Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 604 - Blacksmith In The Godly Path Realm

After Krune returned to his new restaurant, he helped Nina and Jilin to set up everything. He also bought a few new things he was going to use from now one. Soon, they started the preparation of some of the food. A few dishes in Krune's restaurant needed more than just a day to be ready, so he had to have them done before it opened next week.

He also took his time to teach Nina and Jilin about the food. It turned out that Jilin is also the type who loves food, so Krune quite liked the young man. As for Nina's cultivation, Krune helped her one last time with her Soul Forging Realm breakthrough. After that, he told her that she would be on her own.


Nina already surpassed the level she would be if she hasn't got her Dantian destroyed in the past. Krune felt that with this, she would be able to take the next steps on her own. Of course, if she had doubts about cultivation, Krune wouldn't mind talking to her about it. But resources support like Godly Stones would not come from his pocket anymore.

Krune saw how Nina got sad when she heard that. However, the reason for her sadness was completely different from what Krune thought. During the time she was cultivating, she had more opportunities to stay close to him and talk about other things. But now she would need to leave the restaurant every time it closed just like everyone else.

That also confirmed that Krune really had never seen her as a possible love relationship option, and she was right. In Krune's eyes, there was none else other than Feifei. He made that clear quite a few times when someone asked about his wife. 

The others' couldn't be blamed for asking. After all, Krune had been their boss for over three years. Still, they had never seen or heard his wife even once. Another reason for the questions was that other than Krune, the rest of the people could see Nina's feeling as clear as day. They couldn't help but want to help her too. Even her brother felt quite helpless about Krune's ignorance.

Two days later, Krune finally held the interview with all the candidates for his restaurant. Of the fifteen that came, only six remained. Two entered the kitchen with him while the rest was left to Bai to take care of. 

Finally, Krune went outside and took his restaurant's board from his Spatial Ring. He placed it high above the entrance. After coming down, he couldn't help but nod in satisfaction. His rainbow restaurant had been going for quite some time already.

The week quickly passed, and soon people noticed the new board. Krune already could cook Semi-Divinity Star meals, so Demon Beasts in human form also began to take notice of it. When Krune's restaurant finally opened for the first time, there were already quite a few customers waiting outside.

As mentioned before, Spiritual Chefs are rare. As long as a free restaurant with one appears, it is bound to receive a lot of customers. Just like in Immai City, Krune had to create a waiting list for the next few days or weeks.

Others also noticed that the chef of the restaurant was a member of the Sky Shifting Sect, so a few disciples also stopped by. Krune came to get acquainted with them, which helped a lot in the sect. One special guest was Tulike. That guy loved to jump ahead the queue saying that he was Krune's friend. Krune, of course, felt quite helpless with that behavior. Still, since he had joined the sect at the same time as him, he didn't care too much and allowed him to eat first. It was just one single dishe between the several he made at the same time, so it wouldn't change much anyway.

Finally, one month went by, and Krune decided to change the opening schedule. He wanted to practice his Blacksmith Skills, so he wouldn't be able to take care of the restaurant simultaneously. He gathered all the employees after the closure and told them the news.

"Alright. The restaurant will now operate for a week and stay closed for another. I have many things to do in the Sky Shifting Sect that got delayed due to the new restaurant. But you don't need to worry. Your income will not change. If anything, you will get a lot of free time."

Nina and the others were surprised to hear that. But since Krune already made his decision, they wouldn't go against it. The only problem was that they wouldn't get any tips during the days off.

Nina pondered a bit before asking.

"Master. Would it be okay if Bai and I open the restaurant during the time you are in the sect? The only Spiritual Food ingredients that Jilin and I can use are at the Soul Forging Realm level. Nevertheless, they are still Spiritual Food. That would help us a lot with our Spiritual Chef training too. All we need to do is leave a notice saying that you would be a week in and another out. The customers during the time you are out will decrease a lot, but it would still be good for us. Bai and the other attendants could also get their tips as always."

Everyone looked at Nina and couldn't help but nod. Due to Krune's food success, they received a lot of tips that they shared with everyone. It was almost to the point that they got a second income every month. They were quite reluctant to let those ones pass by.

Krune pondered a bit and didn't see any reason to refuse. As long as the customers were warned about the weeks he would be out, there should be no problem. Besides, Bai and Nina had his trust, so he wasn't afraid of them doing anything wrong during the time he wasn't there. They totally had the ability to control everything by themselves.

"Very well, I will leave it for Bai and Nina to take care of when I'm not here. If you encounter problems, call my communicator. However, don't call me unless it is really necessary. I will be focused on my training, so the fewer distractions, the better. Are you sure you can deal with it?"

Bai and Nina nodded while showing expressions of confidence.

Krune smiled after seeing that and passed the method to control the formations Iem set up in his restaurant to them. Besides, it was not like there was anything he would minding lose in there. Anything that Krune considered too important was in his Spatial Ring, just like everyone else.

The first week came, and Krune returned to the Sky Shifting Sect. He went straight to the Blacksmith Hall and immediately entered the workshop. His restaurant wasn't open all the time since it only worked 10 hours/day. The closed hours he used to cultivate, comprehend laws, practice his techniques, etc. Other than that, he studied the forging techniques used in the Godly Path Realm.

'Sure enough, the main reason for the increase in strength of the equipments was Godly Energy. It's not only the Godly Energy used during the forging, but the materials used as well. These materials had been born and basked in Godly Energy during their entire existence. Obviously, they reached a degree of power that far surpasses materials of the Mortal Realm.'

'The techniques of forging are also different. Back then, I had to think about the conversion of Spiritual Energy. I had to first go through Elemental Source Energy, and then Chaos Energy. Only then could I forge Diamond Level equipments and higher. Here, such a thing doesn't exist. Everything is based on Godly Energy.'

'However, the forging techniques in the Godly Path Realm are highly dependent on the purification of the Godly Energy used during the process. The higher one's cultivation level, the purer can they make the Godly Energy during the forging. I believe that alchemy probably follows the same principle.'

'The question here is whether I can use my Purple Flames in this process or not. In theory, Luvile's Power should be even better when used with Godly Energy. However, it will also be much harder to control. No doubt, it will become much harder to forge. There is also the process of creating the Purple Flame through electrolysis. The fuel of the process is also Godly Energy, so I have to think about the Fire and Water Elements/Laws in the process.'

'I also have to think about the elements and laws applied in the equipment while using the Godly Energy fueled Purple Flame. They will probably get heard to control as well. However, the effects I'll get from them will without a doubt increase the level of the equipments even more. Only like that will I be able to achieve the same level of equipments of the Godly Path Realm. No, if my Purple Flame also works here, they will surpass that level as well.'

Krune pondered for a moment and then showed a smile.

'It looks fun!'

He quickly opened his communicator and accessed the Blacksmith Hall network. Soon, someone arrived in his workshop and delivered a bunch of common forging materials for him. After paying for them, the guy left. Krune checked everything one last that and nodded, satisfied.

'Alright, let's start!'

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