Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 599 - Decision Making

"Sky Shifting Sect?"

The only Sect Krune had ever been part of was the Divine Path Sect. He didn't join any other during his time in Dalin Universe.


Iem then explained his choice.

"They are known for being quite an all-round Sect. There are no specializations that they focus on, or you could say that they focus on everything. This kind of Sect would be perfect for us since no one would pay much attention to our abilities. If anything, they will think that it's just normal that weird guys wanted to join them."

"They are definitely one of the strong forces of the Zamaria Planet, but at the same time, they don't appear between the top ones. This status of being in the middle is also the best we could ask. They have the authority to buy what we need but don't appear too much to have questions asked. Besides, there is one more reason why I selected them, check their information on the network."

Krune nodded and opened his communicator. He then searched for information about this Sky Shifting Sect.

This Sect seems to have been founded around 20 thousand years ago. At that time, they only had a Godly Fusion Realm Sect Master as their strongest member. They had also selected a region where other sects wouldn't mind their presence. From what Krune could see, they were the cautious type that doesn't like to appear too much.

Little by little, they consolidated their forces as their top members cultivated slowly to their actual strength. At the moment, the Sect has two God Core Realm members, one cultivator, and one demon beast. The cultivator was the same person who founded the Sect, a woman called Franlia Katuas. The demon beast was a female one who joined the Sect around a thousand years after its foundation, Tosely. From the looks of it, those two girls were quite close to each other.

In the next years, their Sky Shifting Sect went through a few conflicts, but it palled compared with other powers. It could be said that they were quite a calm sect. However, Krune found out that another two forces close by, the Three Peaks Sect and the Flower River Sect. From the looks of it, these three sects didn't have much interaction with each other before, always keeping to themselves. However, as their territory expanded, they eventually reached the same place. 

If it was just a piece of land, the three sides could have done a few negotiations. Eventually, one of them would take it while paying something to the others. The three powers are similar in strength, so it wouldn't do any good to go to war because of a small territory.

However, they eventually found an enormous chain of Top Quality Godly Energy Veins hidden beneath a mountain range. If a proper formation was set up there, it would become one cultivation paradise for any of the three. That wasn't all. Because of how long these Godly Energy Veins had been hidden, the area around them became a gigantic Godly Stone Mine. The number of Godly Stones that could be mined was probably over billions! Due to the quality of the Godly Energy Veins, the Godly Stones at the center of the Chain also reached High and even Top Quality levels.

Without a doubt, that mountain range would be the perfect place to move their sects headquarters. The Godly Stones would provide enough income to keep any of their sects running for the next thousands of years too. Obviously, neither of the three forces would give up such a fat piece of meat. As one can expect, battles began to happen frequently in that place. No one knows what will be the end result of this three-sided conflict.

Iem saw Krune's expression changing and knew that he got all the information about the Sky Shifting Sect situation.

"Do you understand now why I selected this one?"

Krune nodded.

"The Sky Shifting Sect doesn't focus on any particular field, which is good for us. Thanks to that, we wouldn't attract much attention. However, they won't merely let us use their name to acquire the resources we need. We will need to do something for the Sect, and this three-sided war is the best opportunity to gain merits. Not to mention that it would be the best environment where we could acquire combat experience."

"But above all, the fact that they are in a war would be the best concealment for us. The Sky Shifting Sect needs strength! They won't bother about who joins them as much as they would before, nor will they try to investigate any abnormal strong new members. They only have one focus at the moment, acquire the Chain of Godly Energy Veins. Anything else can wait until the war is over. From the looks of it, this war will probably last several decades before a conclusion is reached. By that time, it is hard to say if we would still be there or not."

Iem nodded.

"Exactly! All three forces have tens of thousands of members, but they can't possibly use it all in this war. After all, they aren't the only ones who know about these Godly Energy Veins. If they use too much of their forces, someone stronger might jump in and take all three of them down. Thanks to that, they reached this balance where the war can't be stopped, but can't go all out either. For us, the longer this war lasts, the better. It will give us an unlimited stream of Sect Merits, which we can use to buy everything we need."

"Of course, it will also be dangerous. Still, you should know very well that life and death experiences are part of the cultivation path. We can't ignore such things."

Krune nodded.

"Very well. But how about our time management? I have my restaurant to run, after all."

Iem shrugged his shoulders.

"Did you forget, the Sky Sifting Sect has tens of thousands of members. Do you really think you would lack customers in there? Just close your restaurant here and open a new one close to the Sect. If anything, you should get even more affluent customers than before. You can open it every time you come back from the battlefronts. Besides, we won't spend most of our time fighting, no one would. You can use all your free time to cook if you want. I also want you to keep doing your dishes. After all, they help both of our cultivations."

"Don't forget, our objective is to cultivate as fast as possible. My time in the Formations Guild and yours in the restaurant are just ways to achieve our aims."

Krune couldn't help but narrow his eyes. Moving the restaurant's location wasn't a problem. But what about his employees? Krune pondered a bit and then sighed in the end. Iem was right; he can't lose focus on his objective. He wants to get strong enough to return to the Lower Realms as soon as possible. The most important thing wasn't his restaurant, but his family that stayed behind.

"Alright, let's do it."

Iem nodded, and they began to talk about how they would do it. After Iem left, Krune sent a message to all his employees to come to work one hour earlier. Since he was going to move, he had to at least let everyone know about it.

The next morning, Krune was gathered with his employees in the lobby. Since the restaurant hasn't opened yet, they were the only ones there at the moment.

"I'll join the Sky Shifting Sect. Because of that, I need to move the restaurant to another city close by. That means this restaurant here will be closed. However, you guys have been working for me for a long time, especially Bai's group. So I'll give you a choice. You can decide whether you want to move there with me or not. The city I'll be moving to is called Capivari. That's the closest one of the Sect."

"However, do not accept it straight away. First, you will be coming by yourselves. I will pay you the same thing as before while you work for me, but I won't help you settle yourselves there. Also, you must understand that the Sky Shifting Sect is in a war against two other Sects. As a sect member, I will need to participate in those battles. There is a chance that I might die one of those days. If that happens, the restaurant will obviously close forever."

"Because of the war, the Sky Shifting Sect is recruiting new members every month, and the next recruitment will happen in two weeks. I will need at least a week to move everything there, so you have one week to think about it. You guys probably lived here in Immai City during all your lives, your family members should be here too. So don't make this decision lightly. Very well, let's start to organize everything to open the restaurant."

However, Nina didn't waste any time before raising her hand.

"I'll go with the chef!"

Krune looked at Nina after hearing that.

"You already rebuilt your foundation and even surpassed the level you would be in the past. You can already cultivate by yourself without my help too. With the experience you acquired, you should have no problem finding another restaurant to work as a chef. Are you sure you don't want to give it some thought first?"

Nina shook her head vigorously.

"I don't need to think, I'll go too!"

Her brother, Lino, sighed.

"Since my sister already decided, then I'm going with her."

Krune shrugged his shoulders.

"Since you want to, I won't say anything else."

Krune then turned around and headed into the kitchen. At the same time, everyone gave Nina meaningful smiles. Sure enough, she noticed what she just did and got all red again.

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