Vol. 5 ITRG Volume 5 Chapter 6

Vol. 5 ITRG Volume 5 Chapter 6

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On their second meeting, after harassing Aeroc with his gaze, Bendyke left the room, saying he would use the library for a moment. He returned quickly. It was the speed of someone who knew where the library was. Perhaps he asked a servant for the location.

Bendyke held out a book to him. It was the familiar bookbinding. It was the book he’d read over and over again, .

“Read this to me.”

“You want me to read this aloud?”

The book was written in the national language. Since this man had graduated with distinction from the capital university, it is hard possible that he couldn’t read the national language.

“I don’t think you’re that old to have presbyopia.”

“It’s good if you read it silently, but if you want to read it aloud, that’s fine too.”

Did he want Aeroc to read this book? He was treating Aeroc like a young tutoring student. Never mind about anything else, it’s best not to provoke when it came to Aeroc’s intellect. Aeroc’s displeasure at the insult was palpable.

“I’ve read this book. Don’t try to test my intellect at your level!”

“I know. This is the Count’s favourite book.”

“Then why?”

“I’d like to watch you read the book, if that’s too much to ask.”

Aeroc didn’t know how to react to this increasingly difficult request. While there was a place for voyeurism in perverse sexuality, it is not the surreptitious prying into the lives of others or the observation of intensely personal sexual activities such as masturbation. Aeroc didn’t know where it stood on the spectrum of perversion when Bendyke openly declared that he wanted to watch people read. Ignorance would breed fear.

“If reading it is hard for you, I can also ask for something else.”

There was more reasons to read now. Instead of reading aloud, Aeroc opted for silent reading. As Aeroc flipped through the hardcover, which he had opened many times before, he suddenly became curious.

How did Bendyke know that was his favourite? Moreover, Aeroc kept his favourite books on a special shelf in the library. It was in a place where it would never be found according to the usual book catalog, so how did he find it?

No, Aeroc didn’t want to know the answer to that, it must be just a coincidence. Bendyke happened to find the special shelf, and there he found a book with a disheveled bookbinding. He must have thought that it was well-worn, because a new book with a dishevelled binding meant it’s been read often. It was purely just a coincidence.

Shaking off the sourceless bad premonition, Aeroc flipped through the pages, one by one. Trying to ignore the curious stare.

It’s his favourite book, and he could easily focus on any part of it at any time, but somehow Aeroc couldn’t get into it today. He would flip to a few pages and then back to the front. He blamed it all on the unrelenting gaze.

Aeroc tried to soften the words, but he felt like he was about to be pounced like an animal at any time. Bendyke, who should be proud of the fact that he had always acted beyond Aeroc’s expectations, was really doing nothing.

He merely looked over Aeroc’s side in an arrogant manner. No, the intense gaze he cast, his index finger raised to his cheek and head tilted slightly, was more like licking Aeroc than staring. Amusement shone from the corners of Bendyke’s eyes.

“What’s so funny?”

“Do I look like I’m having fun?”

“You’ve been smiling.”

Bendyke rubbed the corners of his mouth as he realised he was smiling. But his overall demeanour hadn’t changed. In fact, he was now grinning from ear to ear. It was uncomfortable. Aeroc unwound his crossed legs and rewound them again. The pages rattled nervously.

“You don’t have to be conscious of me.”

What a thoughtless thing to say. Irritation surged through Aeroc.

“As long as we’re in the same room, you can do whatever you want. If you’re bored with reading, how about meditating or taking a nap?”

He was trying to be “considerate”, pretending he wasn’t there. Aeroc was stunned. Even a cat preying on a mouse would use more sophisticated tricks than that. A cat to a mouse. Aeroc was horrified by his own analogy.

He didn’t want to sleep, or meditate in peace. When one was in a room with someone they didn’t want to make eye contact with, reading was an effective form of self-defense. Aeroc’s gaze fell on the page he was reading for the fifth time.

“The sun is setting.”

When Aeroc couldn’t stay still and wiggled his toes in his shoes, Bendyke suddenly spoke up. It was a declaration of a transition in their situation. Aeroc slammed the book shut, feeling more of a rush of relief than fear. He wanted to get this over with before he completely went out of his mind. They might be doing it for real this time, as Bendyke finally shifted his heavy body.

“What will you do now?”

“What do you think?”

Aeroc had already been prepared from before. Aeroc steadied his breathing, keeping his eyes on Bendyke. Passing the small table, the man took Aeroc’s hand and kissed it.

It was a ritual of worship. It was a fairly polite start for the dastardly sex maniac fraud. To do that, he grabbed Aeroc’s wrist and, just by bending his impressive physique as if reaching the ceiling, showcased the charms he possessed. The fearful anticipation excited Aeroc. He didn’t welcome this feeling, but he wasn’t the kind of person who was self-deluded enough to deny his excitement. Since it had come to this, he also had a twisted determination to see the nakedness of a man of his stature. If it hurt, he would scream. Until his strong pride fell apart. Aeroc could teach him the hard way that he was nothing more than a stallion in heat.

A hint of breath escaped his lips. It was hot enough to burn. How far would it reach, would it leave a mark that could not be repaired in a single encounter, would it set Aeroc ablaze with fiery desire every night like the mark of a cursed devil? He didn’t know. The continent of sexuality was full of darkness. He feared how far Bendyke, the devil incarnate, would lead him into that darkness.

Aeroc’s life, with its stars of misfortune and chaos, had recently taken a turn for the worse. This time was no different. Bendyke announced his departure with a straight face.

“What? Is that all you’ll do?”

Aeroc’s expression relaxed in surprise. The darkness in his spinning head had just lifted and spread with fierce intensity. Aeroc felt a burning sensation in the centre of his chest, a deep sense of disappointment, followed by a blur of relief that he had escaped another day. His feelings were mixed.

“No way.”

Those simple words added a dizzying layer of confusion to an otherwise complicated judgment.

“I mean…… Didn’t you want to go until the end today?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t live up to your expectations. It’s just not my preference to have our bodies mixed together without a proper emotional exchange. Though I suppose I could if I really wanted to.”

The corner of Bendyke’s mouth quirked up at that. Aeroc jumped to his feet, unable to hide his flushed face.

“Who says I want that? I’m just asking you to honour the contract.”

“I’ve never broken the contract.”

“You’ve already made two requests for a private meeting. My time is too expensive to give that to you indefinitely.”

Bendyke was silent for a moment as Aeroc stood up in protest. Then he stepped closer. It was intimidating, but Aeroc’s stubborn alpha pride kept him from stepping back. Even if he wanted to step back, he couldn’t because the chair was blocking his way. His head tilted back as he tried to glare at the fraud.

Bendyke crooked his index finger and slowly stroked the tip of Aeroc’s jaw with his gnarled nail. A dangerous pleasure flowed from the man. Aeroc didn’t know if it was fear or anticipation that made him shiver.

“It seems like you’re still in the habit of not reading contracts carefully. If you keep this up, you might end up becoming a beggar.”


“Our contract doesn’t say anything about the number of meetings, just that you’ll give me the time and space that I request.”

The words made the back of Aeroc’s head tingle. Aeroc stared at him in disbelief, then let out his frustration a beat too late.

“You despicable fraud!”

“When you say it with those eyes, it sounds like a compliment.”


In a fit of rage, Aeroc stumbled into a dizzy spell, and Bendyke moved further from him. As the man headed for the doorway, he smiled thinly.

“I’m looking forward to our next meeting, Aeroc.”

* * *

An invitation from the Duchess of Clayton had arrived. It was an invitation to share a cup of tea with no particular purpose. Aeroc had been rude previously, so this time he was careful to arrive on time to not cause any misunderstandings. The Duchess’s servant escorted Aeroc to the indoor greenhouse.

The tea table was quite large, set in a greenhouse filled with rare broadleaf trees and flowers and live foliage specially flown in from the tropics. There were three seats.

“Aeroc, I see you’re not late today.”

“Good afternoon, Your Grace.”

He inclined his head toward the sound of the voice. He kissed the back of her fingerless, net-gloved hand. When the Duchess looked up with that wonderful smile he’d come to expect from her, Aeroc’s face twisted involuntarily. It was because he caught a glimpse of the face of the man who was escorting the Duchess.


Bendyke tilted his head while calling him with a casual title.

“Why is this man here?”

“I have the right to invite anyone to my house as I please.”

“But this man’s title and character are unworthy of your grace’s dignity.”

“Are you trying to judge my dignity? That is very rude.”

The Duchess furrowed her brow and rebuked Aeroc.

“I apologise.”

“I know you are very unkind to Mr Bendyke, but don’t lose your face by showing your true colours. You represent the aristocracy here.”

The Duchess of Clayton was right, Aeroc was the only aristocrat here. The Duchess was royalty, and Bendyke was gentry.

“It’s hard for me to walk alone, my joints are very weak. I need your help.”

The Duchess, who had just been escorted by Bendyke and had blithely ignored that fact, held out her hand to Aeroc. Taking Aeroc’s arm, the Duchess of Clayton leaned comfortably against him. He started to walk slowly towards the tea table, but the Duchess shook her hand.

“Not there, but to my bedroom.”


“I’ll be the first to excuse myself today. I’ve been walking for quite a bit and I’m very tired.”

“Then what will you do about that man?”

“He wants a tour of the castle, so you can show him around.”

Aeroc was blown away by the Duchess’s whim. As he finished escorting her to her bedroom, Bendyke approached as if he’d been waiting.

“What did you do to get the Duchess so out of sorts?”

“Just walking through the greenhouse and the garden.”

“Just a walk and she’s like that?”

“It was a long walk.”

Aeroc frowned, and Bendyke held up his hands.

“I’m not foolish enough to argue with a duchess of great influence. We had been walking all this time after the luncheon, so she must be tired.”

“Luncheon? Have you been here since this morning?”

“Since last night, to be precise.”

“I know the Duchess is a generous woman, but she really does let anyone stay here now.”

They were in front of the Duchess’s bedroom. It was an inappropriate place to raise an argument. Aeroc started walking, and Bendyke followed. Through a long corridor and down a flight of stairs, they passed through a small door leading outside, into a neatly manicured backyard. Despite his rapid pace, Bendyke kept a steady distance between them.

“You’re quite familiar with Clayton Castle.”

“I’ve been here often.”

Aeroc answered without turning to face the voice behind him.

“Viscount Derbyshire, Viscount Westport, even the Duchess of Clayton. I didn’t realise you had the attention of so many great aristocrats in the capital.”

“They’re being considerate to me as a young heir. And it’s not only me.”

“That’s unusual, even for being considerate. I was interrogated from last night until just now.”


Aeroc stopped walking at that and turned around. Bendyke was much closer to him than he had thought.

“She was prying into my background, my career, and my connections. She even wanted to know how my maid Martha’s husband died. I’m sure by now her loyal servant is checking every last detail of my story for authenticity.”

“The Duchess of Clayton is notorious for her eccentricities, and as you say, she has taken a liking to you, so she must have wanted to know every single nook about you.”

“Well, I wonder if it is really so. Then, I don’t know why she didn’t investigate me when you entrusted me to manage your trusts.”

“What are you trying to say?”

“You’re loved by a lot more people than you realise.”

The words made Aeroc burst out laughing.

“So, are you jealous?”


Denying it brazenly, Bendyke was silent for a moment, then spoke.

“I just realised how shocked and hurt you must have been when they turned their backs on you so coldly.”

“You son of a bitch!”

Aeroc exploded, his grip tightening on the man’s muzzle.

“Are you threatening me?”

“Oh, I have misspoken. No, that’s not what I’m saying.”

“Don’t lie to me! You’re trying to discredit me over that damn contract, aren’t you?”

His knuckles turned white with exasperation. Bendyke put one hand over Aeroc’s and wrapped his other arm around his stiffened waist. Their bodies were now pressed together. But Aeroc still held his grip, glaring at the other man as if to kill him.

“I do not do such things.”

“You expect me to believe that? Do you think I’m a fool?”

“I misspoke, it’s my mistake.”

With that, Bendyke slowly lowered his head. Thinking they were going to kiss, Aeroc shuddered and turned his head away. He released his grip on the other’s muzzle and pushed him away. But as it turned out, there was no way to win against this man in terms of power. Bendyke pressed his lips to Aeroc’s ear and slid slowly away. This was an open garden. He didn’t know where or how the eyes watching them might appear. The tension culminated when the firm lips brushed his cheek.

“I don’t want to destroy your world. I want it to stay the way it is, made up of pure selfishness and clever arrogance.”

“You’re already destroying my world.”

“Am I?”

“Don’t pretend you don’t know.”

Aeroc became furious at his dirty pretence, yet Bendyke made a troubled expression. His grip on Aeroc loosened, and Aeroc used the opportunity to push him away and create a distance.

“Do you even know where we are? Think about your behaviour before you make some childish pretence of protecting my world. My life is already in shambles because of you.”

“Am I that much trouble to you?”

“Of course you are.”

Then Bendyke gave Aeroc an ambiguous smile.

“I don’t know whether to be pleased or worried.”

“Just say that you’re happy, isn’t that what you wanted.”

Bendyke was about to say something. Aeroc would give him a hit if he were to say nonsense, like he hadn’t meant to do this, or that the overly-conscious Aeroc was unusual. But in the end, Bendyke didn’t open his mouth. “I’ll be more careful in the future,” he said instead, his intentions unclear.

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