Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 440 - Autograph

However, before Krune thinks about it, there is a more significant issue to talk about.

"Anyway, I will test it later. What about Cinty? They now know about her Divine Path Realm cultivation. First of all, how did they even find about it?"


Heavin then commented.

"I don't know how, but the timing was way too good. So it was definitely those elders of the Dragon and Phoenix Races. Most likely, they found about it when they were looking for Liriu. Surprisingly, this was nothing more than a coincidence."

Of course, there was still the issue about Cinty being inside the Anti-Divine Protection Formation. But since Krune's group can use Mental Energy to pry inside. Those elders might have a way of doing something similar. It is not like they are unique in the Universe.

Cinty then shrugged her shoulders while spreading her arms.

"What else can we do? Nothing. At least, they probably think that it was Wally who intervened, so such an attack shouldn't come again. Light Spirit said that the price to send an item like that down is too high. In that case, I should be fine for the time being. Also, I'm the only Wisp in the Divine Path Realm at the moment, so they shouldn't be seeing it as something that serious."

Feifei then sat down and used her Destiny Divine Soul to help her make divination of Cinty's future. It wasn't detailed divination, just a very simple life or death in the future. After a few minutes, she opened her eyes again and said.

"Because of the difference in cultivation, I can't see more than 2 to 3 months ahead. Also, the most I can do is see if you would be alive during that time. Anyway, it seems like there is nothing dangerous for the time being. Of course, because I told you this information, your actions from now on aren't going to be the same as if I haven't. So there is still a small risk due to the butterfly effect."

Cinty nodded and thanked Feifei.

"Alright. Since there is no danger, let's go back to our own things for the time being."

It was then that Feifei remembered something else.

"How did you know that Cinty was being targeted?"

Krune then opened his communicator.

"This guy sent me a message saying that the Dalin Universe knows about Cinty's cultivation. It was also him who told me about the incoming attack. However, I have never seen this ID before. He said that this was his way of thanking me for the Purple Flame Life Dew Pill. That being said, he is the guy Olave told me he would give the pill too."

Cinty wanted to thank him as well.

"Can't you contact him back? I would like to thank him for that."

Krune nodded and then tried. But doesn't matter how many time he called, no one answered. He also tried to contact Olave to get that information, but that was no good either.

"It seems like he doesn't want to talk. Anyway, this is his ID, you can try to call it back later."

Cinty nodded and made sure to save it.

Krune then returned home with Feifei and Fie. When they got back, Feifei couldn't help but hug him.

"You take way too many risks."

Krune just laughed.

"Not this time, though. Light Spirit was the one in command. Also, the one being targeted was Cinty, not me. So the one who really took risks was her."

Feifei narrowed her eyes and said.

"Do you take me for a fool? What if, during the time Cinty was being attacked, those Divinity Realm guys appeared? What would you do then? I get it, you couldn't simply let Cinty die like that. The Dalin Universe Protection Formation was the only way to stop that Stellar Needle long enough. Still..."

Fie also looked at Krune and nodded.

"Mother is right. This time you had no other choice due to the circumstances. But Father shouldn't intervene in every problem that happens. Also, what mother is furious about is the fact that you didn't bring her with you."

Krune smiled bitterly. He couldn't fool the two girls, after all.

"Alright, alright. I will take more care in the future."

That Night, Krune made some food just for the three of them and put all the training aside. Later, Fie went to sleep, and the couple was left alone to enjoy their night together. 

Krune only returned to his alchemy practice the next day.

He was close to reaching the Five Diamond Stars Level, so he wanted to finish it before going back to Blacksmithing. 


While Krune and the others were busy with their own things, somewhere else in Dalin Universe, a young man was looking through some information in his communicator. In fact, judging by his aura, he was definitely a Demon Beast in human form.

"Laex found a Dracophoenix?"

After that, he watched a video. Surprisingly, it was a recording of the call between Laex and his Uncle. The same last call before Laex broke his communicator.

The guy's mouth couldn't help but twitch, seeing that terrible play.

"Who the hell would believe that pretense of yours? Just what is this idiot doing?"

He then closed the video and called a different ID. Not long after, the call was answered.

"Hey, idiot. What the hell was that play? Also, why didn't you tell me about the Dracophoenix?"

Surprisingly, the one showing on the other side was none else other than Laex himself.

"What? Did you like it that much? Don't worry, this grandfather will give you his autograph later. Of course, nothing in this world is for free, so I will have to charge you a few Spirit Stones. However, since you are a friend, I will give you a discount."

The guy didn't want anything else other than kick Laex at that moment.

"Fuck you! Who the hell would want your autograph? I would rather pay to never see it in my life instead."

Soon, he noticed that he got dragged in the wrong direction.

"Forget it. Let me see the Dracophoenix."

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