Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 609 - Godly Veins

Franlia shrugged her shoulder.

"There is no safe method. You can only rip it apart by force. Of course, I might be wrong, and there is a safe method, but I don't know any. The problem is that it is put on the Soul when they were babies. During the next few years, the Seal will completely attach itself to it."


"However, once you rip it apart, chances are that you will damage or even destroy the Soul. You can think about it as if the Seal has been glued to the Soul. Once you take it out, it will inevitably pull some of it together. There is nothing I can do about it."

Krune pondered a bit before asking.

"What if they are fed with soul Healing Pills after the Seal is removed, would they recover?"

Franlia nodded.

"Well, if you can afford the resources for it, then it should be possible. Don't expect me or the sect to pay for it, though. Also, be aware that they might lose some of their memories when you pull the Seal by force, which won't be recovered even if the Soul is healed."

Krune didn't mind the price. He already knows a few recipes that can heal the Soul. Besides, he still has three Life Dew Pills, which can instantly recover one's Soul as long as they aren't above the Void Breaking Realm. His only doubt is if it would be as effective to beings of the Godly Path Realm. 

Krune then turned his attention to Luvile in his foundation.

'Even if the Life Dew Pill isn't strong enough to fully heal those at the Void Breaking Realm and below, it should still have some effect. Nina and Lino are still in the Soul Forging Realm, so it should be even stronger on them. There is only one doubt. Maybe I could use the Purple Tribulation Lightning. What do you think?'

Luvile denied that notion.

'That's a bad idea. My Purple Tribulation Lightning is a lot stronger in a world with Godly Energy. If you miss how much power to use by a little bit, chances are they you would pulverize those siblings' souls.'

Krune narrowed his eyes.

'What about you? If I leave the Purple Tribulation Lightning for you to control, you should be able to destroy it without killing the Soul, right?'

Luvile confirmed that.

'That should be possible. However, I don't know what kind of countermeasures was left behind in that Seal. Chances are that I might trigger some kind of restriction that will destroy their souls once I start. You need to think straight. Do you really think there would be nothing protecting that Seal? Franlia, on the other hand, probably knows a way around it. You will have a better chance if you ask her. If I'm not wrong, this is not the first descendant of the Dragon Guy that she found. She seems to be very knowledgeable about this situation.'

Krune had to admit that Luvile was right. He then returned his attention to Franlia before asking.

"You said that it is possible to remove the Seal by brute force. However, I'm sure that the Seal has some kind of protection left behind too. Do you know about it?"

Franlia smiled before nodding.

"Correct. There are indeed restrictions left in the Seal that prevent it from being removed."

Krune nodded.

"In that case, I believe you probably know a way around it. Would Sect Master be willing to tell me about it?"

Franlia didn't mind.

"The reason we know how to proceed is that we found quite a few of those descendants of Agaran or the other elders of the Three Peaks Sect before. So we have tried a few things before to remove the Seal without destroying the Soul. Just don't ask why we did it. As you can imagine, most of them died in the tests, but we did figure out a way that won't ruin the Soul. However, it is still risky and needs a lot of materials related to the Soul."

Krune sighed in relief. As long as there was a way to help, he could work around it.

"Good! Senior, please make a list of the materials that are needed. I'll gather all of them."

Everyone in the room began to laugh when they heard that, which puzzled Krune.

"Sorry, sorry. It's just that you said you would gather all the materials. I might as well tell you, someone at your cultivation level would not be able to do it. They are really expensive, and you will need an enormous amount of merit points if you want to buy them too."

Krune was taken aback. They knew he was a Spiritual Chef, so it was evident that he can make quite some Godly Stones. Still, they said that it would be very expensive even for him. Just how costly would the materials be?

Franlia knew what Krune was thinking, so she sent a Divine Sense message with all the items for the Seal Removal.

When Krune looked at the names, his mouth twitched. He didn't know more than half of them. But for the ones he knew, they were indeed extremely expensive. He would need to work in the restaurant for several years to afford all of that. Let alone the price of those he didn't know about.


Tulike couldn't help but pat Krune's shoulder.

"Now you know why we wouldn't pay for your employees. It is not worth our efforts to do so."

Krune couldn't help but ask.

"Is there really no other way to gather them?"

Franlia simply shook her head.

"That depends on you alone."

Finally, she grew tired of the conversation and said.

"Alright, where is my soup? I want to eat."

Rag laughed and went back to finish preparing the food. 

Franlia also headed to the table when suddenly, Tulike gave her a suggestion.

"Mother, what about the sealed spaces in the Godly Veins? We are in need of disciples to enter those places to claim the Top Grade Godly Stones, no? If you let him in and he gathers enough Top Grade Godly Stones, we could trade it by the materials you mentioned."

Franlia immediately shook her head.

"That's out of the question. Those sealed spaces are too dangerous for someone of his level."

Tulike insisted.

"But we can't send anyone above the Divinity Realm either since those sealed spaces would not support their strength. Krune is already in the 8th Stage of the Divine View Realm, and he is definitely much stronger than those in the same realm as him. The groups we always send in have three Divinity Realms' leaders, with the rest being Semi-Divinity Realm ones. That was the rule set up in the agreement. I'm sure Krune is at least as strong as an average Semi-Divinity Realm."

Franlia narrowed her eyes and began to ponder. As for Rag, he didn't have anything to do with it, so he kept preparing the food.

Krune couldn't help but ask.

"What are you talking about?"

Tulike then explained.

"Due to those Top Quality Godly Energy Veins, the areas around became giant Godly Stone Mines. Other than the extraordinary amount of Godly Energy present in the area, the Godly Stones are also of much higher quality. You know this much, right?

Krune nodded and waited for Tulike to continue.

"The thing you don't know is that there are Top Quality Godly Stones available as well. However, those ones only appear in the sealed areas of the Mountain Range. It wasn't us who sealed those places, but the Godly Veins themselves."

"Those Godly Veins are the best there is. Their power of Godly Energy Generation is unmatched. However, due to the extreme amount of time and Godly Energy emanating from them, the space around has been affected. Those several Top Quality Godly Energy Veins ended creating their own sealed spaces, which are really chaotic and unstable due to the amount of Godly Energy available."

"If we send anyone above the Divinity Realm in there, the space would collapse. If that happens, all the Top Quality Godly Stones would be destroyed. Not to mention that if you aren't at least at the God Core Realm, you will die if you are inside. That being said, we can only send Divinity Realm and below cultivators and demon beasts."

"Of course, you don't need to be afraid of damaging the Godly Energy Vein itself. Even if space collapses, the Vein will remain unscathed. Still, we really can't let those Top Quality Godly Stones go that easily."

Krune understood what they meant.

"So, If I go in and help acquire the Top Quality Godly Stones, you wouldn't mind providing me the Materials for the Seal removal, right?"

Tulike nodded and then warned Krune.

"Correct. However, you must understand that it is very dangerous. Spatial tears appear everywhere in that place. That is only one of the problems. We can't send people anytime we want. Most of the time, those spaces are too chaotic to be entered."

"Still, once every year or so, the surrounding sealed space around the Godly Vein stabilizes enough for others to pass through the space barrier. It will continue like that for one week, and then it will return to the same craziness as before. Our disciples need to use this time to take the Top Quality Godly Stones."

"Unfortunately, we aren't the only ones keeping an eye at those sealed spaces. The other two sects also want those stones very much. For us to prevent the spaces from collapsing due to the excessive battles inside, the three sects reached an agreement. There can only be one group of each side entering together. The rest is decided by their skills."

Krune got excited! That's exactly what he and Iem needed. They wanted to have combat experience, which will definitely happen. At the same time, Krune can get the materials to help the siblings. Not to mention he will get merit points to buy the things he also needs. It was simply perfect.

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