Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 532 - Time To Go

Sometime later, Feifei and Cinty went back to their own things. Krune also left Heavin alone since there wasn't anything else he could do anymore. Krune then spent his next days to fully recover the missing part of his Divine Soul. Once it was back to normal, he noticed that his connection with it was at 100%.

As mentioned in the past, Krune had to reduce the connection with his Divine Soul. Otherwise, Heavin would fall into a slumber since he lost control over it. Now, however, Krune didn't even try to take control. It was as if it had been like this from the very start.


'I guess that's how it was supposed to be if Heavin wasn't there.'

Krune went into a Dimensional Realm where he could test his power. Sure enough, he didn't have to pay attention to the connection anymore. If stayed like that on its own. Krune is a lot stronger when using his Divine Soul like this. It's just that when Heavin became able to fight with the Parrot Puppet, it was a lot better to fight together than fight alone. Heavin's sneak attacks had helped Krune several times in the past.

Krune kept using his power for a while longer. Finally, he reached the conclusion that the connection with his Divine Soul couldn't be weakened anymore. Even if he tried, it simply didn't work.


Krune finished his practice and returned to the Time Formation. He then focused on his cultivation while he waited for Heavin to wake up. With the help of Godly Energy, Krune had already advanced into the 6th Stage of the Divine Path Realm. He still has another year in there, or four months outside, to cultivate peacefully.

Another week quickly passed. Suddenly, Krune felt like he could feel a presence. When he looked at its direction, he noticed it was coming from the place where Heavin was staying.

'It was about time.'

Krune quickly arrived inside Heavin's Puppet Workshop and noticed the Soul Recipient floating in the air. It was also possible to see a lot of Spiritual Energy quickly rushing inside it without stopping.

"Seems like you can already focus on healing you Divine Soul, uh?"

Heavin heard that and used his Spiritual Sense to look at Krune.

"Hahaha! Yeap! I thought about giving you guys a surprise when I was finished, but it seems like you noticed the moment I woke up."

Krune nodded.

"The Divine Soul, where your consciousness and memories are staying, is still part of my own Divine Soul, after all. I could feel your presence the moment you came back.

Heavin agreed with Krune.

"In fact, I can also feel your presence because of it. I guess this is good since we can tell where each other are at any moment. Anyway, have you checked your Divine Soul, can you use it at full power without me?"

Krune nodded.

"Everything is fine on my side. The connection is fully established. Believe it or not, I can't weaken it even if I wanted."

Heavin laughed a little. He then used his Divine Sense, and the Phoenix Puppet came flying to him. The Soul Recipient Orb then touched the Phoenix Puppet's chest and seemed to disappear inside. Heavin's Soul Energy then began to connect to every part of the Puppet, quickly bringing it back to life.

This connection was at a completely different level of what Heavin had used until now. So far, Heavin had been using his Divine Sense to control the Parrot Puppet, but this time he used Soul Energy. It connected the Puppet directly to his soul, making it feel like Heavin was really the Puppet itself instead of the soul inside only.

"Hum... it feels quite cranky... It will take some time before I get used to it."

Krune didn't find it strange but decided to ask anyway.

"Is everything okay with your Divine Soul? You only have a small part of it, after all."

Heavin's Phoenix Head nodded at Krune.

"It's okay. Given enough time, I can make it regrow to be as big as the main one. Since it was a part of a whole, it will eventually try to restore its former self. Well, it won't be anything fast, though."

Krune didn't mind.

"As long as you can recover, that is fine. Let's go, Feifei has been worried about you. You should show your face to her first."

Heavin nodded, and the two left the time formation.

That night, everyone commemorated Heavin's recovery and his new freedom. From now on, he had no need to follow Krune everywhere. He could move wherever he wanted. However, he couldn't be considered part of Krune's anymore. That also meant that Krune couldn't bring him into the Heavenly Competition. There is no way he can say that he is the one controlling it with all the Divinity Realm cultivators and demon beasts watching.

In fact, it wouldn't be a good idea either since Heavin is an unheard case. It is better if others don't know about a Divine Soul with sentience is walking around.

Feifei also took that opportunity to pass the shields back to Krune.

"Oh, you finished?"

Feifei nodded.

"It took a lot of time, but that was because I draw all the formation at the Stars Path Level. Because of that, even with my Destiny Divine Major Soul, I failed several times. Still, I believe you will love the results. Since they are drawn on the back of the shields, they won't get damaged easily."

Krune smiled and put his Shields back into his Spatial Ring. On the next day, everyone once more returned to their own things. There was only one last thing Krune had to do now that Heavin's problem is resolved.

Back inside the Blacksmith Workshop, Krune opened his communicator and opened a big list.

"Well, I guess I can spend the rest of my time making as many of these equipments as possible. I wonder just who will end buying them. Hehe!"

Sure enough, Krune would not let the opportunity of using his opponents' weapons against themselves. Of course, he would only do so if he encountered a strong opponent who is also using his creations. If they were weaker, there would be no need to reveal his trump card.

Back in the Blacksmith Organization, they finally received Krune's answer. When the manager looked at the contents, he also jumped in happiness.

"Finally, those powers will stop bothering me. Let's see, Jolk said that he will try to make as many as possible before the Heavenly Competition. Oh! He said that he will be staying inside a Time Formation during this time to speed up the process. Great! Let's see how many he can make in these last months."

Soon, several Purple Flame Equipments at the Eight Stars Path Level began to appear one after another in the Blacksmith Network. Sure enough, everyone who didn't have their own began to bid for them without stop. This was directly connected to their chances of obtaining one of Dalin's Five Slots of Management, so no one was willing to save money.

Over two hundred Purple Flame Equipments appeared for sale during the next three months, and all of them were sold without exception. Because there were many wealthier buyers, Krune made quite a fortune. His capital now definitely surpassed the majority of Divine Path and View Realms cultivators and demon beasts. He was even more affluent than some Semi-Divinity ones.

Obviously, Krune separated part of his mind to keep cultivating during the last year inside the Time Formation. Thanks to that and the constant flow of Godly Energy, he successfully entered the Divine Path Realm 7th Stage. 

Finally, only two weeks remained for the start of the Heavenly Competition. Erzato, who was considered Krune's protector during the contest, stayed in the Wisp Main World all this time. It's just that he wasn't allowed to approach the place where Krune and the others resided. He didn't mind, though. Erzato simply thought that Krune didn't trust him that much to let him get close.

Suddenly, Krune's communicator flashed. When Krune answered the call, he noticed that it was Erzato on the other side.

"It's time to go, are you ready?"

Krune nodded.

"Pretty much, I'll meet you soon."

Erzato nodded and finished the call.

Krune then turned to Feifei, Fie, and everyone else. The planet where the Heavenly Competition will happen is too small to hold everyone who wants to see it. That being said, only really powerful or wealthy people and beasts could go there. The Wisp World definitely wasn't one of those. Also, it wouldn't be a good idea for everyone to follow him this time around. That being said, they would watch it online just like all the other Universes, Luvile Universe included.

"Well, it's time to go."

Feifei and Fie immediately hugged him tightly. The others also wished Krune good luck. Unfortunately, the Heavenly Competition was outside their range, not to mention that it only accepted one participant by Universe, so only Krune could participate.

"Hahaha! Don't worry. I can't be sure that I will win one of the five slots, but I can definitely guarantee that I won't die."

Fie couldn't help but ask.

"How can you be so sure? What if those Divinity Realm cultivators and Demon beasts decide that it was better to eliminate you?"

Krune smiled as he patted Fie's head.

"Don't worry, I prepared for it a long time ago. All you need to do is sit down and watch me."

Krune then gave Feifei a kiss and left. The time to show the wisps' power has come.

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