Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 549 - Dragon Breath

Gunile's Domain was a lot more concentrated, which made it stronger. His Domain was literally based on the Space around him, make it follow his order. Everything inside his space domain would move according to his will.

"I don't know why you were selected as a seeded participant, but your journey is over here."


Laka laughed out loud.

"Is that so?"

Laka once more rushed forward, his entire body burning like a volcano. Of course, the purple hue of his Purple Flame Dragon Pearl was still there. He quickly entered the range of Gunile's Domain. His own Domain was already there, though. Since it was big enough to cover the entire arena, it would be weird if it wasn't present.

"Dragon Blast!"

An explosion of dragon and phoenix fire went straight Gunile.

Seeing that, Gunile felt like it was a joke.

"Go away!"

Suddenly, Laka's Dragon Blast changed direction, passing far away from Gunile. No, to be more exact, Laka's Dragon blast did not change direction at all. Instead, the space acted in a way that the path 'forward' was not a straight line anymore.

"Let's get over with this."

Gunile's Space Laws and his Domain Order began to activate. Everything became blurry and distorted as if Gunile became a mirage. 

"World Separation!"

Suddenly, the Space around Laka seemed to be split apart. It was totally different from when Space was shattered or cut through. Space had literally been divided in two! Not only that, but Laka was right in the middle. 

Suddenly, Laka's body was split apart, too, just like Space itself!

"Hmph! Just because you were a Dragon, you thought your body could take everything? Go repent your mistakes in the underworld."


Laka's body suddenly began to melt as if it was made of Lava! Seeing that, Gunile was taken aback.

"Not good!"

Right behind him, Laka's Domain rippled as Laka's Dragon Claws came slashing down!

Gunile's face went pale, and he immediately ordered the space to bend so that the attack would pass far away. At the same time, he used his Space Contortion Skill to open distance from Laka. Still, Laka's Claws were utterly fused with all his Fire laws, so Gunile's Space Laws had a hard time bending the space around it.


In the next moment, Gunile appeared three kilometers away. However, he lost an arm while trying to defend against Laka's attack. 

'How's that possible? Since when was he behind me? He shouldn't be able to use teleport. But if it wasn't a teleport, how did he appear there?'

Laka looked at his claws and then at Gunile in the distance.

"You are quite fast. I was sure I would rip you apart just now. Impressive, impressive. However, how many times can you dodge?"

As soon as Laka finished his words, several Flame Sparks separated from his body.





Gunile couldn't tell what those Fire Sparks were, but he could feel the conglomeration of Fire Laws and... Space laws? But what did it mean?

Laka didn't explain and immediately attacked Gunile once more.

Gunile wouldn't stay still, though.

"World Separation!"

Once again, Laka's Dragon Body was divided in two. However, it melted right after like before.

This time, Gunile noticed that several of Laka's Fire Sparks had also entered his Space Order Domain. He didn't take risks and used his Domain to bend space and prevent the Fire Sparks from getting close. However, each one of the Fire Sparks was a conglomeration of Fire Laws and Laka's Domain. To bend space, Gunile had to use Space laws. In the end, his Space Laws had to first fight against Laka's Fire Laws before changing their direction. That being said, his Space Order Domain couldn't affect the Fire Spark completely.

Laka's Fire Domain rippled in the places where his Fire Sparks passed. From one of them, Laka came out, once again attacking Gunile.

"Dragon Blast!"

Gunile didn't dare to be careless.

'I don't know how you can teleport inside these Fire Sparks. Still, as long as I know it, you can forget taking me with my guard down.'

"Space Sundering!"

"Space Contortion!"

"Lightning Warp!"

Two attacks while retreating at the same time. All of them showing high levels of Space laws behind them. However, Laka's body once again melted away once hit by those attacks.

'Where are you?'

It was then that Gunile noticed. The number of Sparks around him kept increasing!

Gunile changed his target and began to destroy the Flame Sparks one after another. Now and then, Laka would jump out of one of them to attack Gunile. Gunile had to continually prevent the sparks from getting close, pay attention when Laka attacked, and destroy the sparks at the same time.

'It's his Domain. These sparks can only exist inside his Domain. That's why he created such an enormous one.'

Space Shattered as more and more of Laka's attacks came from those Flame Sparks. Once the attack was concluded, the spark would disappear. However, there was always another two or three to take its place. Gunile began to have difficulty to deal with so many at the same time. Not to mention that he was injured. His only advantage is that he used his Space and Lightning Laws as a means of attack, so the arm wasn't so important. Still, it affected his body to a reasonable extent.

'An ability like this should cost a lot of Spiritual Energy, he definitely won't be able to keep it for too long.'

Gunile was right! Not only this ability cost a massive amount of spiritual energy to be maintained, but Laka was also using Krune's Purple Flame Dragon Pearl to the max. Laka's Spiritual Energy reserve was plummeting at high speeds and wouldn't last for long.

However, Laka wasn't the least bit concerned about it.

At some point, Laka came out of one of the Flame Sparks once more and looked at everything.

'Should be enough.'

Gunile didn't notice, but only the Flame Sparks close to him would move in his direction. The ones further away would not do so. Suddenly, all those far away Flame Sparks began to stop at several specific positions. At the same time, they all ignited!

Fire Laws began to go crazy, and something like a fiery line connected all of them at once. Because of how weird the Fire Laws acted, Gunile immediately noticed the changes. He thought about moving away from this place with his Space Contortion, but he couldn't find a location free of the Flame Sparks. He had a foreboding feeling as his attention increased.

It was then that Laka flew in mid-air, totally ignoring Gunile's presence.

'What is he doing?'

Fierce flames began to gather in Laka's mouth, Spiritual Energy rushed inside like torrents. Even the space around Laka was affected just by the pure concentration of Fire Element and Laws. 

'Not good, I have to stop him!'

Instead of retreating, Gunile Stepped forward for the first time. His Domain was not reaching the place where Laka was staying, so he had to go there first. Obviously, he used Space Contortion to appeared there almost instantly.

"World Separation!"

Gunile was sure that this was the real Laka, not a clone or anything like that. As long as he disrupted Laka's attack, whatever he was preparing would not work.

However, just as the Laws of Space began to act around Laka and tried to divide his body in two, they immediately scattered. At this moment, the Fire Laws were too erratic around Laka, so other laws had a hard time to act on it.

Gunile's heart sank, and he immediately changed his tactic. Several Lightning and Space Type Skill left his body at once, which attacked Laka's body directly.

However, it was too late.

"The World of Fire, Ultimate Dragon Breath Domain!"

Dragon Breath, the most iconic and famous Dragon-Type attack in all Universes, appeared before everyone. But it wasn't merely a Dragon Breath. Several Flame Sparks were hit by it, but instead of being destroyed, they all absorbed the attack.

Suddenly, all the Flame Sparks that covered the entire arena began to shine brightly with fiery red color. Right after, all the Flame Sarks released the same Dragon Breath that Laka had just used in all directions!

Gunile smiled bitterly. There was simply nowhere to run.

The dome that was the protection formation of the entire arena was filled with Laka's Dragon Breath. It looked more like a bright sun that illuminated the whole north of the planet if you looked at it from far away. The most impressive thing was the fact that the attack's power was not reduced because of the enormous arena of effect. If anything, it became even stronger after they were released all at once by those Flame Sparks.

Gunile did his very best to defend against it. However, bending space would be meaningless since there wasn't a single corner inside the arena's protection formation free of Laka's Dragon Breath Fire. Gunile's protection soon shattered as the fire covered his entire body.

However, just as Gunile was about to be burnt to a crisp, an old man appeared beside him. His spiritual energy covered Gunile as the fire on his body was driven away.

A few moments later, Laka's Dragon Breath disappeared as he landed on the ground. He then looked at the man who protected Gunile and smiled.

"Seems like it's my win?"

The Judge, who was also there, nodded. He then looked at that man before saying.

"Intervention is against the rules. Your participant lost."

That man was Gunile's protector. He looked at the Judge and then at Laka.

"I know. Sorry for the interruption. But the outcome was clear, so I decided to save my Universe's Heavenly Divine Soul Owner. I hope you guys don't mind."

Laka simply shrugged his shoulders.

"So be it. As long as I win, that's what matters."

He then went outside the arena, not minding what happened at all. The important thing was that it was a thrilling battle, so he was quite satisfied.

With that, Laka advanced in the competition.

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