Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 529 - Stars Path Blacksmith

Inside Heavin's puppet workshop, Krune had just helped him to attach some Stars Path materials he forged.

"Heavin, how is it?"


Heavin began to check everything. A few minutes later, he answered Krune's question.

"Hum... seems like I mistook the amount of Spiritual Energy delivered through the wings. Anyway, this is just a prototype, so it will take some time to understand all the flaws. This is my first Stars Path Puppet, after all."

Krune nodded and didn't mind if it went wrong. Be it Heavin or Krune, they had just recently arrived at the Stars Path Level in their side occupations. Their advancement being similar is understandable since they use the same laws.

"By the way, it looks very lifelike. Is this how your Puppet Body will look like?"

Heavin nodded.

"In the end, I'm quite used to bird types. In that case, I might as well make one that looks like a Phoenix. I asked Liriu, and he helped me with some Tribulation Fire. Oh, right! I will need you to change the shape of the God-Level beak to a Phoenix-like one."

Krune nodded. Now that his level increased, it became easier to do that. Those two then exchanged a few more words before Krune returned to his workshop. 

This process continued for another year. To be more specific, it was three years due to the Time Increasing Formation. Krune saw his progress with blacksmith improving much faster thanks to the Godly Energy. It was simply too compatible with his Purple Flame. Light Spirt said it was to be expected. After all, the Purple Flame was made with Purple Tribulation Lightning, which was created in the Higher Realms.

Even though the Heavenly Competition participants weren't interested in the low Stars Path level equipments, there were plenty who wanted them. Thanks to that, Krune had no problem seeling them all. It was not like he needed the money, but the more he had, the better.

However, as the level of the equipments available increased, the Heavenly Competition participants began to take notice. Finally, the very first Six Stars Path Purple Flame Sword appeared in the Blacksmith Network. 

The highest cultivation allowed in the Heavenly Competition is the peak of the Divine Path Realm. This means that the highest level of equipment used is Nine Stars Path. Anything above that would be considered a Stars View one, which was obviously above the Divine Path Realm cultivation, so it wasn't allowed either.

Between the Heavenly Competition participants, not everyone was at the Peak of the Divine Path Realm. In fact, the majority was between the 5th Stage and 8th. Only a few had cultivated fast enough to reach the peak. That being said, the Purple Flame Equipments that could show higher power while being at a lower level were extremely appealing.

Soon, a bidding war began between those who weren't able to get Peak Stars Path Equipment.

But it didn't stop there. As the competition got close, the level of those equipments increased. Finally, when only six months were remaining, the Eight Stars Path Level Equipment appeared as well. Those were considered to be even better than Peak Nine Stars Path ones. Sure enough, everyone began to bid for them. Unfortunately for them, Krune only made 20 of those.

Not that Krune couldn't make anymore, but because only now he reached a level where he could forge the Diamond Golem's body! Simply put, he didn't have time for the others anymore.

"This thing turned out to be harder than I expected. I thought that once I was in the Four Stars Path Blacksmith level, I would be able to refine it. But I couldn't be wronger. Only at the Eight Stars Path did I finally get some results."

Feifei was also there with Krune since she was the one who would redraw that Formations on the shields.

"Well, it's better later than never. How long will it take for you to finish refining the Diamond Golem Body?"

Krune took a piece of it and began the refining process. He kept at it for a few minutes before giving an answer.

"At this speed, probably one month until I get enough to forge my new shields."

Feifei nodded. It had been a few weeks since Krune achieved his Eight Stars Path, but he focused on stabilizing his level first before touching the Diamond Golem's body.

Suddenly, Heavin appeared inside his workshop as well.

"Well, I will need you to refine some more since I will need it for my Phoenix Puppet as well."

Feifei couldn't help but ask.

"Isn't the Diamond Golem Body pieces a little incompatible with a Phoenix Type puppet?"

Heavin shook his head.

"Not necessarily. I will only use it for the more complex and small parts that could break easier. The rest of the Puppet's body will be made with Lightning and Fire compatible materials. I also sold my own puppets that I made during this time, so I got enough money to buy everything I needed. I was even able to buy the necessary Peak Divine Path Realm Phoenix Feathers. At the moment, I passed those feathers to Liriu for him to temper it with his Dracophoenix Flame and Tribulation Fire."

Heavin then looked at Krune.

"Let me know when you are ready, there are a few other materials that I will need you to forge for me as well with your Purple Flames."

Krune nodded and then made another question.

"That's okay. But how is your Phoenix Puppet's Soul Recipient? Is it good enough to hold part of the Divine Soul inside?"

Heavin pondered a bit before saying.

"I can't be 100% sure since it wasn't made with Divine Souls in mind. I made a few modifications and reinforced it to be at least three times more resistant than normal ones at this level. However, since no one had tried something like this before, I have no way to check. I can only rely on my theories. However, my methods brought me this far in my Soul Cultivation Technique, so I'm pretty confident in them."

Krune and Feifei agreed that Heavin was right.

"Alright, you two don't need to stay here with me. To make sure I have enough, I will refine the Diamond Golem's body during the next two months. It will still give us 1 year and 3 months before the start of the Heavenly Competition in the Time Formation."

Heavin agreed with the idea.

"That will give us more than time enough to have my Soul moved out and finish your Shields as well."

Having that said, Heavin took flight and returned to his Puppet Workshop. Feifei then gave Krune a kiss before leaving too.

"Well, let's start."

Krune didn't notice, but his communicator was being filled with messages of the Blacksmith Organization without stop. Because of his sudden break, the other Heavenly Competition participants who didn't get one of Krune's Weapons bothered the Blacksmith Organization ceaselessly. 

"Why did he stop again? Did you get any message from him?"

Back in the Blacksmith Organization, its manager had a headache because of the number of complaints he received. Even after explaining hundreds of times that the Blacksmith Organization doesn't have any control over the Purple Flame Equipments created, the harassment didn't stop.

"No, sir. We also sent someone to the Wisp Main World, but it seems that it is impossible to see him at the moment. From what we heard, he is in seclusion."

"Sigh... whatever, just keep trying."

The manager couldn't help but feel helpless. The Blacksmith Organization had tried to recreate Krune's Purple Flame weapons or something similar tens of thousands of times. However, it simply didn't work at all! It ended making Krune's brand to be even more famous than some Divinity Realm Blacksmiths.

Two months then went by inside Krune's Time Increasing Formation. As Krune looked at the Diamond Golem Material accumulated on the ground, he couldn't help but smile. Before, they had a more blue to transparent coloration. Now that Krune refined them using his purple flame, they acquired a purple hue around them.

"Now, I can start using the Elemental Forging Change technique. Fortunately, I already prepared a lot of Elemental materials, especially Lightning type ones at the Stars Path Level. Still, none of them are at the level of the Diamond Golem level. I guess that is to be expected of a Divine Demon Beast's body."

But just as Krune was about to start his work, he finally noticed the messages in his communicator. A smile then appeared on his face once he saw the contents.

"So the Heavenly Competition participants want Purple Flame Equipments, yea? Hehe!"

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