Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 572 - Staying Longer

Oclo saw that and laughed.

"Well, it seems like your duty days are over. You can leave anytime you want now."


Krune nodded.

"I'll wait for the restaurant to close first. After that, I'm going to the Spiritual Chef Guild to take the test."

Oclo then thought about something.

"If you want, you can stay here for the time being. It would be good to keep another Spiritual Chef for help. After all, the only Spiritual Chef had been me so far."

Krune pondered a bit about whether he should do that or not. But in the end, he decided that it was better to leave. He wasn't here just for cooking, but for raising his cultivation as well.

"I need to make Godly Stones fast, so I can't stay here, sorry."

Oclo looked at Krune with a puzzled expression.

"Make Godly Stones? Then you might want to open your own restaurant for the time being. As a Star View Chef, there are definitely many cultivators and demon beasts willing to pay a lot for this. Each Star View option in the menu is worth between 300 to 400 Godly Stones, even the Star Path Dishes are worth at least 100, so why don't you try?"

Krune thought a bit before asking.

"But would there be a market for me? I believe that there are quite a few restaurants with Spiritual Chefs around already, no?"

Oclo shook his head.

"I told you before, very few cultivators and demon beasts become Spiritual Chefs. If we compare with alchemists, we aren't even 1/10 of their number. Let alone losing market, I can at least tell you that every city around our region is severely lacking in Spiritual Chefs. Have you ever checked my restaurant reserve list?"

Krune shook his head. He was only interested in the kitchen and food, so he hasn't paid much attention to any other things. Oclo then called one of his employees and asked him to show the reserve list.

The guy opened his communicator and showed the number to Krune. The reserve list went as far as one year of waiting! Krune, of course, was shocked by what he saw. Noticing his expression, Oclo laughed out loud.

"Simply put, Spiritual Chefs are too scarce since almost no one likes it. Everyone likes to eat Spiritual Chefs' meals, but no one wants to become one due to the difficulty. That's why I told you before, Spiritual Chefs are highly regarded wherever they go. As long as you show the Spiritual Chef Guild badge in front of your restaurant, the crowd will automatically flock in."

Krune's eyes lit up. He can keep cooking, which he loves to do. At the same time, he can also make a huge profit. Sure, he has his Purple Flame Pills and Equipments. If he uses it in alchemy and blacksmith, there is no doubt he can make huge profits too. However, since both can bring him huge profits, he might as well chose the one he likes the most.

As for why he needs so many Godly Stones, the reason is pretty simple. Because his Spiritual Stones became useless here. Compared to the effects of the Godly Energy, it was several times better to use the Godly Energy in the air than the Spiritual Stones in his Spatial Ring. They simply couldn't be put at the same level at all. Also, he can't use his Spiritual Stones for anything here. No one will accept it as a way of payment at all. Whatever he wants to buy in the city, he will need Godly Stones.

Also, Godly Stones have one advantage that Spiritual Food doesn't. Their energies are ownerless, just like the Godly Energy in the air. That being said, there is no risk of affecting his foundation while using them. Krune's plan was pretty simple. He would use his Spiritual Food as much as possible. When it starts to affect his foundation, he will stop with Spiritual Food and change to Godly Stones until he makes the foreign energies his own. After his foundation is completely stabilized, he would switch to Spiritual Food again. In fact, that's what all Spiritual Chefs are used to do as well.

"Great! Then I'm going to open a restaurant for myself."

Oclo nodded, satisfied. He didn't want to see such a talented Spiritual Chef cooking just once in a while. This would also dramatically benefit Krune's own training.

After the restaurant closed, Krune left for the City Center. Immai City is enormous to the point that Krune took almost three hours to reach there at the full speed of his legs. On the way, Krune used his Mental Energy to check all the stores around. Sure enough, there were quite a few restaurants. However, restaurants with a badge of the Spiritual Chef Guild were few and far between. Not to mention that any opened ones always had queues in front, just like Oclo's. That made Krune even more confident that he wouldn't go out of business.

Suddenly, Krune's communicator caught up a signal.

"He's here."

Krune and Iem had set up their communicators to tell each one's position. As long as they were in range, they would find the other's location. The only problem is that their communicators are different from the Higher Realm's ones, so they couldn't use its network. Otherwise, they would be able to tell where the other is anywhere in the city.

Soon, Krune found Iem.

"Yo! How was your month in the restaurant?"

It was then that Iem noticed Krune's cultivation.

"9th Stage?! You went from the 7th to the 9th Stage in just a month? How did you do that?"

Krune laughed and then explained what happened during the past few days.

"I see. I heard some of the Formations Masters talking about the Spiritual Chefs before. They seemed to love eating Spiritual Food. However, they often complained that it was hard to make the reserves. Seeing you now, no wonder everyone wants to eat their food. In that case, you must cook some Star View dishes for me. Hahaha!"

Krune didn't mind it.

"Sure, I intend to open a restaurant here in the city for the time being. Oh, right! Have your Dantian and Foundation achieved the 1st Stage of the Transformation Realm?"

Iem nodded.

"It finished just three days ago. I have to admit, the difference in cultivating with Godly Energy is absurd. I feel like I don't want to ever go back to the Lower Realms."

Krune couldn't blame him since he also knows the effects of the Higher Realms. It can't be compared at all.

"That's good. I might cook something for you before you try a breakthrough into the Divine View Realm. Considering your realm and your race, I doubt you haven't merged at least one law, right?"

Iem snorted.

"Who do you think I am? Before I became a Heavenly Divine Soul Owner, I was a Life Fragment/Divine Soul one. So as you can imagine, I already comprehended all the Light Sub-Laws and merged them into the Major Law of Light. That's more than enough for me to advance into the Divine View Realm."

Krune nodded.

"That's good. I have finished the Major Law of Fire, so I will enter the Divine View Realm soon too. I'm just taking my time to accumulate enough energy and transforming the Spiritual Food energy that I got into my own."

"By the way, how was your time in the Formations Guild?"

Iem's eyes lit up after hearing that question.

"Great! You might not know this, but even the Formations at the Star Path or Star View levels use Godly Energy. In a certain way, they can also be considered God-Level Formations! Any formation I had studied in the past pales in comparison to the Higher Realm's ones. Other than doing my work, I also got access to all the information available about formations. It was indeed an eye-opener."

"You said you wanted to stay in the city for a while to run your restaurant, right? To be honest, I also intend to do the same because of the Formations. The more I learn about the Godly Path Realm Formations, the better it will be for the two of us in the future."

Krune nodded in agreement.

"Cool, but first, we have something else to do."

Iem noticed what Krune meant.

"Indeed, it is due time already."

Soon, they entered an electronics shop. It was time to get communicators of the Higher Realms.

At the same time, back in the Dalin Universe, a couple suddenly appeared near the Wisp Main World.

The woman then sent a message over, and the couple soon got permission to enter the planet. The couple was none other than Feifei's parents, Wang Milia and Xin.

Soon, they arrived at Feifei's courtyard, where Feifei had been waiting for them. Sure enough, mother and daughter didn't hold themselves back and immediately hugged each other in tears. It had been over twenty years since they had seen each other, after all.


"Feifei! How had you been doing? Are you fine?"

As for a certain Wang Xin... well... he was utterly ignored...

"Cough, cough. I'm also here, you know?"

Feifei smiled as she wiped the tears on her eyes. After that, she also hugged her father. Finally, Wang Xin's gloomy expression disappeared.

Suddenly, another girl with Rainbow Hair and Irises entered the room. Obviously, that was Fie.

Wang milia and Xin were taken aback. The girl was basically a copy of Feifei, but with different hair and eye colors. Sure enough, until this very moment, they still didn't know that Feifei and Krune had a daughter.


Milia then sent her Divine Sense into Feifei, and she immediately understood. Any female human who has had a child for the first time would have their bone structure changed. As a woman and a mother herself, she obviously could tell that Feifei also gave birth in the past. Seeing how identical Fie looked to Feifei, the girl's identity became apparent.

"Feifei, could this be."

Fie seemed to be a little embarrassed. She could tell the Milia and Feifei looked a lot alike, so she looked like her grandmother a lot too.

Feifei quickly grabbed Fie's hand and brought her over.

"Mother, this is your granddaughter, Wang Fie."

Wang Milia's eyes lit up, and she immediately hugged her.

"Good! Good! I thought I couldn't be happier today, but who could have thought that such a surprise was waiting for me."

Wang Xin, on the other hand, had a dark expression.

"How dare that wisp touch my daughter? He even had a daughter with her."

Wang Milia's expression immediately changed as she cast a death gaze at her husband.

"What? Did you want my daughter to be childless for the rest of her life?"

Xin felt a chill on his back and immediately shook his head.

"Of course not, I'm happy to know I have a granddaughter now. Still... I'm a father. No father would feel happy knowing that his daughter was taken advantage of."

There is no helping that. Everyone knows that it is a rule that the father will always hate the son in law who took their daughter away.

"Shut up! If you say one more word, see if you won't sleep alone for the next century!"

Wang Xin was frightened by such an idea! A century without being able to touch his wife? He might as well die here!

"My beloved wife, I'm just joking."

He quickly came forward and patted Fie's shoulder.

"I might not like your father that much, but that is not the same in your case. If you need anything, you can ask me anytime. Hahaha!"

Fie looked at Wang Milia and Feifei, just to see the two women shooking their heads helplessly. It was evident that they thought Wang Xin to be beyond help already.

Suddenly, Feifei felt the Small White Tower that Wally left behind tremble. It came out of her Dantian and began to shine with white light. Right after, a voice came from inside.

"Oh! It's connected again. Feifei, can you hear me?"

Sure enough, after an entire month recharging, the tower could once again connect with Krune on the other side.

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