s not like I’m a foaling mare!”

With his face red from morning sickness, he snapped at the culprit of it.

“You said you wanted to have six.”

The shameless opponent brought him water. Aeroc gritted his teeth. But Kloff didn’t even notice that, just pulled Aeroc into a tight embrace and started patting him. Damn hormones. Despite his anger, the nausea began to subside.

“I didn’t ask you to have one every year.”

Aeroc grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and gave him a quick shake. Kloff snorted with laughter. Aeroc reflexively pressed his lips together and said, “Hmph!” and turned his head away.

“Let’s finish it while we’re still young.”

“You shameless human, even a stallion in heat would be more chaste than your lower half!”

“A stallion and a mare. Last time, our baby was a puppy, how about a foal this time?”

Kloff was a professional in switching the subject.

“You don’t listen to me, do you?”

“We have an alpha son already, so I hope the baby will be an omega girl this time.”

Kloff ran a hand through Aeroc’s hair and said, “I want her to be blonde, like you.” Aeroc unknowingly nodded at his gentle touch.

“…A girl… Oh, no. This is not the time to talk about that.”

“I love you.”

His lips touched the top of Aeroc’s head. Feeling that pressure made his heart pound heavily.

“Shut up.”

Aeroc forced himself to sound angry,

“I love you.”

But it was impossible.

“I love you.”

With the repetition of his confession again and again.

“……I love you too.”

He could only reply back.

<Side Story 3 end>.

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