Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 678 - Free Godly Stones

Well, Pharan and Foltan were still alive with the other two 6th Stage Divinity Realm companions. That being said, it was not like they didn't do anything else after being defeated. They both went their own ways and began to gather Top Quality Godly Energy Stones. Of course, they simply couldn't compare with Jimage's group anymore.

Well, they already couldn't, but now it was even worse since they lost most of their group.


Finally, the time to leave that Sealed Space arrived. Each group then left through the way they came from. In the end, Krune's group got over 500 Top Quality Godly Energy Stones in this expedition. They could have got even more, but there was simply no more island attached to the Godly Vein. In the end, they had to go to the smaller islands that might or might not have them.

Another thing was that everyone kept an eye open for another Teleport Formation into the Demon Beast's corpse. However, they didn't find anything like that. Krune relied on Zule for this search too, but Zule couldn't feel the presence of another one of those teleport formations either. One must remember that the one who had found it in the past was Zule, not Krune.

As one can imagine, both the Flower River and Three Peaks Sects were taken aback when they saw their only two members. But the really shocking thing was when they heard the reports about Iem and Krune. Immediately, Binmia and Aragan looked at Krune's group that exited through the Sky Shifting Sect's side.

Franlia received the same report from Jimage. After hearing all of that, she was shocked too. Of course, she couldn't help but show a smile finding out the outcome. Tosely wasn't so polite, though. As a demon beast, she wasn't used to keeping her emotions hidden when it was not necessary.

"Great! I want to see what the other two sects will do from now on during the next Sealed Spaces aperture. Perhaps, they will flee as soon as they spot our Sect's group from now on. Hahaha!"

Franlia shrugged her shoulders after hearing that. She knew Tosely very well, after all.

However, even though she was happy with this expedition's outcome, she more or less could imagine what would happen next.

Suddenly, Binmia and Aragan began to come in their direction. From the looks on their faces, it definitely wasn't anything good. Tosely and Franlia could see their dark faces as they looked at Iem and Krune's direction. Immediately, the two girls stepped forward and stayed between the two sides.

Aragan expected that already. After all, he would try to protect such geniuses if they were on his side instead. Nevertheless, it was not the case, so he had to do something. To make things easier, he also exchanged Divine Sense messages with Binmia before he came here.

"Franlia, that won't work. We can't have these two boys participating in the Sealed Spaces anymore."

Binmia came right after and agreed with Aragan.

"He is right. The difference in power is way too big. I don't know what miracle you pulled out to get a True Spirit and a Heavenly Race member to your side. However, if e keep things like this, our teams will have no chance of competing for the Top Quality Godly Energy Stones anymore."

Franlia didn't care, though.

"If you are bothered about that, you can go out and find your own True Spirits or Heavenly Race members to participate as well. I definitely won't stop you."

Agaran shook his head after hearing that.

"Are you kidding me? If it was that easy to find disciples like them, all the powers in the Godly Path Realm wouldn't be crazily looking for them."

"So? Just because I found two of them, I should not make use? I'm not violating the agreement—three Divinity Realms and the rest at the Semi-Divinity Realm or below. I'm sure you remember it since you were also there when we decided it."

Binmia and Aragan couldn't help but feel somewhat embarrassed. It was true, they were there. Not to mention that Franlia was really not breaking any rules at the moment.

"In that case, let's change the rules again. Otherwise, I will definitely not allow things to continue like that."

Franlia smiled after hearing that.

"Is that so? Then what can you offer me in exchange for accepting new rules?"


Binmia immediately intervened.

"Aren't you pushing it too far? All we are asking is for fair competition, nothing else."

Franlia didn't care.

"Fair competition? You talk like you wouldn't use them if they were on your side. Don't make me look down on you. No, wait! I already do that anyway. Still, try to not make it worse."

Aragan's face went dark. Still, he had no words to refute Franlia. Binmia, of course, couldn't do that either.

"Fine! What do you want?"

Franlia's eyes lit up.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm not that greed. What about 50% of all Top Quality Godly Energy Stones your teams get in the Sealed Space from now on? Seems quite reasonable, right?"

Binmia and Aragan almost exploded in rage.

"Not greed your head! If that is not greed, then no one in this realm is! We might as well pretend that evil doesn't exist in the world."

Franlia smiled, though.

"What are you complaining about? If they go in, you won't have the chance to even get that much. Asking for 50% is not unreasonable at all."

Franlia wasn't the least bit afraid of them coming together at her Sky Shifting Sect. After all, she could simply threaten them with the Demon Beast's corpse. If the powers outside Zamaria Planet with Nascent God Realm experts find about it, all of them will lose everything. Of course, she knew that she had asked for a high value. But it was better to start high so that the final deal would be high too.

Binmia understood what Franlia was trying to do, so she decided to go straight to the point.

"30%! That is as high as I go. If you really insist on taking more than that, then we might as well let everyone know about the Demon Beast's Corpse."

Aragan then took a deep breath and nodded.

"Same thing for me. I'll give 30% of the Top Quality Godly Stones we get in the Sealed Spaces from now on. However, those two brats can not participate in the expeditions anymore."

Franlia was quite pleased with that final number.

"Alright, I accept 30% from each one of you. However, the Sealed Space, where the teleport formation is located, will not be included. Are you okay with that?"

Binmia and Aragan looked at each other before nodding as well.

"We accept."

With the new agreement in place, Krune and Iem were now out of the next explorations. Franlia then finished discussing the details with the other two Sect Leaders and returned to her group with Tosely to tell the news.

Iem, of course, couldn't help but get angry.

"That's shit! We were depending on these explorations to get the Top Quality Godly Energy Stones. What do we do now?"

There was also the part where he simply wanted to fight the other Sects. Still, Krune stopped him from saying that, or else others might think he is also a battle maniac for being this guy's friend.

Of course, Krune was also disappointed with that outcome. Still, he felt like Franlia had more to say. 

Franlia expected that answer from them. Also, Krune was right. She wasn't over with only that.

"Don't worry, we are now guaranteed to get 30% of their gains just because of you two. That being said, half of it will be given as a reward to you two as well. After all, such an agreement where we get free Godly Stones wouldn't happen if not for your powers. Simply put, you will get what you deserve without having to make any efforts for it."

Krune smiled after hearing that. One must remember that he wasn't Iem. Unless he wanted to test his cultivation and combat power, he wouldn't mind going without battling anyone.

Iem couldn't help but look somewhat gloomy, though. 

After finishing organizing everything, Franlia and Tosely guided their group out of the Three Peaks Sect territory back to the Sky Shifting Sect. Soon, everyone got their own share of Godly Stones. After making sure everything was okay, Franlia let everyone go.

However, Franlia sent Krune and Iem a Divine Sense message before they left.

"The Sealed Space with the teleport formation will only open after a few years, so you are pretty much free now. However, since you have nothing else to do, I have something you might be interested in. Come to see me when you find some free time. Of course, if you are busy, you can simply ignore it."

Krune and Iem looked at each other and nodded. 

"Alright, it won't hurt to hear what Sect Master has to say. We will come by when possible."

Krune and Iem left the Sect right after. Krune went back to his restaurant to check how everyone was doing. As for Iem, he returned to the Formations Guild to keep his own practice. However, Franlia was still worried about those two now that the other two sects know about them.

"Tosely, get a few God Foundation you can trust and have them watch Krune and Iem. I want to prevent any accidents from happening."

Tosely nodded and left straight away to arrange it. She knows that Franlia wouldn't ask such a thing if not necessary.

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