Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 684 - No Way Around

After putting the restriction on 'Zule's' body, Binmia took him to the Dimensional Realm's location. 

"Alright, where is it?"


'Zule' smiled before saying.

"No need to rush. If you want to get in, we will need to wait for them to open the hole first."

"I don't care. I want to know where it is happening. My team looked through the entire area but couldn't find anything. If you don't show where it is, we will be going back straight away."

'Zule' sighed.

"Alright. But it is up to you how you will deal with them. Still, it will be better if you don't stop them. After all, there is no other way to enter the Dimensional Realm where my body is at the moment. Unless you call for the Nascent God Realm cultivators and demon beasts, of course."

Binmia nodded.

"Don't worry. I know it is much better than waiting for that Sealed Space to open again. After all, I can't send anyone above the Divinity Realm inside, or it will collapse. It is much better if I can see it with my own eyes."

As Krune and Iem kept using Harold and Luvile's power to open the hole on the Dimensional Realm, 'Zule' used his connection with his body to locate where it was being created. Finally, Binmia was able to tell that it was closer to where the Sky Shifting Sect was staying. Of course, the right place was still almost 10k km away from the searching area.

"Hmph! No wonder we couldn't find it. They found a way to connect to the Dimensional Realm even though they aren't inside the area where it is located."

Binmia then turned to one of her subordinates.

"Contact the Three Peaks Sect and tell them that I need to see Aragan."

To guarantee that nothing would go wrong, Binmia preferred to use a stronger hand to force Franlia's side. 

Aragan had received a message from Groman that the Flower River Sect was acting strangely, sending several more scouts everywhere. Still, he didn't expect that Binmia would call him out of nowhere. Of course, since she did, that meant something was happening. Once he encountered Binmia and noticed that no one of the Sky Shifting Sect was present, he immediately understood that it was related to Franlia's group again.

"What is it this time?"

Binmia then explained.

"I believe the Sky Shifting Sect found a way into the Demon Beast's Corpse Dimensional Realm. It seems like they are creating an opening into there at this very moment."


Aragan tried to use brute force to open the Dimensional Realm before, just like Binmia did at first. But he understood that it was simply too difficult. Even when he and Groman joined forces, the Dimensional barrier didn't even tremble.

"First, they found the teleport formation, now this. It seems like they know a lot more about this Deamon Beast's than we thought."

Binmia almost couldn't hold her laugh. The truth was that she probably knew more than Franlia since she had a Fragment of that Demon Beast's Soul. Still, it was a good thing that Aragan thought like that.

"Indeed, but we better act now since I don't know if they succeed already or not. However, don't force them too much. Since they have a way to open the Dimensional Realm, it means we don't need to care about the cultivation limit. I would prefer that they still open it so that everyone can enter. After that, it will all be up to everyone's ability."

Aragan couldn't agree more. As a pure-blooded Earth Dragon, talking with his fists was the thing he liked the most.

Franlia was working on keeping the Spatial Gate stable and concealing the Spatial Fluctuations when suddenly, she received a message from Tosely.

"Franlia, they found you! Aragan and Binmia are moving two entire teams in your direction."

Franlia narrowed her eyes but didn't panic. 

"Weird, how did they found this place? My team hasn't found anyone passing close to our location even once."

Tosely answered.

"I don't know. The only thing I can tell is that I saw Aragan and his Sect Members going to where Binmia was staying. After a while, they began to make their way to you."

Franlia nodded and stopped trying to conceal the Spatial Fluctuations. Of course, that made Krune and Iem puzzled as they looked at her.

"There is no point in concealing it anymore. We were found out. However, just keep opening the hole on the Dimensional Barrier. I'll go out to deal with it."

Krune and Iem nodded.

"Since Sect Master already has a plan, then we will follow your arrangements."

Franlia nodded and looked at the God Foundation Realm elders that were keeping the concealment formation.

"Dudo, Mala, come here and keep the Spatial Gate stable. The rest of you, turn off the Formation. We have a few guests."

Dudo and Mala also received the same message from Tosely, so they did as the Sect Master ordered.

Outside, Binmia and Aragan were getting close. Well, at their cultivation realm, they could have arrived in just a second with a Spatial Gate. However, they wanted to show Franlia that they knew where she was. Before starting any battle, they would prefer that she opened the passage first.

Suddenly, they began to feel the Spatial Fluctuations that Krune and Iem's work was causing. After a few moments, a place where there was nothing but empty space began to distort. In just a second, the empty void revealed several figures and a big Spatial Gate that seemed to be connected to a silver barrier.

Franlia wasn't the type who would react to the circumstances. She had long thought about what she would do if they were found out.

"Sigh... And here was I, thinking that I could avoid your perception."

Aragan snorted, though.

"You were too full of yourself. It was obvious that we wouldn't let such a thing pass by without doing anything."

Franlia smiled and answered Aragan's provocation.

"Let's be honest here. You didn't know anything until a few minutes ago, right?"

Before Aragan could even answer, Franlia turned in Franlia's direction.

"I'm impressed. I had worked quite hard to conceal this place. However, you found it even though no clue was left out. I also didn't detect anyone getting near us during the work."

"Say, Binmia... What was it that your team found in the Demon Beast's head that allowed you to notice the moment I began to open an entrance? Something tells me that whatever it is, it is even more interesting than the Foundation Space that we are all after."

Binmia's expression changed for a moment and returned to normal right after. However, that was enough for both Franlia, Tosely, Groman, and Aragan to notice. There aren't many things that could make their emotions fluctuate at their cultivation level. That small display was enough to tell that Franlia had nailed her assumption.

Aragan immediately felt that he was being made a fool. Even if Binmia denied, he wouldn't be idiot enough to believe it now. However, it wasn't Binmia that made him angry. Instead, it was the fact that he seemed to be the only one to know nothing about anything.

"Good! Good! Franlia knew about the Teleport Formation and even had a way to open a hole into the Dimensional Realm that the Demon Beast's Corpse is located. Binmia seems to have found something that can pry into the Dimensional Realm even though she can't enter herself. Am I the only know that knows nothing? You two better open your mouths right now before I lose my patience and tell the entire Godly Path Realm about this place."

Franlia smiled before nodding.

"Very well, look over there."

Binmia and Aragan looked at the Spatial Gate direction and found two small figures. One was using Purple Lightning, while the other seemed to be using Dark Flames. Franlia knew that trying to hide this would be impossible now, so she might as well make good use of this chance.

"It's those two brats again!"

Franlia nodded.

"It is thanks to them that my Sky Shifting Sect found the Teleport Formation. They are also the reason why I can open a passage into the Dimensional Realm. You probably already noticed that they are not simple. I will admit, there is no way my Sky Shifting Sect could get ahold of two geniuses of their caliber. Let alone the fact that they know a lot and can do so much. However, that is as far as I can tell. Because of an agreement, I can't talk about their backgrounds."

"Still, there is good news. Well, that will depend on whether you believe me or not, but it doesn't matter since I can't give you any proof. Anyway, you don't need to worry about a fourth group appearing. They will be the only ones that can participate in this exploration. Yes, they can open a passage for us to enter the Dimensional Realm. That will allow us to avoid the Sealed Space and the cultivation limit. That's why you took so long to arrive and refrained from attacking, right? You also want to use this passage."

"Now then, I told exactly what you two wanted to hear, especially Aragan. You can ask more questions if you wish to, but I will not comment on those two backgrounds. However, before that, I want to hear more about Binmia's special findings."

Aragan obviously didn't believe Franlia completely. Still, what she said was well within his expectations. He had long since thought that her Sky Shifting Sect couldn't get disciples like Krune and Iem. What he wanted to know now was what Binmia had to say.

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