Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 566 - Free Labor

After they left that previous group behind, they began to discuss what they heard.

"From the looks of it, there is some danger on the way to Immal City. However, I also believe that once we get inside, it ill be the best place to rest. Not to mention we can get all the information necessary there."


Iem and the others agreed with Krune. Without wasting any time, they made their way there. Same as always, Krune's group avoided any unnecessary battle. However, they were still pursued by a few demon beasts now and then. Without another choice, they could only get rid of them.

There was even an instance where a group of five bandits tried to caught their group. From what Krune could see with his Mental Energy, three were at the Divine View Realm while the other two were in the Divine Path. At Krune and Iem's level, those ordinary bandits wouldn't be a threat to them since the strongest one is only at the 4th Stage. Still, Krune and Iem couldn't use much Godly Energy at the moment. In the end, they just released their Purple Tribulation Lightning and Devil Flame to increase their speeds to the max.

Those bandits looked in bewilderment at them. Krune and Iem were just way too fast! It only took a minute or so for the two of them to disappear in the distance, which forced the bandits to give up. Of course, if Krune and Iem battled using Luvile and Harold's power, they would most likely win easily. However, they preferred to conserve the two gods' energies as much as possible. Before they finish transforming their Dantian and Wisp Core into Godly Ones, they better exercise caution.

The guy who pointed the direction to Krune and Iem wasn't lying. Around a day of travel later, they were finally able to see a city's walls in the distance. The number of Cultivators around them also increased a lot. There were even Demon Beasts at the Semi-Divinity Realm and above walking around as well. Obviously, those were demon beasts who already got sentience. 

Due to the number of cultivators and demon beasts closer to the city, Krune and Iem didn't get attacked anymore. Starting a battle so close to the city and with many other groups looking would be idiotic. Thanks to that, Krune's group arrived at the city's gate without any issues.

There were several big queues in front of it, and everyone had to wait before entering the city. From what Krune and Iem could see, even Divinity Realm experts were no exception. That was to be expected. After all, the guards at the gate were Divinity Realm Experts themselves! Krune couldn't help but sigh while using a Divine Sense Message.

'Such a big difference. Divinity Realm Experts were at the top of the Mortal Realm's food chain, but they can only be guards in the Godly Path Realm.'

Iem nodded.

'But this is good. Only in a place like this will my cultivation soar even faster.'

Krune agreed with him. He was also excited to begin his own training.

Now and then, Krune and Iem would see a cultivator or a demon beast flying into the city. However, considering the sheer number of those who walked, they could only be regarded as rarities. Obviously, they were the city's top experts and didn't need to wait outside the City Gates.

"Luvile, what level of cultivation we need to reach to be able to fly."

Iem was also curious about it.

"Well, since we need to wait for the queue to move forward, I might as well tell you the Cultivation Realms in this place."

"The Nine Stages of the Dantian and Demon Core Transformations is called Transformation Realm. Of course, as I mentioned before, this Transformation isn't really a Cultivation Realm; it only uses this name to make things simpler. You are just changing your foundation so that you can use Godly Energy instead of Spiritual Energy. Also, don't forget that before you arrive at the Peak of the Divinity Realm, you can only reach the first Stage of the Transformation 'Realm.' The next eight stages can only be achieved after that. Before it, you can only have a Godly Dantian or Demon Core at the first Stage. Almost everyone around you at the moment is in this Stage."

Iem and Krune nodded. Luvile had already explained it to them a few days ago after they arrived at the Godly Path Realm.

"After the Transformation Realm, you will enter the Mortal Rejection Realm. This time, it is really a Cultivation Realm. As you can imagine, it also has another nine stages, like all the cultivation levels below. Finally, you will reach the Godly Fusion Realm. Only in the Godly Fusion Realm will you be able to take flight."

Krune sighed.

"I see, we better not provoke those who can fly around."

Iem then asked another thing.

"I have an idea what the Godly Fusion Realm means, but what is this Mortal Rejection Realm about? Aren't we immortal already?"

Harold laughed our loud.

"Immortal? Hahaha! You might be considered immortal in the Mortal Realm, but do you really think you are immortal? If that is the case, then let me ask you. If I cut your body in thousands of pieces, will you survive?"

Krune and Iem were taken aback.

"Does it mean that after we pass through the Mortal Rejection Realm, we can't die anymore?"

Luvile was the one to answer that question.

"No, that's not what Harold meant. You can still be killed. In fact, even experts at my or Harold's level can be killed as well. What Harold wanted to say is that there is no such thing as real immortality. If the body is completely wiped out and the Soul totally pulverized, even gods will die."

Iem couldn't help but ask.

"Then what is this Mortal Rejection Realm thing?"

Luvile then continued.

"Mortal Rejection Realm will strip you of your last connection with the Mortal World. Everyone is born 'Mortal' in all Realms; even the wisps are no different. Because of that, you have a connection with the Mortal World that can't be denied. If you wish to become a god, you have to discard your connection with the Mortal World. That's what the Mortal Rejection Realm means."

Krune immediately asked.

"What will happen after we discard the Mortal Connection?"

Luvile answered that question with a question of his own.

"After you get a Godly Body, Godly Dantian/Core, and a Godly Foundation, are you completely 'Godly?'"

Iem and Krune finally understood what Wally meant.

"I see... The most important piece, the thing that makes us what we are, our Soul, is still mortal! So the Mortal Rejection Realm will transform the Soul into a Godly Soul, is that it?"

Luvile confirmed.

"That's basically it. After the Soul finishes its Transformation, the only thing that can be considered mortal for you is the fact that you can die. Well, to be honest, I think that the only difference between you and a 'mortal' will be the fact that you will be a being of Godly Energy. Still, a lot of cultivators and demon beasts like to think they are superior forms of life. In the end, it's more like a personal choice."

Harold agreed with Luvile.

"Those who think they are superior are just a bunch of hypocrites. The only difference is that they are stronger or weaker than others, simple as that. Just how many 'gods' died back then? Bah!"

Luvile was shocked to hear such words from Harold.

"Since when did you become so humble? The Harold that I knew would never admit such a thing."

Harold snorted, though.

"Are you the one to talk? You were as arrogant as anyone of us back then."

"Cough, cough, cough... Let's just say that my eyes were opened, just like yours."

Luvile then continued.

"Anyway, the Godly Fusion is pretty much evident. After your Body, Soul, Dantian/Core, and Foundation finish transforming, you need to fuse them into one entity. That's the Godly Fusion Realm."

Iem and Krune nodded.

Finally, it was their time to pass through the gate.

However, there was one thing that Harold and Luvile didn't say. Not that they didn't want to, but because they thought it to be unnecessary for Krune and Iem. So they didn't even bother.

The guard responsible for their queue approached the two before saying.

"Two Divine Path Realm cultivators, the fee is Ten Godly Stones each."

Krune and Iem slapped their heads. Of course, there would be a fee to enter.

"Cough, cough... We are traveling while training. We spent most of our time outside, so we ran out of Godly Stones. Is there another way to pay for the entrance fee or something we can do in exchange?"

The guard didn't seem the least bit surprised or angry. He looked at them as if it was something that occurred quite often. He then pointed to the side of the gate, where there was a big building.

"You can offer your services there."

The guard quickly shooed Krune and Iem and called the next person.

Iem and Krune looked at each other and went to the building the guard appointed. Inside, there were several counters where cultivators and demon beasts talked with the employees.

Fortunately, there wasn't any big queue this time since the majority outside had the Godly Stones to pay for the entrance fee. Around a minute later, it was already their time.

"Hi there, we wish to enter the city, but we don't have Godly Stones at the moment."

The attendant nodded and passed a list to the two of them.

"You can choose one of these jobs. You will work in a predetermined place inside the city for thirty days to pay for the Godly Stones."

Krune and Iem nodded and took a look at the list. It seems like they will be doing free labor for some time.

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