Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 589 - Mysterious Woman

Of course, Elder Huan wasn't the only Transformation Realm expert watching them. Other elders and experts from outside the tower were also doing the same. 

Still, those beasts were nothing that either Krune or Iem could do something about, so they ignored those and joined the fray again. This time, they switched from fighting the Rarin Worms to the Four Pincers Scorpions at the Divine View Realm level. That's because most of the Rarin Worms around the battlefields they were responsible for had been dealt with already.


On the third day, bigger explosions and tremors began to happen around all the battlefields. From the looks of it, the Transformation Realm experts started their fights against the demon beasts as well. Krune and Iem, who had quite an easy time at their side, took the opportunity to take a look at a battle that is above the Divinity Realm. Still, it was a too high a difference for them to learn anything at this point. 

The battles continued until the start of the fourth day when the Demon Beasts finally began to retreat. Just as Krune and predicted, the forces that appeared during this beast horde were not enough to take the city down. Regardless, all the cultivators started to cheer when they saw that the enemies were leaving.

Krune and Iem let out a sigh of relief; their part was finally over. As they returned to the city, the cultivators that fought with them all tried to talk with the two. After all, they had made a big difference in the southeast battlefield. Several cultivators tried to invite Krune and Iem to go celebrate, but the two refused, saying that they were exhausted.

No one thought anything strange about that. After all, they really had fought and killed more demon beasts at their level than anyone else. A few minutes later, Elder Huan returned from the rear of the battlefield. Krune could see his messy hair and torn clothes. There were also a few injuries on his body. Still, it didn't seem like he was severely injured.

Well, in fact, Krune and Iem didn't look much better. Not that they couldn't have avoided look like that, but because they let it happen. It would be a lot easier to convince the others that they needed to return earlier.

Krune then sent a Divine Sense message to Elder Huan.

"Elder Huan, is that okay if the two of us return to the tower to recover?"

Huan looked at them and nodded. He had also seen how much they contributed to the outcome of the southeast battlefield. It went a lot better for the lower level cultivators than he expected thanks to them. However, he didn't seem happy. In fact, none of the Godly Tower members were. That's because they received a notice from the other fields. They had lost more than 60 members of the tower. That included 13 Divinity Realm and 3 Transformation ones. That was quite a heavy blow considering that the tower only had 14 Transformation Realm before.

Now, only 11 remained. It seemed like the North and West sides suffered heavy losses, and the attacks on those parts were a lot fiercer.

Elder Huan sighed and couldn't help but think.

'Fortunately, we also killed a lot of them this time. From the looks of it, we still got the advantage in the exchange. Still, it had been a long time since so many Transformation Realm elders died in a beast horse. I hope a few of our Divinity Realm members can reach the peak stage so that they can enter the next stages of the Transformation Realm soon. Well, perhaps I should increase the training and resources for cultivation.'

Elder Huan and the others would need to stay to take care of the things, so Krune and Iem bid their farewells. Of course, they weren't the only ones going back to the tower. Several other members got injured or didn't have the energy to take care of the things anymore too. Regardless, Krune and Iem made sure to return first so that they could go directly to the 12th floor.

The guards didn't stop them as they entered the tower. From there, they went to the 8th floor first and then used their Purple Tribulation Lightning and Devil Flame to go up concealed. Sure enough, the tower was almost entirely empty. With one or another exception, the rest of the members were out taking care of the outcome of the beast horde.

Krune arrived on the 11th floor in a blink of an eye. There, Krune used his Mental Energy to check the 12th floor.

"Good, there are no elders present there, let's go."

They quickly ascended to the next level and felt how much the Godly Energy Concentration improved. Although it still couldn't compare to use Godly Stones or eat Spiritual Food, the concentration was really high. Nonetheless, they didn't waste time there and moved to the 13th floor straight away.

In theory, the 11th floor was for the Transformation Realm. They only went to the 12th floor to cultivate because they could resist the pressure there for some time. Still, they had to return to the 11th floor every time they reached their limit. As for the 13th, the Transformation Realm cultivators of the tower simply couldn't resist more than a few breaths, let alone the 14th.

However, when Krune and Iem arrived on the 13th floor, they were taken aback. Right in the middle of the level, there was an old woman with her eyes closed. However, she didn't seem like she was having a hard time resisting the pressure of the place. There were only two ways that could happen. First, the pressure of the tower is avoiding her, just like Krune and Iem. Or second, she is a cultivator in the Mortal Rejection Realm at the very least.

Regardless of the reason, it wasn't a good thing for Iem and Krune. They hadn't left the stairs and only observed her from afar.

"If she is a Mortal Rejection cultivator or higher, then she already achieved the cultivation necessary to have an unlimited lifespan. Or she has the same ability as us, which is also probable."

Said Iem with a Divine Sense Message.

Krune nodded.

"Should we try to call her out? After all, it should be impossible to enter the Mortal Rejection Realm in a place hidden from the heavens. That being said, she should have been here ever since this Underground City was closed to the outside world. Of course, that is considering that she isn't simply someone like us. Or the fact that she might decide to attack instead of talking since we shouldn't be here."

Iem shook his head.

"I think it is too risky. If we can arrive at the last floor first and don't find anything, then we might try this idea."

Krune pondered a bit as he looked at her.

"Well, maybe she isn't using her Divine Sense at the moment. She seems to be meditating or is concentrated on cultivation. In that case, we might be able to pass by her if we don't make any noise. What about stay close to the walls and sneak past?"

Iem couldn't help but feel like this was a childish idea. Unfortunately, he couldn't see another way around either. They didn't have much time, so they had to act now.

"Sigh... I guess we can only try."

Krune and Iem deactivated their Purple Tribulation Lightning and Devil Flame concealing skills and left the stairs. However, as soon as they gave the first step into the 13th floor, the woman in the distance opened her eyes. 

Krune and Iem's heart skipped a bit when that happens. At the same time, Harold and Luvile were prepared to go all out with Krune and Iem in case she decided to attack. Without a doubt, they would pay a healthy price, and there would be no guarantee of victory against such a difference in cultivation level.

However, what happened next took them aback. Tears began to flow from her eyes as she looked at Krune's group. She then kneeled in their direction before pledging.

"Please, help us. Only you can give our freedom back."

Krune and the others didn't know what to do. From the various possible reactions they expected, this definitely wasn't one of them.

Krune and Iem didn't let their guard down, though.

"What do you mean?"

The woman noticed that her emotions took the best of her. Obviously, Krune and Iem couldn't possibly know why she said that.

"Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself."

She then lifted her hands, and a wave of Godly Energy enveloped Krune and Iem. The two of them then started to float in her direction. Luvile and Harold immediately found out her level through that, though.

"Godly Fusion Realm!"

Krune and Iem grimaced. Even if Harold and Luvile helped them, it would still be impossible to escape from someone this strong.

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