Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 660 - Interrogation

Iem opened his eyes wide!

"Why did you tell them? Now it will be even harder for them to let us go!"


Indeed, the expressions of everyone watching turned even worse after hearing that. Of course, Krune understood what it meant to tell that straight in their faces. However, Krune had a reason for that, so he just shook his head.

"It would be pointless to hide it from them."

Krune then looked at Falo and asked.

"You probably can imagine the reason already, right? After all, Foltan's group definitely told you that you are inside a dead Deamon Beast's Foundation."

Falo narrowed his eyes.

"We know that, so what?"

Krune sighed after hearing that question. He didn't know if they really had no idea or were just trying to look away from the truth.

"Since you want me to explain, then so be it. Let me ask you, what kind of Foundation did you building when you entered the Foundation Establishment Realm?"

Falo didn't see a reason to hide it, so he immediately replied.

"I used the Celestial Protection Formation as a base."

Falo was born in the Celestial Organizations and was part of one of the strong families there. That being said, he did have access to the information regarding how the Formation worked. As mentioned all the way back, one must understand the Foundation they are building. Otherwise, the breakthrough into the Foundation Establishment Realm will fail.

Krune nodded after hearing that.

"Very well. Suppose that one of the Four Formation Cores of the Formation gains conscience and wants to leave your Foundation. Would you allow it to do that?"


Krune didn't wait for his answer, though.

"That's why I said that it is impossible for you to leave. The dead demon beast's Foundation would be affected if the lives that were born inside decided to leave its Foundation. That being said, it definitely took precautions to prevent you from doing so. Simply put, your lives are connected to this place. That's also why we can use the Spatial Barrier at the end of the Foundation to be teleported outside, but you can't. The Foundation won't let you do so. To be honest, I believe that Spatial Barrier won't even react whether you try to do something with it or not."

"The only way out is to have the Demon Beast itself to allow it. However, the owner of this Foundation, which is the demon beast outside, is dead already. How do you expect to ask for permission? Let alone that if it was alive, we definitely wouldn't be able to enter this place."

"As I said, you probably knew this already. Even if you, Falo, didn't, I'm sure there are a few that already considered this possibility in your Celestial Organizations."

Falo wanted to retort Krune's reasoning. However, his Soul Technique told him that Krune wasn't lying. At the very least, Krune's Soul didn't show any signs of it being a lie.

"Is there really no way out? The Celestial Protection Formation won't last forever. Sooner or later, it will collapse as the Foundation deteriorates."

Krune shook his head.

"There isn't... However, it is not completely hopeless, either."

Finally, everyone's attention was caught. They were feeling quite helpless at first since Krune's logic made a lot of sense. At the moment, any ray of hope was more than welcome.

"What do you mean?"

Krune's expression wasn't very good, though.

"Don't raise your expectations just yet. I'm sure you won't like what I'll say now. Besides, this is another thing that you would sooner or later think about. After all, you now know you are inside someone's Foundation."

Krune took a deep breath and then looked deeply at Falo.

"Since you can't escape the Foundation, you can only wait for it to disappear. That means, give up the Celestial Protection Formation and let the Foundation collapse for good. If you can somehow resist the collapse of the space, you will naturally appear outside. However, the chances of surviving such a thing..."

The hope on Falo and the spectators' faces outside immediately disappeared after that. Sure enough, some of them had already thought about this possibility. However, surviving the collapse of space is easier said than done. One can already imagine how destructive that event will be. Essentially, you just need to think about how much Godly Energy this Foundation still harnessed to reach this conclusion. Even those at the Peak of the God Core Realm didn't have the least bit of confidence in surviving such a thing.

However, Krune didn't finish it there.

"That's not everything. As I said, those born here are linked with the Foundation itself. Before you even think about whether or not you can survive the collapse, there is a high chance of you dying before that even happens. I'm not sure about it, but I believe that your lives are also connected to the Foundation Itself. If it breaks, it might bring you down with it by using this connection."

Obviously, that made Krune remember those threads that he can see with his Mental Energy. Even now, he can see it on everyone other than Iem and Sisan.

The dark complexion on everyone's face became even worse now. Once again, Krune's theory seemed very likely to become a reality.

However, there was one thing that Krune didn't talk about. It was Zule! This guy is a Peak Nascent God Level Spatial Equipment. Not to mention that Zule wasn't going to teleport Krune's outside like Foltan's group. Instead, he was going to open a Spatial Gate for them to pass through. Krune wasn't sure, but he believed that Zule's Spatial Gate had a high chance of working against the rules. After all, Zule's Spatial Equipment Pyramid was fueled by none other than his own Heavenly Space Fragment, a piece of Heavens itself.

Of course, Krune wouldn't tell anyone about that even if he thought it was a possibility. After all, he had no reason to do so. Not to mention that there was a chance of him being killed straight away so that they could take Zule from him. 

Thankfully, Krune's control over his own Soul was superb, so not a single sign appeared on it that he might be lying. That was to be expected since he has Heavin's Soul Cultivation Technique, the Myriad Energies Technique, and tempered his Soul with Tribulation Lightning who knows how many times.

As for Iem and Sisan, they didn't know about his possibility to start with. Obviously, Falo wouldn't be able to catch anything from their soul ripples either.

Falo then looked at Krune's two friends.

"Is everything he said true?"

Of course, his Soul Power was still covering the three of them.

Iem then shrugged his shoulders.

"The part of you being connected to the Foundation is true. Of course, there is a tiny chance that, for some reason, the demon beast outside didn't link you to its Foundation. However, the fact that you can't leave even after touching the Spatial Barrier probably means that you are linked to it. Otherwise, I can't think about a reason for you to not being able to leave."

"As for the part about waiting for the Foundation collapsing, I can't be 100% sure about that. You must understand that I've never seen anything like this before. However, Krune's words made a lot of sense, and he is a very intelligent guy. I'm at least 90% sure that what he said will most likely happen."

Sisan also nodded his head.

"I also can't be 100% sure about everything for the same reason as Iem. However, I think that Krune's theory makes a lot of sense."

This wasn't a lie, so Iem and Sisan weren't afraid of being caught by the elder's probation.

Falo's Soul Technique was telling him that neither Iem nor Sisan were lying too.

"Very well. The next thing I want to know is if you have a way out of this planet other than going to the Spatial Barrier at the end of the Foundation Space."

That was the question the three of them were waiting for and the one they should focus on the most. Krune and Iem were very confident about their own Soul Control, so they weren't afraid of being found out. They were only concerned about Sisan since they didn't know him well.

Krune was the first one to answer.

"If we could do such a thing, do you think we would still be here?"

Iem laughed and answered, as well.

"To be honest, our plan was to join your Celestial Organizations and find a way out of the Celestial Protection Formation after we finished cultivating. Too bad, though. Those idiots from Fontan's group just had to be captured by you guys."

Last but not least, it was Sisan. In his case, he was very brief.

"Not that I know."

Falo narrowed his eyes as he checked their Souls. Still, none of them showed any signs of lying.

"You guys are being very cooperative, aren't you?"

Krune mentally sighed in relief and then nodded his head at Falo.

"We are not enemies. At the very least, I don't remember building any grudge with your Celestial Organizations. Besides, if I had lied about your connection with the Foundation, things might have become even worse when you figured it out. The best we can do at the moment is to cooperate so that you won't kill us for no reason. Am I wrong?"

Falo nodded. It was true that Krune's group didn't have any grudges with their Celestial Organizations. At most, he made some kids feel embarrassed in that race for the Wind Essence Vein. However, for the Celestial Organizations, that meant nothing. Besides, his Soul Technique still told Falo that they were not lying. 

"Very well, I still have several other questions for you three."

Just like that, Falo continued his inquiries.

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