Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 558 - Lower And Higher Realms

Krune, on the other hand, was still confused.

"What gate? Where do you want to send him?"


Light Spirit then said.

"With the Devil Flame God and my power, we should be able to open a tiny temporary passage to the Godly Path Realm. This is a good deal for us since I don't want to have to deal with this lunatic in the future when I try to take my body back."

Krune was taken aback. Godly Path Realm? How come he never heard about it before?

"Wasn't supposed to be only the Higher Realms and the Lower Realms? Where did this Godly Path Realm come from?"

Only then did Luvile remember that Krune didn't know much about the Higher Realms.

"Oh, it seems like you wrongly understood it. What do you think the words 'Higher Realms' mean? Think about the words itself."

The moment Luvile made that question, he understood what he meant.

"I see... Higher Realms is just a way to talk about all the Realms above. But it doesn't mean they are the same. From what you are saying, there is the Godly Path Realm between and then the Higher Realm, is that correct?"

Luvile confirmed.

"Correct. That's also why we call this place we are in 'Lower Realms' instead of 'Lower Realm.' It is not composed of only the Universes around but the Underworlds as well. The Underworlds are an even Lower Realm. When you put the Underworlds below us and the Universes we are at the moment together, they form the 'Lower Realms.' By the way, the highest Realm is called God Realm, just so you know."

"In contrast, when you put the Godly Path Realm and God Realm together, you form the Higher Realms, which are the two superior realms above us. I believe that with your intelligence, you can guess why the two realms above and the two realms below are separated like that, right?"

Krune pondered for a second before answering.

"Godly Energy!"

Luvile confirmed.

"Exactly. The Godly Path Realm and the God Realm both have Godly Energy. The Underworld and the Universe we are at the moment don't. Of course, there are a lot more rules and history behind it, but the main factor is still Godly Energy."

Krune understood the logic. But it was then that a question popped in his mind.

"Underworld, Godly Path Realm, and God Realm. In that case, what do you call the Universes we are in at the moment?"

"Mortal Realm. Pretty lackluster, don't you think?"

Krune didn't mind. In fact, he thought it to be a very fitting name for this place.

"Do you find their names disappointing?"

"Not really. I quite like how simple it was made. Anyway, be it the Godly Path Realm or God Realm, neither of them will have anything to do with me for the time being. You just want me to help them to open the gate to the Godly Path Realm, right?"


Krune didn't really have a reason to deny Luvile's proposal. He must have his reasons to want the Devil Flame God to be gone.

"No problem."

Krune then messaged Iem and the Devil Flame God in Iem's foundation back.

"I don't mind helping to open this passage. We can decide a place to do that after the Heavenly Competition is over."

However, the Devil Flame God immediately rejected that idea.

"No can do, it has to be done now."

Krune and Luvile were taken aback and waited for the Devil Flame God to continue.

"After Iem unleashed my Devil Flames, my perception of the surroundings increased several times. At this very moment, there is an ascender watching our battle. That's also why I offered to open the gate; I don't want to risk being caught by that guy. Iem is too weak at the moment, so I better leave with him."

Krune and Luvile Immediately understood. Who else could the Ascender be if not Wally? Krune had asked Wally to see his fights and prevent the Dalin Universe Management from playing any tricks. Should he explain that Wally will not do anything to them? No, first of all, would he believe him?

It was then that Luvile said.

"Don't say anything, just help open the gate and let him go. If you say that Wally can be trusted, he might change his mind and stay. I really don't want to risk it."

Luvile's world reminded Krune that he really wanted the Devil Flame God gone for some reason. 

"Very well, how should we do this?"

Luvile then contacted the Devil Flame God.

"I don't know if there is really an ascender around us or not. But I definitely can't go to the Godly Path Realm now. At the very least, my wisp here can't resist, so I will stay. Besides, you might have said that there is an ascender just to force me to enter, so I would rather bet in staying here."

The Devil Flame God didn't mind. So what if Luvile is caught by the Ascender later? Whether he believed him or not, it is not his problem.

"Very well, let's start. Iem, Prepare your strongest attack, the more energy, the better."

Luvile told Krune the same.

"You as well. We are going to collide both Higher Realms' Laws to open the passage to the Godly Path Realm, do your best."

Although the conversation between the two parties was long, the fact is that just a few seconds passed outside. After all, everything was discussed through Divine Sense. They spent more time thinking about the answers and words that they would say back than hearing what the other wanted to say. 

Thanks to that, no one saw any anomaly between the balanced and highly destructive fight of Krune and Iem.

Suddenly, Iem's Black Flame Wings flapped, and he opened a distance from Krune. Krune, too, did the same. His Tribulation Wing Shields discharged some Purple Tribulation Lightning, opening distance from Iem.

Krune's Tribulation Wing Shields detached from his Wisp Core and gathered together with the rest of the shields, forming a sphere around him. Obviously, Krune was about to use his Tribulation Lightning Cannon, which took the longest to be charged. Of course, he kept his Divine Sense and Mental Energy focused on Iem in the distance.

Purple Tribulation Lightning power began to increase inside the Shields' Sphere. Suddenly, a small Purple Light exited Krune's Core. That was none other than Luvile's Purple Tribulation Lightning Source! Because of the high concentration of Tribulation Lightning inside the sphere, no one saw that, though. As for Divine Sense, no one could perceive Luvile either.

On Iem's side, the Devil Flame Suns appeared once more. However, there weren't only three, but ten of them! Not only that, but one of them enveloped Iem completely. Nine Devil Flame Suns and one extra at the center. Inside the central Sun, a small black flame came out as well. As one can imagine, that was the Black Flame Source of the Devil Flame God! The suns quickly increased in power and size. Soon, they surpassed the previous three suns that Iem used against Krune.

Everyone looking at that was shocked. They could feel that crazily high amount of energy on both sides. This wasn't a battle of the Divine Path or Divine View Realms anymore. It totally reached the Semi-Divinity Realm level!

"They noticed that their fight wasn't going anywhere, so they intend to finish everything with their strongest moves."

"Yes, it is hard to say which side will win. Perhaps, both will lose and wipe out each other. It's really a sight to behold."

"I'm more impressed with the level of this fight. It definitely will be recorded as one of the most brutal for the next hundreds of Heavenly Competitions."

Of course, the energies from Krune and Iem couldn't really reach the Semi-Divinity Level. It was because Luvile and Harold were investing some of their Source Essence that it got this terrifying. If they didn't come out, Krune and Iem's fight would probably take a lot longer to finish.

The Sphere of Purple Tribulation Lightning kept increasing as the Wills inside Krune's shield did their best to kept it all concentrated. There was so much energy that even the super tough Purple Flame Diamond Shields were on the verge of breaking!

Iem wasn't much better. Even his Crystallized Body began to emit a few cracking sounds. The nine Devil Flame Suns around Iem had fused together with the central one, which increased its power to a terrifying degree.

Suddenly, Luvile and Harold shouted in their minds.


Krune and Iem's eyes lit up, and they released their attacks simultaneously.

"Devil Flame Obliteration!"

"Tribulation Lightning Cannon!"

At the very moment the attacks were released, Luvile and Harold took control of them.

The two attacks met each other, and the world went silent for a moment. However, the explosion that everyone was waiting for didn't happen. Instead, the energies of both sides seemed to entangle and fuse.

Others couldn't see, but Luvile and Harold knew that the two Higher Realms Laws were attacking the same point, trying to create a passage to the Godly Path Realm.

Suddenly, all the energy seemed to be sucked by some force. It was as if a hole had been made on a spaceship in the middle of the void.


Luvile told Krune to stay away and pretend that he was fighting against the pulling force. The attack had opened that hole much closer to Iem, and he also pretended to be resisting it. However, it was just a play as he was quickly dragged inside.

Luvile sighed in relief when he saw that the Devil Flame God was finally gone. But it was at this moment that both Krune and Luvile received a Divine Sense message.

"A channel that can avoid the detection of the guys in the Higher Realms, such a fortuitous encounter."

Krune and Luvile immediately recognized that voice. It was Wally!

Suddenly, Krune felt some kind of power entering his Wisp Core, acting as if it was some protection barrier.

"Don't lose this opportunity, you should go there and take a look. As for your family, you can leave them with me. Now go!"

Krune and Luvile were alarmed.

"Wait! It wasn't a coincidence, we don't wan-"

Too late, that protective barrier that only Krune and Luvile could see immediately pulled them inside. Wally knew that Krune wouldn't want to leave his family behind, so he simply thought that Krune would come up with a reason for not going. He truly believes that Krune shouldn't lose this chance, that's why he ignored Krune's feelings and forced him in.

Just like that, Krune and Luvile were gone as well.

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