Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 625 - Closing

Except for Kalen and the other two Semi-Divinity Realm guys from the other two groups, everyone else stepped on the teleport formation. All the groups were separated while looking at each other. Finally, the ones that stayed outside activated the formation, making everyone over it disappear in a flash of silver light.

Krune's vision blurred and contorted for a second before coming back to normal. Because the teleport formation wasn't in proper conditions, everyone felt some backlash from the space laws. Finally, the side-effects disappeared, allowing everyone to recover and relax after a few seconds.


However, that sensation didn't last long. As soon as they appeared on the other side, they noticed that they were far from being out of danger. That's because the world around them seemed to be on the verge of collapsing at any time! 

They could see spatial tears everywhere, moving like they were dragged by the wind. There were also a few that appeared and disappeared like ghosts. It even made everyone think twice if they really wanted to explore this place or not. Also, they couldn't see much far. That's because they seemed to be inside some kind of cave. However, the passage there was very spacious.

Suddenly, Zule's Divine Sense message reached Krune.

'Don't worry, this place is in bad shape, but it will take several years before it reaches the real breaking point. Unless something that can force it to break happens, there should be no risk of it collapsing in the next few days.'

Zule is a Spatial Type Treasure and a Space Heavenly Fragment. His senses for space-related things was several times better than anyone in this place. 

Krune let out a sigh of relief and then turned to the others. 

Krune's group complexion wasn't very good, though. Although that place seemed to be some kind of cave, they felt that it wasn't the case. Also, they felt like a powerful aura was constantly assaulting them. However, they couldn't tell where it was coming from.

"Everyone, be careful. Something is not right about this place."

Krune's group wasn't the only one like that, though. Foltan and Pharan's groups were also feeling the same way.



The space around them began to tremble. Everyone was alarmed by that and quickly looked around. It was then that they noticed that the walls of the cave behind them began to close! It then quickly moved in their direction. Not only that, but the walls were closing at very high speeds. 

Everyone's faces went pale!


All the groups immediately run away. They had the teleport formation under their feet. However, there was not enough time to activate it. They could only escape as fast as possible.

The wall kept closing as everyone run ahead. The problem was that the place was full of spatial tears. Some even appeared and disappeared all the time. If you were moving slowly, you could pay more attention to the surroundings, avoiding most dangers. However, they simply had no time to do that now.

It was then that a Spatial Tear appeared right in front of someone.


It was a member of the Flower River Sect. He didn't even have time to dodge before he fell right into it. Pharan's complexion turned ugly, but there was nothing he could do. There was simply not enough time for him to turn around and save the guy. All he and everyone in his group could do was ignore it and keep running.

Suddenly, another scream could be heard. When the others looked in the direction it came from, it was a member of the Three Peaks Sect. Just like the previous guy, he fell directly inside the spatial tear without a chance to dodge.

Pharan, Foltan, Jimage, and the other Divinity Realm cultivators and demon beasts could accelerate and leave the rest behind. After all, their cultivations were much higher. Not to mention that they had much stronger Divine Senses, so they had an easier time detecting the appearance of Spatial Tears. Still, they stayed with their group. After all, they couldn't afford to lose all the Semi-Divinity Realm members. No one knows if they will need them to enter some chaotic space that they can't later, just like outside.

The problem was that the wall closing behind them wasn't any slower than the Semi-Divinity Realm cultivators and demon beasts.

However, it wasn't that they couldn't be faster. The issue was that it would be even harder to detect the Spatial Tears if they do that. They only run for a few minutes and already dodged several of them by a hair. It was obvious what would happen if they moved faster.

It was at this moment that everyone received a Mental Energy Message from Krune. Of course, this Mental Energy Message only reached Krune's group members.

'Listen to me. We need to move faster. I will check the surroundings for you all. Just make sure to follow my commands.'

Everyone was taken aback. That's because they didn't feel the presence of Divine Sense when they heard that. Obviously, it wasn't a Divine Sense Message, but something else. Still, Jimage looked at Krune and asked with a Divine Sense message this time.

'Are you sure you can detect the Spatial Tears fast enough to warn the others? I'm barely doing it with my Divine Sense. But if everyone increases their speeds, I'm not confident I can prevent them from falling into the Spatial Tears in time.'

Krune looked back at Jimage and nodded.

'Trust me, I can definitely do it. Besides, did you notice? The speed that the walls are closing behind us is increasing by the time. Soon, it will surpass our max running speed.'

Jimage and the others narrowed their eyes. Their Divine Senses couldn't go back far enough to check the walls closing. But they still noticed it by merely looking behind. Krune was right, the difference was minute, but the closure was becoming faster and faster.

Everyone looked at each other and nodded.

'Alright, we will leave it to you. What do you need?'

Krune then pointed behind his back.

'Come where I am and don't stay more than two meters away from each other. Make a queue and be sure to only step where I do. Follow every and all my movements.'

Everyone was taken aback. Krune's group is keeping over a hundred meters of distance at the moment between each member. Not only them but all the other groups as well. After all, if someone was caught by a Spatial Tear, he or she wouldn't go down with someone else. If they were this close, there would be no time for the rest to dodge. Obviously, they were a little reluctant.

However, there was an exception, Iem! As soon as Krune said that, he appeared two meters behind him. Iem knows about Krune's ability very well, so he is pretty sure that his chances will be much better if he follows him.

The others also saw that. In the end, they gritted their teeth and moved behind Krune as well. Well, Jimage, Rui, and Xanala didn't, though. With their Cultivations and Divine Senses, they were confident enough to move much faster without falling into Spatial Tears. Krune, of course, was more than happy that it was the case. The lesser the number of group members he had to guide, the faster he could be.

As soon as they did that, Pharan and Foltan groups noticed the change. As one can imagine, they thought that the Sky Shifting Sect was up to something. However, they didn't know what it was about.

Krune ignored their eyes, though. He concentrated his Mental Energy on the surroundings. Everything then became much clearer, including the hidden Spatial Tears. Krune smiled faintly and instantly increased his speed. The others immediately followed him, too, keeping two meters of distance from each other. They began to run ahead more than three times the other two groups' speed!

Pharan and Foltan were taken aback. Not only them but everyone else.

"Are they crazy?"

"What if they encounter a Spatial Tear? They will all die together!"

"Could it be that they are trying their luck? Maybe they think they can escape this situation first and begin looking for the rewards ahead of us."

Pharan narrowed his eyes and looked at Krune in the distance. Suddenly, he heard a Divine Sense Message from Illia, who also came with them into the Dimensional Realm.

'I don't think he is relying on luck. Those two Divine View Realm guys are too weird.'

Pharan looked at Illia and nodded his head in the end. Krune was moving much faster ahead, but he was also changing direction several times. Pharan believed that Krune was really able to see the Spatial Tears ahead of time.

Illia couldn't help but ask.

'What do we do? We can't continue like this for long.'

Pharan narrowed his eyes. He then looked at his group and ordered.

"We won't fall behind. Everyone, increase your speeds. We don't have much choice anyway since the walls behind are closing faster as time passes. If we take too long, we are going to be caught by it."

Pharan wasn't as confident as Krune, but he also told everyone to follow his steps. It's just that he asked them to keep more distance from each other.

Foltan, obviously, noticed the walls increase of speed as well. Without another choice, he also told everyone to increase their speed. As for how many would survive in the end, no one knows. 

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