Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 494 - Fiding Laex

Krune then remembered about Gilia, whose Soul Slive disappeared.

"Little Arty, have you seen the moment Gilia died?"


Little Arty confirmed.

"It was a fight for a few Godly Energy Stones. She was even able to grab one. However, even more cultivators and demon beasts appeared. In the end, she had to give up the stone and fled, and no one pursued here either. Unfortunately, she had too many injuries and what seemed to be poison. So she did not resist."

Krune sighed after hearing that. Godly Stones are extremely precious, so Krune was careful when bringing them out. No wonder she was also attacked once she got to hold it. However, these are the dangers of the Holy Land, and she came inside knowing it.

Little Arty still remembered that Fie felt gloomy for quite a few days after finding it. Wamie liked to often play with Fie, so Gilia would end up following her as well. Because of that, Fie came to know Gilia quite well.

Noticing the gloomy environment, Light Spirit decided to change the topic.

"Little Arty, you said before that due to certain circumstances, you can't see everyone anymore. Is it due to the Master Transfering?"


Little Arty continued.

"All the formations in this Holy Land are passing by a transformation at the moment since they had my previous Master as their owner. Those formations were directly linked to me, so we share the same trait. Now that my Master has changed, the formations are changing to the Dimensional Godly Energy Sphere new owner."

"God Level formations are a lot more complicated than the Lower Realm ones, so it will take a lot of time. I reckon that before the Holy Land closes, I won't be able to control them again."

Krune remembered that Sentoi didn't talk about Little Arty. He doubts that Sentoi didn't know about Little Arty's thoughts, which means that he purposely let Little Arty go.

'It seems like it was already part of his plan to give Little Arty his freedom to chose his path.'

Krune also asked about Cinty, who was already in the Divine Path Realm to start with. But it seemed like she had already gone past the 10th floor, so he wouldn't be able to meet her anymore.

Time passed, and soon, 3 days went by. Due to the size of the Dimensional Realm, Krune rarely met anyone on the way. Unless Krune decided to move in the direction of a Light Pillar, this situation wouldn't change.

However, he still passed by a few cultivators and demon beasts. He traveled for three days straight, after all. But the majority didn't even notice him due to his Tribulation Lightning Layer. As for those who could see him with naked eyes, they didn't risk an attack. Krune couldn't appear in their Divine Sense, but his speed was definitely in the Divine Path Realm. Such an opponent would be too disadvantageous. 

Of course, there were always exceptions. So Krune ended up battling a Divine Path Realm cultivator at the 2nd Stage. Krune could have fled if he wanted, but he thought it was a good opportunity to test his strength. Unfortunately, Krune could not defeat that cultivator.

It was not that the guy was a Heavenly Fragment Owner. It's just that the chasm between Void Breaking and Divine Path is too big to jump. Of course, that person was a genius from his own power too. Otherwise, he wouldn't have arrived at this place so fast. That being said, he was above ordinary Divine Path Realms on the same level. 

The fact that Krune could fight to a standstill against him was more than commendable. There were a Realm and 7 Stages of difference between the two of them, after all.

"Brother, you are good. I didn't have the intention to kill you to start with, I was only testing my own strength since I just made a breakthrough. Now that we had our fun, I will take my leave."

The guy wasn't lying. He saw Krune's speed and knew that even if he could defeat Krune, there would be no way to stop him from running. Still, he attacked nonetheless. It was obvious that he, too, just wanted to test his power.

Krune smiled.

"I know, I didn't fill any killing intent coming from your attacks. Of course, there were really powerful. May we have another match one day."

The man bowed and immediately departed after that.

Krune then took one last look at him before saying.

"Let's go!"

Finally, they arrived in the area where Little Arty last saw Laex cultivating. However, Laex wasn't around this time.

"He was here last time, but it seems like he left. Probably, he went to where the next Light Pillar is located."

Krune immediately shook his head, though.

"Laex knows that this is the only place he has a chance to meet Liriu, so he wouldn't go anywhere without him. Laex would stay here until the very end of the Holy Land. That being said, he wouldn't go to the next Light Pillar. Instead, he would look around to see if he can find Liriu somewhere. Or maybe he left to have some combat experience while at it."

Heavin and light Spirit agreed with Krune. That is definitely how the idiot Dragon would act.

"Then how are we going to find him?"

Krune smiled before asking Luvile.

"Light Spirit, is this close enough?"

Light Spirit confirmed.

"Yes, I can feel the lingering presence of my Purple Tribulation Lightning in this place. Just follow my lead."

With a flash of purple Light, Krune disappeared in the distance.


15th floor.

Hanan Frunkan and his group were hidden while cultivating and getting used to the floor's Godly Energy.

"It is just as the Clan Master said, the difference in Godly Energy between floors has decreased a lot. We need to advance as fast as possible and acquire the Holy Land's Core. Remember, avoid all unnecessary battles."


The Frunkan Clan's group Was advancing at frightening speeds. With the leakage of Godly Energy, just a few months was enough for them to go up 5 floors. However, they still didn't know. The Core of the Holy Land wasn't in the same place anymore.


Krune only had to travel for a few hours to find his target.

Laxe was once again cultivating. So far, he had broken through the Divine Path Realm but was still in the 1st Stage. However, it wouldn't take long before he reached the 2nd. Suddenly, he felt a Divine Sense passing through the place where he was hidden.

"Hmph! Are you looking for a fight?"

Laex appeared outside in a blink of an eye. But when he sat the small group of three smiling at him, he felt like he was seeing an illusion.

Obviously, they were Krune, Fie, and Heavin.

"Yo-you! Hahaha!"

Laex quickly came forward and gave them a bear hug. It's just that he didn't measure his strength very well. Krune was fine due to his cultivation, but Fie felt like she was going to die.

"Uncle Laex, you are breaking my bones!"


Laex quickly released them while showing an apologetic smile.

"Oh, right! Did you bring Liriu with you?"

Hearing that, Krune couldn't help but sigh.

"Liriu is still on the 5h floor. If he really makes it to the 10th, it will take a very long time."

Laex was taken aback.

"How do you know?"

It was then that Little Arty spoke.

"Because I saw him there a few days ago."

Laex jumped back in a fright.

"The necklace is alive?"

Little Arty ignored him and continued.

"By the way, he is in the 8th Stage of the Divine Soul Realm now. However, even 4th or 5th Soul Forging Realm cultivators and demon beasts would find it hard to defeat him."

Laex couldn't help but look curiously at that thing. Even though it is talking to him, he can't feel anything whatsoever. All his Divine Sense said was that it was simply a colored pearl, nothing more.

"By the way, just what is that kid? He looks pretty much like a Quetzalcoatl, but those flames that he can control are simply too strange. They are far stronger than what a demon beast or cultivator at his level could use."

Krune nodded. He hasn't explained about the Dracophoenix yet. However, since Little Arty was Fie's bound equipment now, there should be no issues in telling him about it.

However, before that...

"What is this thing?"

Krune laughed as he hard Laex making that question. He then took a quick look around and suggested.

"Let's go down first so that I can tell you."

Laex nodded, and they all entered the place that Laex was using to cultivate. First, Krune explained to Little Arty the situation with the Dracophoenix.

"I see, I heard Master talking about this before. There is a handful of them up there in the Higher Realms too. However, I don't know anything else about it, so I can't tell if the Higher Realms Dracophoenixes are using this kind of power on their races or not."

Krune and the others were surprised. But after thinking a bit, the Higher Realm really seems like a place where you can find something like a Dracophoenix.

Krune then began to explain everything to Laex, and Fie took her chance to complain about how spartan Little Arty was with his training methods. Sometime later, Laex finally understood the general situation.

"Fie, you are quite lucky, aren't you?"

"Uncle Laex, how can you say that? Didn't you hear what I said? Little Arty keeps bullying and forcing me to train all the time. He even made dad take his side. Uncle Laex, please, you must do something!"

Laex looked at her and nodded.

"Alright, leave it to me."

Fie's eyes brightened when she heard that. However...

"Little Arty, just double the training will not be enough, I would suggest you triple the amount."

"Oh?! I see... I also thought that I was taking too easy on her, but I was afraid that I might be wrong. Seems like I wasn't then. Very well, I will triple it."

Tears began to fall from Fie's eyes.

"How can even Uncle Laex betray me?!"

Laex snorted, though.

"Hmph! If it was Liriu, he would be jumping in happiness. But you were always a lazy lass, so this is necessary."

Fie felt indignant.

"I always see you sleeping and avoiding training too!"

"Cough, cough. I'm a Dragon, Dragons can make whatever they want."

"That is not fair!"

Laex laughed shamelessly.

"The Universes had never been fair to start with. Hahahaha!"

Everyone one began to laugh after that, even Light Spirit chuckled. On the other hand, Fie began to consider whether it was really a good thing to bring Little Arty with her.

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