Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 513 - Battles For Little Arty

It didn't take long for Kurne and Hanan's group to meet each other. After looking at Krune's entourage, Hanan couldn't help but narrow his eyes since Krune's group numbers were higher than his own. Hanan then looked at Krune's neck and almost instantly recognized it as the item he had been looking for. To be safer, Little Arty decided to stay with Krune this time around instead of Feifei.

"I believe you have something that is mine."


Krune snorted, though.

"I believe you are wrong. Am I not right, Little Arty?"

Little Arty then began to float.

"So you are the guys who entered my Origin Realm to look for me, uh? Speak, what do you want?"

Hanan wasn't surprised that it could speak. They had already been informed that the Holy Land Artifact had an Artifact Spirit.

"I can't tell, but I can guarantee that we mean no harm to you. As long as you come with us, no one needs to get injured."

Hanan decided to negotiate first. The strength of the opposite group was above what he expected. Not to mention that he could see Laka looking at him as if he wanted to fight as soon as possible. As a Heavenly Divine Soul Owner, he could totally tell that Laka was the same type as him. In the end, he had no confidence that they could really take the Holy Land Artifact on their own.

Little Arty, on the other hand, began to laugh out loud.

"I'm sorry to throw it on your face, but your group doesn't have the ability to beat mine. I'm not trying to trick you, but just stating a fact. Besides, who would follow you just because you said so? Ridiculous!"

Hanan then asked back.

"Then why are you following this group? Isn't that the same thing?"

"You are wrong. I have accepted a new master, so I obviously had to follow them. But before you have the wrong ideas, I select my Master on my own. I wasn't forced by anyone to do so."

Hanan just sighed.

"Of course, you were not forced. You are a God-Level Equipment. Considering that no one in the Holy Land has cultivation above the Divine Path Realm, it is simply impossible to force you to do anything you don't want. Well, at least, everyone other than us."

Little Arty snorted once more.

"It seems like you came prepared for my rejection. Too bad, though. If I was still under my last Master's contract, then it might have worked. Let me guess, you brought a Catacklie Stone, am I right?"

Hanan's expression changed after hearing that. This was the first time he heard something he didn't expect.

"You know about it?"

Little Arty confirmed.

"It can sever the blood connection between my Master and me, so, of course, I know about it. However, this is an item from the lower realms. Let me tell you. The reason it would work before is that my old Master is in the Higher Realms, not to mention that our blood connection was set countless years ago. Thanks to that, it was already quite fragile. That's why the Catacklie Stone could work on me before. However, now that I accepted a new master, the Catacklie Stone is far from being enough to cut our connection."

Hanan didn't know if the Artifact Spirit was telling the truth. But it would be quite troublesome if it was so.

"What can we do for you to accept to come with us?"

"You shouldn't make this question, though. First, I need to know what you want me for."

Of course, Little Arty was necessary for their Liberation of Dalin's Plan. However, he couldn't tell that now. This is a strictly forbidden secret that shouldn't leave the Frunkan Clan at any cost. Otherwise, the Frunkan Clan would most likely be wiped out. However, it didn't seem like Little Arty would come with them without hearing the reason.

'I better try their strength first. They only have two Peak Divine Path Realm and one Heavenly Divine Soul Oner. If it turns out that we are stronger, then we can force the artifact spirit to come with us in exchange for their lives.'

"In that case, let us battle. Negotiations are made between parties of equal strength. If your group can prove that you have the power, then we shall continue this conversation."

Hanan then looked at Julie.

"Stay far away. We won't be able to protect you for now."

Julie quickly nodded before retreating. She really was in no condition to force a battle at the moment.

On Krune's side, Laka immediately got excited.

"Great! I was afraid I wouldn't be able to have fun today. Alacanta, do not intervene. That guy with the Heavenly Divine Soul is mine. Hahaha!"

Of course, Alacanta wouldn't simply follow Laka's orders. However, she decided to watch on the sidelines to see what Laka could do with his cultivation and Dragon Pearl. After all, his opponent was three stages above him.

Laka, Laex, Cinty, Krune, Alacanta, and Lala. All the demon beasts in their group immediately returned to their real forms. Still, Alacanta was taken aback by that. After all, this was the first time she saw Krune and Cinty's real form too. She didn't expect that those two were wisps at all!

Hanan's group was also shocked after seeing Krune and Cinty. Obviously, they knew everything about the wisps situation. Right now, there are two wisps in the Divine path Realm right in front of them. How could he not be startled by that?

'Could it be Wally's doing?'

Indeed, anyone in Hanan's position would have this idea as him. However, it was not time to think about it. That's because Laka was coming straight at him. Laka's entire body had a purple hue, which was the effect of the Purple Flame Dragon Pearl. Hanan was three stages above Laka, but something told him that Laka couldn't be underestimated.

"Dragon and Phoenix Blast!"

One must remember that although Laka isn't a Dracophoenix, he is still the child of a Dragon and a Phoenix. So he could use both their bloodline powers!

Hanan's expression changed as he immediately attacked back.

"Heaven and Earth as one, Heavenly Sunder!"


Hanan and Laka went all out in the very first clash. But surprisingly, neither side got the advantage in this first exchange. Immediately, the fabric of space over several kilometers broke apart! That instantly impeded anyone from using abilities like teleport. Without a stable space, teleporting was akin to suicide.

Laka and Hanan got knocked back by the explosion. Still, Laka quickly recovered and charged once more. His eyes were brimming with fighting intent. This exchange just now confirmed to Laex that he could really go all out. He had been looking for someone like that for quite some time.

However, Hanan was really shocked by that. He had really used his full power in the last attack, but he still couldn't get the upper hand even with his cultivation advantage. Of course, that only lasted a moment. The battle was ongoing, so he couldn't waste time thinking about it. He had to accept the reality of things.

Hana took out his weapon and charged forward as well. Immediately the area around those two became a forbidden zone that very few could intervene.

The others were not still either. Laex also fused with his own Purple Flame Dragon Pearl and began to battle Sark, the Zukan. As mentioned before, this is a type of flying demon beast of the Dalin Universe that spread out through other Universes after Dalin was conquered. 

"Descent of the Dragon!"

"Windy Space Cutter!"


As soon as both attacks hit each other, Sark's expression paled. That's because Laex passed right through it with pure might! 

Sark's advantage in cultivation proved to be useless. Laex could totally fight him on equal terms. Or to be more specific, Laex had the advantage! Laex has the Elemental Meridians, so his ability to control the Dragon Pearl's overflowing power is much better than Laka. The cultivation difference between them is smaller than that of Laka and Hanan as well, so he obviously got it easy.

Fortunately for Sark, he was faster than laex, so he dodged the Descent of the Dragon in the last moment.

"This is going to be complicated."

On Cinty's side, she was fighting the other demon beast of the Hanan's Group, Morjin. For her, things were being even easier. First, she is also at the peak of the Divine Path Realm. Second, she had the Elemental Meridians, Chaos Meridians, and a Blackhole Major Divine Soul. If not for the fact that Morjin was also a Major Divine Soul Owner, he wouldn't even be able to resist her.

"Space-Time Severing!"

Space began to split apart around Morjin as the time seemed to come to a standstill. Morjin felt alarmed by Cinty's power. She was much stronger than he could have expected.

"Elemental Destruction!"

The Five Elements gathered around Morjin as they began to react to each other. Suddenly, the entire area around began to explode with several kinds of colored energy. Usually, Morjin would use this ability to attack. But he was forced to use it as a defense this time. 

Space, Time, and Elements encountered each other in a great clash that transformed the land around Morjin.



Morjin was immediately knocked away like a cannonball, only stopping several kilometers away.

After seeing that, Cinty had to admit that she was a little impressed by Morjin's choice.

"I see... you have an Elemental Major Divine Soul, right?"

Morjin answered that with a question of his own.

"And you have a Blackhole one, correct?"

Although he looked composed, the fact is that he already understood that things were terrible to his side. He doesn't have a chance to win this battle. The previous exchange was enough for him to realize that Cinty surpasses him in both power and laws.

Cinty didn't answer and continued her long-range assault. Sure enough, as a wisp, she was focused on long-ranged fights just like Krune.

The last battle was on Krune's side. However, this one could be said to be the easiest one between them all. First, Feifei's Illusion of Destiny Domain allowed Krune and Lala to be ready for anything that Tannin Frunkan threw at them. Not to mention that her Swords' Formation gave them some support. Second, they had the numbers advantage. Third, Krune's attack wasn't the least bit weaker than his opponent. Last but not least, Lala was in the front keeping Tannin occupied while Krune focused on his attacks alone.

Lala is four Stages below in cultivation than Tannin. However, she is a Scarlet Bear, a demon beast with a lot of defense. Adding Feifei's Domain and Krune's Tribulation Shields' Support, she could charge forward without fear. Tannin already had a hard time dealing with Krune alone, let alone when Feifei and Lala were there too. Without a doubt, Tannin would be the first one to fall if the situation continued like that.

Hanan Frunkan might be going all out against Laka, but he kept his Divine Sense focus on everyone. So he could tell that the situation wasn't good to their side. Not to mention that Alacanta, the peak Divine Path Realm Phoenix, hadn't made her move yet. His team was already on the losing end, even though she wasn't doing anything. If Alacanta joined any of the battles going around, they would lose for sure.

But it was at this moment that the last member of Krune's group made his appearance.

Purple Lightning was coming out of his wings as Mental Energy accumulated in front of his Beak. Of course, this one none else other than Heavin! With his last breakthrough in his Soul Cultivation Technique, his Mental Energy became even stronger. The Mental Energy in front of Heavin's Beak was so concentrated that even space around it began to get affected.

As for his target, it was obviously Tannin Frunkan. After all, this was the guy in the worst condition at the moment. As long as he can get rid of this guy, Krune's side will be free to help the others.

Heavin was fully covered in Purple Tribulation Lightning to prevent Divine Sense Search, so Tannin didn't see him coming at all! Heavin had been hidden this entire time, waiting for the right opportunity to attack, and that was now!


Tannin was knocked back once more by Lala directly to the place where Heavin's attack would land. Heavin could totally see the perfect timing thanks to Feifei's Domain too. However, one last member of Hanan's group had been watching the battle from far away. Thanks to that, this member wasn't inside Feifei's Domain. 

Suddenly, Heavin saw another Illusion of Destiny appearing right in front of the location where Tannin was about to land. Sure enough, that was Julie Frunkan, the girl who had damaged her foundation and shouldn't be doing battle at the moment.

Hanan's eyes went red when he saw Julie trying to block Heavin. It was because Julie came forward that he finally noticed Heavin with his eyes. Heavin was still covered in his Purple Tribulation Layer, so Hanan's Divine Sense couldn't feel what was inside. He didn't understand what was wrong about that Purple Lightning ball, but he felt his hair standing up just looking at it.

"Julie, Stop! You won't be able to block it!"

He immediately sent his Divine Sense message to warn Julie.

Of course, Julie also felt like this thing attacking Tannin was extremely powerful. However, she couldn't simply stay still as Tannin was about to die either.

Heavin didn't care, though. Since he was going to hit one of them head-on, then that was good enough.

'I refuse to believe you can block both my Mental Pierce attack and the God-Level Beak.'

Julie's face paled as Heavin's attack appeared right in front of her eyes. There wasn't any change to dodge it anymore. But it was also in this moment of life and death that Julie remembered one thing that could give her a slive of hope.

Suddenly, a Small Red Box covered with several inscriptions appeared right between her and Heavin's Mental and Physical attacks.

As soon as that thing appeared, Little Arty identified it.

"It's the searching equipment they were using to find my location!"

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