Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 448 - Triwater Sisters

Somewhere else in the Luvile Universe, Shinja, Yusa, and Lofa were cultivating in the frozen Planet that Shinja's Master, Lua, introduced before. The Planet of Zalein. (Refer to chapter 186)

Shinja had got permission from Lua to bring the other two here. Just like her, Yusa and Lofa also specialize in Water Element. This Planet was also the one with a big hole that led to the Planet's core. As mentioned before, this Planet was different from the normal ones. Its core had long since died, and the deeper you went, the colder it got.


Shinja was cultivating at a distance of 150km down, while Yusa and Lofa were at 100km or so. Lua had mentioned that the right distance for Soul Forging Realm is around 80km. Still, due to their Elemental Meridians, Yusa, Lofa, and Shinja could go way further. Especially Shinja, who has a Pure Yin Body.

The three girls had stayed here for over two years already, and there were no men in sight. It is not that this Planet doesn't receive male cultivators and demon beasts, but that they would practice their water laws on the other side of the Planet. The Divine Path Sect had prepared this Planet like many others for one to entirely focus on cultivation and Laws Comprehension. That being said, the Sect made its best to eliminate any distractions for both sides.

Due to her Pure Yin body and this special environment, Shinja was able to advance to the 4th Stage of the Soul Forging Realm. In fact, she could have gone further, but she stopped to comprehend the Laws too. One must remember that only recently did Krune send the Divine Path Sect the Mind Splitting technique, so they got it quite later than Krune and the others.

Yusa and Lofa were also in the Soul Forging Realm, but both girls were only at the 1st Stage. Of course, compared to the other girls who entered the Sect at the same time as them, Yusa and Lofa's cultivation speed is frightening.

Yusa and Lofa were cultivating beside each other when suddenly, Yusa asked Lofa with a Divine Sense message.

"So, is it really okay to not see Tasier for this long?"

Lofa was startled with that question, and she almost lost control over her Spiritual Energy. If that happened, she would need to go up as fast as possible to prevent the cold energy from damaging her body. Fortunately, she regained her concentration fast enough to drive the cold energy away again.

"Where did that come from?!"

Yusa couldn't help but sigh.

"So there is still nothing... I can't help but feel sorry for Tasier."

Lofa got a little red hearing that. In fact, she would be a lot redder, but the environment prevented it from showing up too much.

"It's not like there was nothing..."

Hearing that, Yusa's eyes immediately shined.

"Oh?! Tell me more!"

Unfortunately, Lofa dodged the topic.

"What about you? Don't you have anyone?"

Yusa laughed.

"Nope! I'm as free as a bird! Besides, which man would be brave enough to take me?"

Lofa nodded vigorously after hearing that.

"That's true, it would be a suicide mission."

Yusa couldn't help but twitch.

"Wasn't this supposed to be the moment that you comfort me?"

Lofa looked at Yusa through the corner of her eyes and snorted.

"As if someone like you need to be comforted."

Suddenly, Shinja came back from her time cultivating and passed by Yusa and Lofa.

"I'm going up. Are you up to go to the Ice Arena?"

Lofa and Yusa smiled at each other and nodded.

"Sure thing!"

The ice arena was a place prepared for the Sect where one could test their ability against the others. It was positioned halfway to the place where the men cultivated. There was only one rule. Doesn't matter what kind of skill you use, all of them had to have water element and laws in its composition.

Although the arena was open for everyone to fight each other, the fact is that this place became a gender's fight. It was always a man against a woman. Rarely you would one see a fight of the same gender. The Sect and the masters of this place didn't stop it, though. With the number of people and beasts of the Sect, it was too hard to not find a worthy match.

After those two years here, Shinja, Lofa, and Yusa ended being called the Triwater Sisters. The three of them often did group battles and rarely lost. Even when they did lose, it was because the opponents usually had much higher cultivation levels. That goes to show just how terrifying the Myriad Energies Technique is.

Today, it was no different, the three joined together. Soon, several groups of three also offered to challenge the girls. But just as they were about to accept the challenges, a new group that they had never seen before appeared.

Shinja's group couldn't be blamed. After all, those three were not part of the Divine Path Sect, but from the Spiritas Kingdom, one of the Big Four. This group had two women and one man. They had come this time around as a program of training between disciples. The Divine Path Sect had also sent some of their own to the Spiritas Kingdom for the same purpose.

Obviously, there were a lot more members of the Spiritas Kingdom around this time. Still, only this group had a level similar to Shinja, Lofa, and Yusa. They had heard about the Triwater Sisters, so they decided to wait here until those three appeared. 

Sure enough, they immediately challenged Shinja's group.

"Very well, we accept. However, you do know the rules, right?"

The enemies' cultivations were between the 2nd and 4th Stage of the Soul Forging Realm, quite similar. But Shinja could tell that the woman at the same Stage of cultivation as her wasn't simple.

"Yes, the three of us are also Water Element and Laws experts, so you don't need to worry. By the way, I'm Hiasa, the other girl beside me is Juna, and the man Koley."

Shinja smiled and introduced her group, as well.

"I'm Shinja, my two friends here are Lofa and Yusa."

They didn't waste more time with pleasantries and immediately entered the arena for group battles. The Divine Path Sect always kept some higher cultivation members to prevent any mishaps, so this time around, this group battle also had a judge. An 8th Stage Void Breaking Realm Demon Beast of the Inner Sect.

Everyone gathered around to watch. It wasn't every day that they received visitors from the Big Four, not to mention that they were fighting the infamous Triwater Sisters. Many cultivators and demon beasts immediately stopped their cultivation and used the teleport formations to come to this place after receiving the news.

The judge looked at both sides and nodded.

"You can start whenever you want. If I see that a victor was decided, I will stop the battle. If you insist on continue with your attacks, don't blame me for being harsh. That's all."

Shinja, Yusa, Lofa immediately entered a combat formation and attacked straight away. Shinja was the main attacker while Lofa and Yusa gave support. The other side wasn't slow either and started with a combat formation of their own. 

Both Hiasa and Shinja seemed extremely confident in their attack skills. With both sides giving their support to the two girls, the attacks quickly arrive.

"Ice Ray!"

"Water Nova!"


Water Element and Laws hit each other, and both attacks were nullified. Both sides had used their companions Spiritual Energy and laws to increase the attack's power, but they were evenly matched. Seeing that, Hiasa and Shinja couldn't help but show a hint of Surprise. It was really hard to find an opponent at the same level that could match their powers.



This time, they didn't hold back anymore. Skills, attacks, movement techniques, illusions, clones, everything they used had water elements and water laws behind. Sometimes, Shinja's group would be on the winning side, others they would be suppressed. But be it Shinja, Yusa, Lofa, Hiasa, Juna, or Koley, everyone could see that they seemed to be having a lot of fun.

Unfortunately for Shinja's group, they missed a timing defense, and Hiasa's group quickly seized the chance. With a combination of the water skills, Shinja and the others couldn't hold the attacks anymore and were defeated. The judge immediately appeared between the two groups and announced.

"Hiasa's group is the winner of this match."

All the spectators went into an uproar. This battle was a real eye-opener for everyone who is specialized in water elements and laws. Even though their sect members lost, it was really a close call. Until the very end, they couldn't tell which side would emerge as victors.

Shinja, Yusa, and Lofa got up and sighed. They lost fair and square. Even though Juna and Koley had slightly higher cultivation than Yusa and Lofa, it wouldn't serve as an excuse, nor did they intended to use it.

Hiasa's group wasn't much better. They had several wounds and were almost without any Spiritual and Elemental Source Energies remaining.

Haisa came forward to compliment Shinja, but it was at this moment that Shinja asked.

"You have a Yin Major Divine Soul, right?"

Hiasa was taken aback but then laughed.

"Yes, what about you?"

Shinja shook her head.

"I don't, but I do have a Pure Yin Body. However, you don't need to worry. I have no intention of saying that I lost because of that. It just means that we haven't trained hard enough."

Hiasa was surprised to hear that. Still, she smiled and replied.

"We are going to stay here in the Divine Path Sect for two years. Let's have a few more battles in the future. Besides, I also want to challenge you in a one vs. one."

Shinja laughed and nodded.

"Sure, I'm up for it anytime."

Shinja, Yusa, and Lofa will have a lot to do for the time being.

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