Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 634 - Forms!

Krune and Iem continued to move forward while killing the Space Creatures on the way. However, they didn't find others at the Divinity Realm Level anymore. That was to be expected, though. After all, the Divinity Realm ones were faster, so they pursued the group members for much longer. Obviously, they went much further away from the original path than the Semi-Divinity Realm level creatures.

"Found it!"


Suddenly, Krune and Iem heard Zule's voice.

"Did you get its trail?"

"Yes. In the next division, take the third right entrance. The Spatial signature is following that path."

Krune and Iem nodded and quickly changed direction.

"Be careful, we are now moving in the same as some of the groups' members fled. That means we will find those Divinity Realm Level creatures who pursued them further away."

The two of them already knew it, but there was nothing wrong in giving a warning. At first, Krune and Iem found the other Semi-Divinity Realm creatures that had fallen behind. After quickly getting rid of them, they pressed forward.

However, they soon found another one around Xanala's level. Just like the last time, they released their domain and used their best attacks. The creature tried to escape but was killed when it turned around to flee.

That wasn't the only one, though. Krune and Iem encountered another two of them on the way. After dispatching the last one, they decided to stop and rest a little. After all, they already used a lot of Godly Energy ever since their escapade from the God Crystal and hadn't stopped until now.

"The way things are going, we will definitely find one Space Creature at Rui's level soon."

Iem nodded.

"That's to be expected. Just make sure that there is only one before we fight them."

They rested for one hour until they recovered to their peak state. The Sky Shifting Sect had given everyone quite a few High-Quality Godly Stones, so they didn't have a problem to gather Godly Energy.

After that, they stood up once more and continued following the path that Zule indicated.

Krune's Godly Energy Dummies were flying three kilometers ahead when suddenly, the space fluctuated beside them as a Semi-Transparent claw destroyed one of the birds in a single strike. Krune raised his hand to warn Iem, and the two immediately stopped.

That creature didn't destroy all the Godly Energy Birds at once, so Krune had the rest dash forward straight away. His plan was to try to drag out any other Space Creature in the nearby area. Sure enough, a few Semi-Divinity Realm Level ones also appeared. However, Krune and Iem didn't mind that level of Space Creatures.

"Alright, it seems that there is only one creature at the Divinity Realm Level. Also, it is definitely stronger than the ones we fought before. It seems like we found one at Rui's level, one 6th Stage of Divinity Realm equivalent."

It was at this moment that Zule's voice came out.

"Hey, I can feel it. The God Crystal in just ahead too!"


Krune and Iem immediately put up their guards. If the God Crystal still had its 'pseudo-conscience' intact, they would need to flee straight away.

However, even after all the Dummy Birds were destroyed by the Space Creatures, the God Crystal still didn't appear. Seeing that, Zule immediately felt excited!

"Great! The God Crystal would definitely not leave those dummies flying around. It would have attacked them just like those Space Creatures. Since it didn't come out, it can only mean that God Crystal's power has already destroyed the pseudo-sentience inside!"

Krune and Iem got excited after hearing that.

"That means we only have the Space Creature at Rui's Level to deal with."

Iem nodded as his eyes lit up.

"Great! Let's go!"

His body immediately crystallized as he dashed forward. Krune didn't waste time either and quickly followed. As long as they kill that Space Creature, they could retrieve the God Crystal!


The creature was just about to conceal itself in space once more when Krune and Iem appeared in its vision. Without wasting any time, it dashed forward to strike the due.


That's what Krune and Iem felt as soon as it came at them. The two of them didn't dare be negligent, so they promptly released all their cards. Both their Domains came out, reducing quite some of the attack power of the creature. However, the difference in cultivation was really too high. Both the Rainbow and Myriad Devil Flame Domains only reduced around 10% of the creature's power.

Seeing that, Krune returned to his Wisp Form for the first time since he entered the Godly Path Realm. Iem also used his Devil Flame and Crystallization Body combination from the get-go.

"I'll be the vanguard. You give me support."

Krune agreed with Iem's idea without even thinking. The difference in bodily resistance between him and Iem was like the difference between Heaven and Earth. Krune simply couldn't compare with Iem when it comes to body defense.

"Devil Flame Armor!"

"Devil Flame Blades!"

Iem's body got covered in Black Flames. At the same time, two Black Flame Blades appeared around his to arms. His body was his best weapon, so he used his own arms to create those blades.

Right after, both the Creature and Iem clashed head-on!


Iem's body was then sent flying like a cannonball! The difference in cultivation was even more apparent now. The creature rapidly took the chance to send another attack against Iem. However, over thirty Myriad Lightning Shields covered in Purple Tribulation Lightning formed a barrier between the creature and him.


Still, the creature was powerful. All Krune's shields were sent flying just like Iem's body. 


However, Iem only laughed out loud after that outcome. He quickly got up and attacked the creature once more.

"Devil Lightning Flame Blades!"

Iem's Black Flame Arms began to exert Arcs of Black Lightning. This time, the Lightning wasn't a fusion of Dark and Lightning Elements like he did in the Heavenly Competition. Instead, it was a fusion of Devil Flame and Lightning!

At the same time, Iem controlled his Elements and Laws to cast one skill after another while still in a melee fight.

"Devil Flame Purgatory!"

"Yin Yang Blast!"

"Myriad Devil Elemental Blades!"

*Clang, Clang, Clang!*

*Boom, Boom, Boom!*

Iem seemed like an enraged beast. His attacks were relentless to the point that even the creature had to stop to defend. But that wasn't the only reason.

"Heaven's Fall!"

"Tribulation Ice Dragons!"

"Tribulation Blazing Winds Blades!"

Krune also offered support to the sides, increasing the number of attacks even more. In his wisp form, Krune's control over the Elements and Tribulation Lightning was ever higher. At the same time, Krune used his Myriad Lightning Shields to keep the Semi-Divinity Realm Level Space Creatures at bay. After all, it would make things difficult if Iem couldn't totally focus on hold the real enemy.

However, the Divinity Realm Level Creature was still able to hold its ground with just its body and Space Laws infused attacks.

"Iem, let's start!"


Iem's body then began to release even more Black Flames, just like back in the Heavenly Competition! The crystallization turned somewhat dark, showing that he was infusing the Devil Flames into it. 

Krune also went all out and began to use 300% of Tribulation Lightning Power!

"Krune, get rid of the Semi-Divinity Realm creatures. I'll hold this guy alone for a little. Make sure you are fast!"

Krune agreed with Iem, and the Shields that were close to him departed promptly. Right after, they began to spin at high speeds as Purple Tribulation Lightning Blades appeared on each of their six edges. Not only that, but those blades released purple flames too! Now, all Krune's 102 Myriad Lightning Shields seemed more like big Purple Flame and Lightning Stars!

"Tribulation Shields Slaughter Formation, Second Form, Tribulation Stars!"

Suddenly, Krune's shields increased their speed of rotation and movement by at least two times! Not only that, but the blades coming out of the shields were at least two times bigger too! Not to mention that they were made of both Purple Tribulation Lightning and Purple Flames. One must remember that Krune's Sheilds were made with Purple Flames to start with, so the compatibility made them even more dreadful!


The Semi-Divinity Realm Level Creatures were immediately put on the defensive. Too bad, though. Their bodies were far from enough to resist Krune's Slaughter Formation Second Form. This form drained a lot of Krune's Godly Energy and Purple Tribulation Lightning. Also, it could only be used when going above the safe amount of Purple Tribulation Lightning discharge. It means that Krune was damaging his Wisp Core in exchange for even more power!

One Space Creature at the Semi-Divinity Realm level after another got cut in half by those Purple Lightning Flame Stars.

Krune wasn't the only one. The Infusion of Devil Flames into his body also damaged Iem considerably. However, this allowed him to hold the Divinity Realm Level Creature back while Krune got rid of the annoyances.

There were quite a few weaker Space Creatures, so Krune still took over a minute to slaughter them. After all, each and every single one of them was an entire cultivation level above his own. It is already heaven-defying enough that he was able to get rid of them this fast.

"Iem, I'm done! Let's finish this guy!"

Iem laughed after hearing that.

"Hahaha! It was even faster than I thought. Alright, I already accumulated enough Devil Flame in my body. Hold it back just for a second. I'll finish it in my next attack!"


While the two of them were in the middle of an unprecedented battle, they didn't notice a certain someone looking at everything that happened close to where the God Crystal was lying down. She was quite surprised when she saw Krune's real form.

Obviously, that was Illia. She had been stuck here, afraid of moving out because of the God Crystal. However, to her surprise, the God Crystal didn't move even after Krune and Iem appeared. As the battle continued, she finally noticed that something was wrong with the God Crystal.

That being said, she decided to use that chance to escape as soon as Krune and Iem were about to die. She thought that only at those moments of life and death would they release their full potential, which would give her enough time to escape the Space Creature that they were fighting against. 

However, as the battle continued, her body began to sweat cold! Not only did Iem and Krune not fall at a disadvantage, but they were also gaining ground over it! Illia is a genius of the Flower River Sect. At the peak of the Semi-Divinity Realm, she could definitely fight against 2nd and even 3rd Stage ordinary Divinity Realm opponents. However, that Space Creature and Iem and Krune were fighting was equivalent to a 6th Stage one! Even if there were five of her, she wouldn't be confident of pulling something like that out! 

'I don't accept it! I refuse to believe that you are really at the Divine View Realm! You are definitely hiding your cultivations!'


Of course, she didn't say that aloud. She completely gave up her initial plan and decided to stay hidden there until Krune and Iem finally decided to leave. As for the God Crystal fallen close to her, she didn't dare try to take it and run. The Space Creature is dumb, but Iem and Krune definitely aren't. Just their Domains alone already made her feel chills on her back. Although she is confident in her ability to run away, she wasn't sure if it would work on Iem and Krune.

'I'll stay here and tell Pharan later about those two. Perhaps they didn't even notice the God Crystal under the silver blood either.'

Back on the battle side, Krune's Purple Shield Stars did what Iem asked and held the Space Creature for a moment.

Iem then spread his two blade arms as all the Black Lightning Flames of his entire body entered the two blades. The power of the Devil Flame God increased by several times on them, showing that the next attack would be overwhelming!

After that, Iem's Black Flame Wings flapped with full power, and he launched himself against the Space Creature!

"God Slaughtering Slash!"

The Space Creature didn't have intelligence, but it still felt fear at the income attack. It could tell that it was at a far higher level than anything it contended until now. Immediately, it tried to turn around and flee. Since it was a Creature equivalent to the 6th Stage of the Divinity Realm, it definitely had enough speed to do so.

However, Krune would definitely not sit behind and do nothing.

"Tribulation Shields Slaughtering Formation, Third Form, Cage!"


All 102 Purple Lightning Flame Star Shields formed a cage around Iem and the Creature, preventing it from going anywhere! It could definitely use its power to breakthrough, but it needed time! Obviously, time wasn't something it had at the moment.

Iem then appeared in front of the Space Creature in a flash.


The creature tried to protect its body with its claws, infusing it with as much Godly Energy and Space Laws as possible. Unfortunately, it was too late.


Iem's two blades went through all defenses, instantly cutting that creature in half! Just like that, a Space Creature equivalent to a 6th Stage Divinity Realm perished. Like all other Space Creatures, its body began to drift away in specs of Silver Light, quickly disappearing.

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