Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 672 - Confusion

Back on Krune's side, a week passed quite fast. He finished getting used to his control of the new Heavenly Fragments too. Krune also called his employees back, and they opened the restaurant for two days. Still, because no one was expecting it to open, Krune didn't get as many customers as he usually did.

Finally, the day for the Memory Seals to be removed from the siblings arrived. They were brought into the Sect, where Franlia had prepared a secret place to do the procedure. Other than Franlia and Krune, there was also Iem, Tulike, Tosely, Franlia's husband, and other elders.


"Alright, brats. Go and step on the formation in the center."

Nina and Lino looked at Krune, who warned them one last time.

"Are you sure you want it? If you stop cultivating altogether, the Memory Seal will not activate, and you can keep living like that until you pass away. If you go ahead with it, chances are that you will lose some of your memories."

Nina smiled as she turned around and headed to the center of the formation. She didn't want to simply live until she was around 60 and die, especially after everything Krune went through to get everything for their Memory Seal removal. After working for Krune for over four years, she could already tell that Krune probably blamed himself for them to have ended in that situation. That was not how she wished things to be over.

Lino could more or less tell what his sister was thinking and sighed. He also turned around and entered the center of the formation. He couldn't simply stay behind and let his sister pull ahead of him like that either.

Franlia then looked at the others, and they initiated the formation. This time around, she called only those she trusted completely. After all, this formation would be reaping apart the Memory Seal from Soul. This was a very delicate operation that needed both skill and power. Of course, the formation was formed with the items that krune paid for with his efforts in the Foundation Space.

The formation activated, quickly enshrouding Nina and Lino with some kind of white fog.

"You two, don't oppose the pull on your soul. It will be painful, but it will be even worse if you try to resist."

Nina and Lino then held each other's hands. Right after, their souls partially came out of their body, revealing themselves to the experts around.

Franlia, who was operating the core of the formation, then used it to expose the Memory Seals.

Krune was accompanying everything with his Mental Energy. He saw the moment th Memory Seals appeared. They looked like two red maggots that were attached to both Nina and Lino's souls. From them, Krune was able to see with his Mental Energy a few red threads that penetrated deep into their souls. Immediately, he understood why it was so hard to remove the Seals. They were just way too attached to the souls.

"Alright, I'll start to use the Nisek Beast Soul Liquid. Make sure you all control the input of Godly Energy correctly."

Krune had heard about it from Franlia. Nisek is a Soul Type Demon Beast from another part of the Godly Path Realm. Zamaria Planet might not have Nascent God Experts, but God Core Experts are still more than enough to play some whole out of their own planets. That's why Franlia and her Sky Shifting Sect still had the means to acquire it.

Some type of gray energy then began to come out of the formation and enter those 'maggot-like' Memory Seals. Slowly, the Memory Seal began to turn into the same color as the gray energy. At the same time, the threads that entered Nina and Lino's souls began to retract slowly. However, Krune's expression turned dark, seeing it. That's because not only were they returning to the Seals, they were pulling some of the souls together with them. Sure enough, their maggot-like appearances were really fit.

Krune could also see that both Nina and Lino were in a lot of pain. Unfortunately, there wasn't much he could do.

Finally, those threads retracted completely, leaving only the Seals behind.

"Good! Send all your Godly Energy to the formation's core. I'm going to take the Seals out in a single go."

Tosely and the others nodded.

Immediately, their Godly Energy rushed like a torrent into the formation, powering it even more. Franlia then controlled the formation and struck both the seals. With Franlia's cultivation, the Seals simply couldn't resist and were pulled out straight away. Of course, Nina and Lino's soul suffered the biggest shock at that very moment. After all, that was the moment they took the most severe damage.

The siblings couldn't resist the pain and fainted right after. Fortunately, that was the last part of the remotion process. As soon as they passed out, the formation deactivated as well.

"It's done."

Tosely, Rag, and the others who helped finally let out a sigh of relief and stepped out of the formation. Krune heard that too and immediately rushed at the two siblings before they fell on the ground. He held them with his Godly Energy and pulled them back with him.

Right after, Krune brought out two of his Life Dew Pills and fed one to each of the siblings. At his level, the Life Dew Pill isn't that effective anymore. However, it was completely different in Nina and Lino's case. As soon as they took it, their souls began to heal at incredible speeds, completely replenishing the missing parts.

Finally, Krune let out a sigh of relief too as he looked at Franlia.

"Thank you, Sect Master. How was it?"

Franlia shrugged her shoulders.

"Everything worked as expected. The Seals are gone, and they won't suffer the risk of being taken by the Three Peaks Sect anymore in the future. Of course, they can still decide to go back there on their own volution. In that case, there is nothing I can do."

Franlia continued.

"Still, you, Iem, and Sisan really brought a lot of useful things back from the Space Foundation. Because of that, I got quite a few high-quality items for this attempt. I don't know how much their memories were affected, though. You will need to wait for them to wake up to test it out."

Krune nodded and then lifted both of them.

"I'm going back to my restaurant."

However, Franlia stopped him.

"Before that, I want you and Iem to know that I would like to have you two coming into the next Sealed Godly Vein Spaces. After all, there are a lot of Top Quality Godly Energy Stones that we can get. Not to mention that you two definitely surpass the power of any of the other two Sect's Semi-Divinity Realm members. Once you enter a chaotic space inside the Godly Vein One, none of the other Semi-Divinity Realms will be a match for you two. Besides, you can remove those stones several times faster than anyone."

One must remember that the last Top Quality Godly Energy Sealed Space was not the only one. There were several others that opened every now and then.

Krune then pondered a bit before asking.

"It depends. When will be the next one? I would like to spend the next few days with the siblings to check on their condition."

If Krune doesn't count the God Space Crystal, he didn't get many rewards during the last expedition that he brought out. It would be perfect to get in there and acquire as many Top Quality Godly Stones as he could. Iem, for example, got quite a few. He preferred to have more of those stones than those elemental essences. After all, they were more useful for the high-level cultivators and demon beast. For Iem, Top Quality Godly Stones would be much better if one considers his talent. Krune, of course, was the same thing.

"Don't worry. The space around the next Top Quality Godly Energy Vein will only open next month. You have plenty of time to take care of them. Still, it is very helpful that you will help out."

Krune nodded.

"Very well. I'll tell Iem as well since I believe he wants to gather as many Top Quality Godly Energy Stones as possible for his own cultivation."

Franlia nodded and left together with Krune. After that, she went in another direction with Tosely and Rag as Krune returned to his restaurant in the city.

He quickly arranged space for Nina and Lino and rested them down next to each other.

However, just as he was about to leave the room to let them rest, he heard them move a little. He looked back and could see that Lino slowly got up while putting one of his hands on his head.

"What a terrible headache."

He then looked at Krune and couldn't help but be delighted.

"Hahaha! Chef Krune, I still remember you."

Lino then looked at his side and noticed Nina there. His expression immediately turned gentler after that.

"Obviously, I can remember my sister t--- ouch! My head really hurts. Hehe, as long as I don't forget her, I'm fine with it."

Krune smiled and began to talk with Lino.

A moment after, Nina seemed to hear the voices and opened her eyes too. As one can imagine, her headache was as bad as Lino's. Still, she couldn't help but smile as she looked at him.

"Seems like it worked."

Krune then put his hands on their shoulders before asking.

"Is there any gaps in your memories or something bothering you two?"

Lino pondered a bit and shook his head.

"Not at the moment, but I feel like I'm missing a few things. Of course, since those were lost memories, I won't remember anyway."

While Lino continued to think a little more, Nina looked at Krune with a puzzled expression.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

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