Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 630 - God Crystal Attack

Jimage, Pharan, and Foltan weren't having an easy time either. As expected, the strongest Space Creatures noticed their power and decided to attack them instead of the others. Especially since they were aiming for the crystal. Each one of them was fighting at least four of five of those creatures. Still, they didn't forget the God Crystal on the other side of the area. 

*Boom, boom, boom!*


As they fought against the Space Creatures, they approached the God Crystal little by little. However, the three of them were messing up with the other two on purpose. Otherwise, even with so many Space Creatures, they would have arrived at the crystal already. 

Both Pharan and Foltan had dark expressions. They were doing what they could while trying to save as much energy as possible. As for Jimage, he also looked angry, but it was just a facade in his case. Not only that, but he was quite behind the other two. That's because he was holding back a lot more than the other two. He doesn't want to take the crystal first, so it was to be expected.

"Get out of my way. If we stay like this, we won't have the energy to break out of here."

"Ha! In that case, why don't you go back and open the passage?"

"Right! I'm more than enough to take the crystal, so you two can go back now."

Finally, Pharan and Foltan arrived at the crystal. They both extended their hands and tried to grab the crystal at the same time. However, it was at this moment that a sword slash came from behind. It wasn't aiming Pharan and Foltan, but the crystal itself. Obviously, Jimage, who was 'late,' tried to stop the two from taking it.

Foltan then gritted his teeth. Suddenly, a golden light appeared on his body, enveloping him completely. 

"Diamond Glow!"

Foltan was specialized in Earth Laws. Obviously, his first Major Law was Earth too. Pharan and Jimage were not impressed by it. After all, the Three Peaks Sect Master is an Earth Dragon.

Pharan, who was also close to the crystal, immediately spread his Domain. Suddenly, his skin turned blue like water. 

"Color of the River!"

After that, he also sped forward, trying to grab the crystal.

Jimage saw that and narrowed his eyes. However, deep inside, he was delighted with that outcome. Those two were willing to take his attack just for the crystal. Everything was going according to the plan. He knew that it would probably happen, so he made sure to put his all in the sword attack. Without a doubt, both of them will receive quite some injuries if they want to bear the grunt. Not only that, but they were also ignoring the Space Creatures attacking them from behind too.

However, just as Pharan and Foltan were about to reach the crystal, it began to glow with an even brighter Silver Light! Right after, an enormous Godly Energy Shockwave fused with Space Laws came out of it. It happened at the same time as Jimage's Sword Slash arrived as well.


Both Pharan and Foltan were thrown back lag cannonballs, quickly hitting the cave wall on both sides. Right after, the two of them vomited blood. Without a doubt, the crystal's attack hit them hard!

Jimage was luckier. His sword slash helped to block some of the wave power. Not to mention that he was further away than Pharan and Foltan at that moment. He was also knocked back by it but didn't suffer much.

Still, Jimage was taken aback too. It was a good thing that Pharan and Foltan received such severe injuries, but it was not because of his sword slash.

Suddenly, the Space God Crystal began to exude a powerful aura. The tubes connected to it broke one after another too. It was as if the God Crystal was trying to leave by itself. The wall where it was attached to began to tremble violently, and cracks began to spread on it.

*thump thump, thump thump, thump thump...*

Everyone heard that sound. It pulsed just like a heart. At the same time, the aura that the God Crystal emanated increased more and more. Not long after, it was already at the same level as Jimage, Pharan, and Foltan. However, it continued to grow!

"Not good! This thing is alive!"

Jimage completely gave up his idea of harassing Foltan and Pharan. For some reason, that God Crystal gave him a dreadful feeling. He turned around and went all out to break through the Space Creatures encirclement. 

He wasn't the only one, though. Pharan and Foltan also noticed the danger from it. They used their Godly Energy to suppress their internal injures and immediately run away as well. 

Back on Krune's side, his cooperation with Xanala and Iem brought the situation under control. The number of Space Creatures dying was bigger than the number of those being born. However, he also noticed the danger in the distance when the God Crystal began to react.

'Zule, do you know what is happening? How come that God Crystal is moving on its own? What about the aura coming from it too?'

Zule immediately replied.

'I don't know. A God Crystal wasn't supposed to be sentient or even alive. However, this thing had been inside this superior being's body for a long time. Perhaps the Silver Blood that it absorbed changed something in it.'

Krune couldn't help but ask.

'So, it is not really alive?'

Zule nodded.

'Yes. I don't think it is. It is most likely acting the same way as the Space Creatures—no intelligence, just the desire to destroy anything that shouldn't be in this place. Look at the Space Creatures that are close to it. They are ignoring its existence, and so is the crystal itself. They probably consider themselves the same thing.'

Krune narrowed his eyes. That meant that this crystal will come after them at all costs, just like the Creatures.

Krune and Zule exchanged quite a few messages, but it was all done through Divine Sense, so it was done in just a moment.

Jimage quickly arrived back where the three groups were staying but didn't stop. That God Crystal's aura is much stronger than anyone in here, so they need to flee before it separates itself from the wall. That being said, Jimage aimed for the closed membrane straight away. This time, he didn't hold anything back and attacked it with all his might.

Right after, Pharan and Foltan arrived as well. They seemed to be in bad shape, but they ignored their injuries and attacked the membrane as well. Explosions of Godly Energy came from the membrane, which made it tremble fiercely. However, it seemed a lot more resistant than when they came inside.

Suddenly, everyone heard an explosion coming from the back. They all looked at that just in time to see the God Crystal getting itself free! Right after, it shot forward, coming at everyone group. Everyone went pale at that moment.

However, no one noticed Krune and Iem on the side. At some point, the two of them began to prepare their strongest skills. They saw from the very start that Jimage and the other Divinity Realm cultivators and demon beasts wouldn't be able to open the membrane. Without another choice, they would need to use Luvile and Harold's powers.

Iem and Krune aren't as strong as the Peak Divinity Realm ones, but their God Powers would at least be able to get through the membrane. Luvile's Law Eating Sub-Law from his Purple Tribulation Lightning and Harold's Law Scourging Sub-Law from his Devil Flame. With those two combined, they might be able to open a hole in the membrane for them to pass.

"Tribulation Lightning Cannon!"

"Devil Flame Obliteration!"

This was the second time that Krune and Iem used these skills at the same time. The first time it opened a hole that brought the two of them to the Godly Path Realm. Now they were trying to open another hole to escape this situation. Luvile and Harold also helped the two to increase the power even more. Thanks to that, it easily surpassed the Semi-Divinity level!


The two God Powers hit the membrane at the same time. The membrane resisted the attack at first, but both Luvile and Harold's Laws weren't that easy to be contained. Soon, the laws around were eradicated together with the membrane itself. The blast went through it, opening a hole that burnt with Black Flames and sparked with Purple Lightning.

Jimage, Pharan, Foltan, and everyone else were taken aback by that. They thought they were doomed now that they are locked in this place, but the two Divine View Realm weaklings succeeded! How could they not be shocked? However, they simply didn't have time to think about it. That God Crystal was almost over them, so they needed to leave straight away.


Two black flame wings appeared on Iem's back, increasing his speed by a lot more than what he had displayed so far. Iem like to fight, but he knows that confronting that God Crystal would be nothing more than suicide.

Krune didn't fall back. 18 of his shields formed two shield wings on his back as well. Tribulation Lightning spread around them as Krune's wills controlled the output. With a flash of Purple Lightning, Krune rushed into the exit. Obviously, his speed at the moment surpassed any of the Semi-Divinity Realm guys and girls around too.

The rest was didn't wait to see what would happen either. Everyone rushed outside the membrane, ignored everything inside. Still, three of them were too late because of the Space Creatures, who were still attacking.

The God Crystal stopped for a second and released another Godly Energy Fused with Space Laws shock wave. Space contorted, and the Godly Energy increased the destruction power even more. Those unlucky members didn't even have the chance to scream before being obliterated. Without a doubt, the God Crystal was even stronger now that it got itself free. It then turned in the direction that everyone departed and shot forward once more.

At this moment, Jimage sent a Divine Sense message to everyone who appeared outside.

"Don't waste your time forming group. It's useless. Chose a direction and run! I'm not able to protect my own life against that thing, let alone protect yours. You all have our Sect's Vibrant Beads. As long as we use it, we can find each other later. Now go!"

Pharan and Foltan Groups seemed to receive similar messages as well. Just like that, everyone spread in all directions ignoring everything. They knew that this was a sacrifice strategy. Some of them would definitely be caught by that thing, but they had no other choice at the moment. It was much better than dying altogether.

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