Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 450 - Lakin And The Wisp Race

On a planet somewhere in the Divine Path Sect Territory, Lakin and Cassy were cultivating. After over a decade, those two ended up together just as everyone expected. However, they did not have children like others. Not that they didn't want, but that they didn't have time to take care of them.

Lakin used Lucio's authority to acquire an empty land of the size of a country on the planet of Junan. Although this planet is populated, several places had barely anyone living in it, including Demon Beasts. Here, he had several enormous formations built which monitored who came in and out.


He made such a move so that he could build a place where the Wisps could live safely. After more than ten years spreading the Myriad Wisps Technique, the results started to appear. Everywhere around the Divine Path Sect Territory had Foundation Establishment Wisps appearing one after another. 

The Wisps merchants looked at that and felt helpless. A foundation Establishment wisp would be worth a fortune in the past. However, such high-level wisps rarely appeared. At first, those merchants were thrilled to see the rise of so many good quality wisps. They all thought that they would get rich selling those Foundation Establishment Wisps for others to use their energy.

Unfortunately, the bomb dropped on their heads, not too long after. No one did anything to them, it is just that those wisps had no value anymore. Krune modified the Myriad Energies Technique so that only wisps could use it, creating then the new Myriad Wisps Technique. 

The Wisps Energies Technique was almost as good as the Myriad Energies but had a particular trait that made all the difference. It changed the properties of the Wisps' Spiritual Energy. That being said, any wisp that cultivated the Myriad Wisps Technique would be unsuitable for energy absorption. It is as if they had become just like any other Demon Beast around.

That obviously ruined the plans of all Wisp Merchants in the entire Divine Path Sect Territory. The Wisps were growing in power, which made it harder to capture, and even after capturing, there would be no profit. Without another choice, one Wisp Merchant after another had to close their doors or change their business type.

The Myriad Wisps Technique was already too well known to be stopped or prohibited. Even in other territories, this technique began to spread like wildfire. 

Of course, the Wisps condition didn't simply improve in a single day. It would take decades, centuries, or even millenniums before it finally stabilized. Lakin had especially created this place to accommodate those wisps who got higher cultivations and were suffering because of it.

Lakin is the wisp with the highest cultivation at the moment, being at the Divine Soul Realm peak. Obviously, he is now lagging in cultivation compared to Ruik. First, he had many more things to take care of, and second, this is not Dalin Universe. Cassy, on his side, was in the 5th Stage of the same realm.

This place carried a quite straightforward name, Wisps Country. Lakin had connections in several planets, and he used it to bring more and more wisps here. At the moment, more than a hundred thousand wisps lived in this area. But there was a prerequisite for a wisp to be brought here, he had to be at least in the Foundation Establishment Realm. 

It is not that Lakin didn't want to bring them all, but because he is far from having the necessary resources to do such a thing. In the end, he had to begrudgingly make this decision since he needed wisps that could live longer. 

Another thing that was decided is that the Rainbow Sect would seize to exist. Instead, it is now considered a branch of the Divine Path Sect. The Divine Path Sect Rainbow Section, to be more precise. Although it accepted other races, the biggest majority that joined were still the wisps.

Of course, this section followed a different rule from the Divine Path Sect. After all, the Divine Path Sect only made one recruitment test every ten years. 

First, It was the only Main Section located outside the Divine Path Sect Planet. 

Second, anyone could join at any time, but they won't be considered real disciples of the Divine Path Sect. That being said, they received very little support from the later.

Lakin had nothing to complain about, of course. Just by being considered part of the Divine Path Sect was enough to guarantee the Wisp Country's safety. Besides, Lakin wants the wisps to build their own future, not to depend on the others to get it. The protection of the Divine Path Sect is already more than enough in his eyes.

Back then, although the Wisp Country territory was quite big, there were simply not that many wisps here. It started with a small city with no more than 2000 or so wisps. At that time, Lakin was the only wisp present with a cultivation higher than the Foundation Establishment. 

However, ten plus years made a big difference. The Wisp City was getting bigger while the cultivation of the wisps also increased. By now, they already had more than a thousand wisps in the Core Formation Realm, all thanks to the Myriad Wisps Technique.

Lakin was really putting his all on it. He brought branches of the Side Occupations to the city. Now any wisp interested could join them. With the help of the first wisps that reached the Core Formation Realm, the command chain got stable, and the city prospered. The wisps slowly started to make their own money and Spirit Stones with their own work. With that, they could cultivate much faster, and more high levels wisps began to appear too.

Of course, not everything was flowers. Several planets refused to help with the high cultivation wisps gathering. Some more remote ones who had a strong foundation of wisps' energy even saw them as enemies. The Myriad Wisps Technique had simply destroyed their path for easy breakthroughs. Quite a few of them ended releasing their fury on the wisps of their planets too. Well, it is not like things changed to those wisps to start with. After all, their fate was to have their energy absorbed, making them disappear. At least now, they could show some resistance.

That and many other problems occurred. They are still happening and will keep recurring in the future. All of that had long since been predicted by Krune when he first passed the Myriad Wisps Technique ahead.

After a few days, Lakin and Cassy came out of their seclusion. Lakin was close to the Soul Forging Realm, but he was holding it back a little longer to guarantee a stable foundation.

As soon as they appeared outside, a wisp in human form came forward to tell him about the things that happened during his cultivation.

"The plans to build a new city further away from Wisp City are going well, and quite a few wisps volunteered for it. The Divine Path Sect asked the report of the situation at the moment too, which should be ready by tomorrow. The Formations Master guild is sending a representative to talk about the new branch opening in the south this afternoon..."

Lakin heard the reports and then gave his orders. It wasn't until an hour later that he finally got free from all of that.

Seeing the tiresome expression of Lakin's Face, Cassy couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Now then, aren't you looking like a president of some sort?"

Lakin gave a dry laugh before shooking his head.

"I really don't know how there are humans who actively seek to become one. This thing is like hell! However, I'm only a temporary replacement. I'm putting all my efforts to make it get bigger and better. Then, when Ruik comes back, I will throw everything on his back at once. It is thanks to these thoughts that I can keep going on. I can't help but think about his sorrowful state when he takes over."

Cassy laughed even more after hearing that.

"Indeed, that is something to look forward to!"

Somewhere in a certain different Universe, a particular snake sneezed.

"By the way, did you get any news from Ao and Ula?"

Lakin shook his head.

"They disappeared around a month ago. There had been no contact what so ever. Shinja and the others also don't know anything. However, their Soul Flames are still fine back in the Divine Path Sect. Considering that they are traveling around the Luvile Universe, it isn't too hard to imagine that they arrived in a place where they can't communicate."

Cassy nodded and didn't ask anymore. She knows that Ao and Ula can take care of themselves. The only thing she felt pity is that their child was born while they were outside, so she still hasn't seen Ewan. Well, she saw him, but it was through a video call, which was not the same thing.

Lakin then got close to the window and looked at the Wisp City in front. He couldn't help but think about how his master was doing at the moment.

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