Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 507 - More Five Years (1)

37th floor. Feifei and Lala were resting somewhere in this place. At the same time, Feifei was holding Little Arty against her forehead. Little Arty had the ability to communicate with Fie, thanks to their connection. But surprisingly, he could extend this ability to others as well. 

Still, he only allowed one communication every six months. After all, the whole point of leaving Fie and Liriu behind was that so they could temper themselves. He also made a rule that prohibited Fie from speaking anything they did or how their situation was. That was to prevent Feifei or anyone else from helping them in this testing time. Krune already used his chance, so Feifei was the only one left.


Feifei didn't like it but accepted in the end. At least, she could confirm whether her daughter was fine or not. Every time she had the chance, she would talk to her for hours. As the years passed, the content of their talk changed as well. That was the effect of a maturing Fie, so her topics became more adult-like while at it.

Little Arty also used this connection to pass Fie's training to her. Not only that, but he also gave a set for Liriu and the others who are close to her. As for how Fie convinced Liriu and the others to follow it, that no one knows.

Five years in the Holy Land changed a lot of things.

Fie was now a fully grown lady, her child time's features had disappeared completely. If Fie already looked a lot like Feifei back then, now she is even more so. Of course, one can't consider her Rainbow-Like hair, which was a gift of her father. In five years, there had been quite a few cultivators who got dazzled by Fie's beauty. Fortunately for her, the Rainbow Features only served to contribute to her charm, utterly different from a certain wisp who only looked weird.

Too bad for them, though. Liriu, Jivo, Roggo, and Yuliva didn't let any of those guys try anything funny. In a certain way, Fie's figure had caused quite a few troubles on their side.

Still, Fie had also matured a lot on the mental side. There had been instances where their group had to go all out and kill, so Fie already graduated from her naivety. She understood that there are times where she simply couldn't hold back, or the one who would die was her. Fie got quite depressed during that time, but it also helped her to grow to this point. Of course, just like her father, she wouldn't kill if possible.

Fie, who was in the 3rd Stage of the Soul Forging Realm back then, was now in the 4th Stage of the Void Breaking. Although it looked fast, she still pales in comparison to Krune. Nonetheless, it is still much better than the majority by a lot.

As for her Laws, other than the Displacement Sub-Law of the Space Laws, she mainly focused on her Lightning ones. One must remember that to enter the Void Breaking Realm, comprehension of Space Laws are necessary. Her Displacement Sub-Law was just at the Intermediate level, though.

She has Two Lightning Sub-Laws at culmination at the moment, Lightning Essence and Charge. There are also another two in the Advanced and Initial Stages, which are Flash and Lightning Form. Fortunately, it wouldn't take long for the Flash Sub-Law to reach culmination as well.

On Liriu's side, he was behind Fie in cultivation, being in the 3rd Stage of the Void Breaking Realm. Yet, for him, who was two stages behind before, being just one now showed that he was doing very well. If one looked at Combat Power alone, Liriu was definitely much stronger than Fie or their other companions. That was easy to be seen if one looked at his Laws, for example.

It turned out that Liriu wasn't only good at Fire Laws, but Space Laws too. He couldn't say if it was related to his Dracophoenix Bloodline or not, though. During his breakthrough, he also selected Displacement as his Void Breaking Realm First Space Sub-Laws. By now, it was already in the advanced Stage. At the same time, he also comprehended the Void Sub-Law, which is in the Intermediate now.

Of course, Space Laws still couldn't beat his Fire Laws. Even though he entered the Soul Forging and Void Breaking after Fie, his Fire Laws were far ahead of Fie's Lightning ones.

Liriu reached a culmination with Explosion, Annihilation, Burning, and Fire Essence. The only Fire Sub-Law remaining for Liriu was Heat, which was in the Intermediate Stage. Sure enough, he had to thank his Dracophoenix Bloodline and the Fire Tribulation Source in his body for this. Only Godly Energy and the Elemental Meridians wouldn't be enough for such a fast improvement.

Once Liriu finishes comprehending the Heat Sub-Law, the only thing remaining will be to fuse all Laws together into the Major Law of Fire.

Another good thing was that Liriu could finally change into his Human Form! Nevertheless, he looked pretty much like Ruik when that happened. In the end, no one can beat DNA. Leaving his looks aside, being able to change into his human form made everything easier. When Liriu broke through into the Void Breaking Realm, he reached a frightening size of 30 some meters! It was simply too hard to flee or hide in that situation.

Another thing is that as long as he doesn't go back to his Dracophoenix Form and releases his bloodline's power, no dragon or phoenix would be able to tell which is his real race. In fact, even in his Dracophoenix Form would be hard to know since he just looks like a fiery Quetzalcoatl.

"Alright, Fie. I'm leaving here now, so you better be careful. Tell Little Arty if something urgent comes up."

"Don't worry, mom. Until next time."

Little Arty then landed on Feifei's bosom once more after that.

Lala then looked at Feifei before asking.

"How is she?"

Feifei smiled, but her face still showed that she missed Fie.

"She has been changing a lot. There is no doubt that Fie has become an adult both in body and mind now. However, it didn't seem like her cheerful side was affected, which is the best thing."

Lala nodded.

"That is good then. Let's go, we have been separated from Kruna and Laex for three weeks already. If we take too long, they will get worried."

During these five years, Krune's group didn't always stay together. The reason was very simple. It would be hard to find good enough challenges if they were always moving in a group. So they had long since decided that they would stay together for a week, and spend the next two or three separated. Sometimes they would move alone; other times, they would move in two like Feifei and Lala now.

Little Arty might not have the Monitoring Formations control at the moment. However, he knew the Holy Land better than anyone. Thanks to that, everyone always knew where they could gather together again. It worked perfectly regardless of the floor.

It only took two days for the two girls to arrive in the gathering location. From afar, Krune and Laex could already see Feifei and Lala inside their Mental Energy range.

"There they come."

Feifei quickly hugged Krune while giving a kiss. But soon, Krune noticed something.

"Oh! You made a breakthrough, that's great!"

Feifei smiled happily. Indeed, she really made a breakthrough this time around.

Feifei was in the 6th Stage of the Void Breaking Realm five years ago, but she is already in the 2nd Stage of the Divine Path. One must remember that the higher you go, the slower the cultivation becomes. Even with the help of the Godly Energy Stones that she got here and there, there was a limit to what could be done.

Yet, there was another reason for the delay, the Holy Land transformation. The Godly Energy on each floor after the 10th had reduced a lot. It was to the point that there wasn't much of a difference between one floor and the next one. With less Godly Energy, the cultivation also got slower. Of course, Feifei wasn't the least bit sad. What some might time hundreds or even thousands of years to achieve, she did in just 42 years of life.

She also has a Universe Foundation, just Like Krune. So by now, it has already expanded a lot. Suns and Planets were everywhere. Although it can't be compared to Krune's one, Feifei's foundation is also getting more and more like a real Universe. 

As for her Destiny Laws, they gave one more step forward. Her Cause Sub-Law and Effect Sub-Law had both achieved culmination. The only Sub-Law remaining in the Destiny Laws was Destiny Energy. However, this was also the most difficult. So much that Feifei had been stuck in the Initial Stage of it for over a year now without any progress. Even the Godly Energy couldn't help her in that.

Feifei understood that she will need a long time before she can advance once more. That being said, she shifted some of her Mind Splitting Technique to Water Laws. Feifei had stopped her Water Laws for a long time, but it finally began to progress again. Her Water Essence, Wave, and Flow Sub-Laws were already at culmination before entering the Holy Land, so she only had Calm and Cold remaining. Calm was now at the Advanced Stage while Cold reached Intermediate.

"Yeap! Isn't your wife great?!"

Krune nodded vigorously.

"My Feifei and Fie are the best."

"It's good that you know."

"I wish I could go to the Elemental Path Dimensional Realm to build my Chaos Meridians. Anyway, how are you doing on your side? You had been advancing a lot faster than anyone. After all, you do have the Chaos Meridians. Maybe only Cinty, who also has hers, can compare to you in the speed of cultivation."

Krune couldn't help but think about all the time he spent in the Holy Land so far. He had really improved a lot. 

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