Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 455 - Crafty

Sure enough, the news about a New Type of Dragon Pearl startled Laka's faction back in his Universe. Well, to be more precise, only the Dragon Race members were like that. However, they aren't part of the Universes controlling Dalin, so they couldn't simply enter whenever they wanted. It was already a good thing that Alacanta could communicate with them without leaving Dalin.

However, the elders reached an impasse. Should they inform the Dragon Race or wait for when Laka is back? Laka is under the Dragon Pact and can't tell who this Master is, but that doesn't mean that he can't contact this Master himself. If the Dragon Race members of their faction can get those new Dragon Pearls first, that would be the best outcome. At the moment, only Laka knows who this Master Blacksmith is. 


"Let's keep quiet and wait for the Holy Land to be over."

Suddenly, everyone looked at the Faction Leader. All of them were waiting for an explanation too.

"Can't you see it? Laka got someone to forge this new Dragon Pearl inside the Dalin Universe."

Finally, everyone understood what he meant. That is correct. Whether they spread this information to the Dragon Race or not, they can't enter Dalin Universe to request one. It would also increase the chance of this Master crating other Dragon Pearls for other participants of the Heavenly Competition. Laka is far from being the only Dragon Blood taking part in it, after all.

At the moment, with Laka being the only one with this Pearl, they have a huge chance of acquiring one of the five slots of the Dalin Universe. That being said, their priorities are already decided. They will wait for Laka to come back from the Holy Land before making any further questions. At the moment, getting to be one of the Universes controlling Dalin is the most critical objective.

After considering their options, all the elders in the hall knew what to do, even the members of the Dragon Race.


The faction leader nodded, satisfied.

"Very well, until the Holy Land closes, this information shall not leave this room."


Back in the Dalin Universe, Krune and the others didn't know anything about it. Even if they did, they wouldn't care. As long as their presence here is not revealed, that is more than enough.

During this month, Laka, Alacanta, and Krune's group kept a low profile. Although Laka wanted to challenge other Heavenly Divine Soul owners, he knew that it wasn't the time. The further he can keep the existence of his Purple Flame Dragon Pearl hidden, the better it is. Once the Holy Land entrance closes and the ten years time starts, no one would be able to contact the outside. He will have plenty of time to test his Dragon Pearl.

Soon, a month went by, and the Holy Land aperture day arrived. Suddenly, the skies of Qantun Planet went dark, and an enormous spirit pressure assaulted everyone. Still, this pressure didn't cause any injury. Some of those who felt it already understood what was happening too.

"This should be the accumulated Spiritual Energy inside the Holy Land in the last 1000 years. Now that it opened, it rushed out like an explosion. The Holy Land is finally open."

A few minutes later, the spiritual pressure disappeared. Immediately after, thousands of Spatial Gates started to open. Laka and Alacanta were together with Krune's group too. Cinty then looked in the direction of the Holy Land Entrance and opened a Spatial Gate as well. Everyone entered and disappeared from the room.

On the other side of the Spatial Gate, Krune's group members appeared one after another. The Holy Land Entrance was right in the middle of the void, so everyone was floating in space. Looking around, Krune could see Spatial Gates appearing without stopping.

'Sure enough, the Qantun Planet wasn't the only one where the Cultivators and Demon Beasts awaited. There is a lot more who didn't mind waiting further away.'

Looking at the front, everyone could see something that looked like a huge whirlpool. It definitely expanded for over a hundred kilometers. But instead of water, it was made of space laws. Also, it was still possible to feel the enormous amount of Spiritual Energy coming from inside. However, that puzzled Krune.

"Shouldn't we be able to feel the Higher Realms energy as well?"

Alacanta was the one to answer it.

"The Higher Realms energy, or Godly Energy if you prefer, is sealed inside. Sentoi Havan had created God-Level Formations inside, which are sustained by that same Godly Energy. So there is no way for Godly Energy to ever flow outside of the Holy land."

Everyone nodded. That was indeed a plausible explanation.

Spatial gates continued to appear for another hour or so. Finally, several Divinity Realm cultivators and demon beasts appeared in front of the entrance. They were there to prevent anyone without a slot from entering. Eventually, one of them came forward and greeted all the participants.

"Welcome, token holders. As you know, the Holy Land Entrance is almost ready to be passed through. You just need to wait for the Flow of Spiritual Energy to stop, and we will allow you to enter. But before that, I will announce the rules."

"First, only those with tokens or those following someone with a higher slots' token can enter. No one above the Divine Path Realm is allowed to participate either. It isn't us who are stopping you from entering with higher cultivation, but the Holy Land itself. Since time immemorial, no one above the Divine Path Realm had ever succeeded in passing through its entrance. They all died. Of course, if you think that you are some favored child of the heavens, you can try your luck. As long as you have a slot, we won't stop you."

"Second, once the Holy Land's entrance closes, you are all going to be trapped there for the next ten years. Even if your home Universe explodes, you won't receive any information, nor will you be able to do anything. The only way to leave it is to wait for ten years or breakthrough into the Divine View Realm. If any of those two options happens, you will be immediately teleported outside."

"Third, it doesn't matter what you get inside, you won't be able to bring it outside. You can try to put it in your Spatial Ring or whatever, it still doesn't work. Holy Land objects can only exist in the Holy Land, the moment you are teleported outside, it will all disappear. Once again, if you want to try, you are welcome to do so. I would call it a waste of precious cultivation time, though. After so many Chaos Cycles, no one succeeded, so think twice if you would really be an exception."

"Forth and last, whatever happens inside is not of anyone's concern. No one will mind the difference in cultivation either, so be careful about who you are offending. Simply put, you are on your own. Even if you die, no one will care. Remember, your greatest enemies are the other participants, not the Holy Land."

"That's all for now. I wish every participant good luck."

As soon as the guy stopped talking, the Spiritual Energy flow coming from the entrance disappeared. Right after everyone's tokens started to shine. Krune's group ones were no exception. Krune focused, and the Light of the token surrounded him, Feifei, and Fie inside his Pocket Dimension Spatial Box.

As he passed by the Divinity Realm protectors, Feifei sent him a Divine Sense message.

"Although I can't see it, I can feel the presence of several formations, and powerful ones at that."

Krune nodded.

"That is to prevent anyone without a Token from entering the Holy Land. There is no lack of methods to conceal someone's presence, so those formations should be covering all possible flaws."

Feifei agreed with him.

"Yes. I could feel that some kind of search happened in the Pocket Dimension Spatial Box. There is no doubt that they could see Fie inside."

Krune didn't mind, though. He made sure to cover Fie with the Light of his token too. As Laka mentioned, none of the demon beasts were forced to return to their original forms. However, it was then that Krune felt a spark of Purple Tribulation Lightning coming out and entering Cinty's body. It was so subtle that only he and Cinty noticed it.

Not too long after, they heard Light Spirit's Divine Sense message.

"Hehe. What a crafty bunch those ants are."

Krune and Cinty were taken aback.

"Why is it?"

Light Spirit snorted before explaining.

"Indeed, there isn't a formation capable of transforming you two back into your Wisp Form, but there is one capable of seeing which race you are from."

Cinty and Krune hearts froze for a second, and they immediately looked around. Still, it didn't seem like those Divinity Realm cultivators and demon beasts were coming for them. Light Spirit saw that and laughed, though.

"Haha! Don't worry, I stopped it from feeling your presence. So none of them noticed anything. As long as it isn't anything at the God-Level, I'm pretty confident against it. Still, that was really a close call. If I hadn't noticed it in time, we would be in a tight spot."

Krune narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Do you think Laka has something to do with it?"

Light Spirit immediately denied that possibility.

"No, be it he or that heating chicken called Alacanta, neither one knows about it."

Krune was surprised that Light Spirit was so sure about it.

"Why is that?"

Light Spirit laughed once more before saying.

 "Look around and tell me what you see."

Krune did as Light Spirit asked and quickly understood what he meant.

"I see... not only them. Actually, no one knows about the fact that their real forms were already seen through. Am I right?"

Light Spirit nodded.

"Correct. If they knew it, they wouldn't all be acting this calm. It is no secret that a lot of those demon beasts are trying to hide their true forms. That is not how you should act after having your true form revealed, though. That's why I said that those ants are crafty. They know which races are going in but kept it a secret until now. However, that is also good for us."

Krune nodded, as long as they are safe, that's what matters. Knowing that Laka or Alacanta weren't planning something against them was good as well. Soon, Krune's group approached the whirlpool and were sucked inside. The space around them warped, and everyone disappeared inside. Thanks to Light Spirit, their time inside the Holy Land started without any accidents.

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