Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 693 - Negotiation And Arrival

"Someone is coming out."

Indeed, the power of Space gathered around the crack when all of a sudden, four figures appeared outside. However, they were not the four leaders of the Celestial Organizations. Instead, they were the four Mortal Rejection Realm cultivators and demon beasts that Krune linked to the Celestial Formation Cores.


As soon as they appeared, Franlia and the others noticed their cultivation. Obviously, they were not the leaders of the Celestial Organizations. However, those four didn't seem to care about Franlia and the others. Instead, they looked beyond them as if searching for something.

Aragan wasn't that much of a patient Earth Dragon, so he was the first to talk.

"Hey, you four. Where are your Organizations' Masters?"

The four Mortal Rejection Realm finally looked at the Sect Leaders and bowed.

"Sorry for our misbehavior, Sect Leaders and friends. It's just that we have never left the Foundation Space before in our lives. From what we heard, we would receive a Heavenly Tribulation as soon as we stepped here. That's why we looked around apprehensively."

Finally, Franlia and the others remembered this issue.

"Oh, that's right! Krune said there was no such thing as Heavenly Tribulations inside the Silver Core. Once they stepped outside, the heavens were supposed to find them and send the Heavenly Tribulations down straight away."

Binmia and Aragan heard that and began to look around with their sect members. Still, there was no such thing as Heavenly Tribulation Clouds gathering.

"It seems like that it wasn't only the Silver Core that was hidden from the Heavens' Eyes. Those guys are obviously in the Mortal Rejection Realm 9th Stage, but nothing is happening at all. Most likely, this entire Dimension is hidden as well."

Franlia nodded, not finding it too hard to believe.

"That makes sense. After all, this Demon Beast's body definitely has a power above the Nascent God Realm. Still, the Heavens hasn't done anything to it until now. It's not that it couldn't, but that it didn't know it was here."

Binmia, Aragan, and the others nodded. That could be the only explanation.

Hearing that, the four Mortal Rejection Realm cultivators and demon beasts from the Celestial Organizations sighed in relief. Since that was the case, they could go back and report it to their leaders. With that, those four would be able to step out as well.

"That's a good thing to hear. The initial plan was to have us resist the Heavenly Tribulation with our leaders' treasures and then negotiate with you all. After that, we would be going in and out while the conversations progressed. However, it is obviously not necessary anymore. Please give us a moment. We will tell our leaders so that they can come out to negotiate with you all on their own."

The four of them then turned around and dashed inside the Silver Core Crack that they came from. Franlia and the others didn't try to stop them. After all, they really needed to negotiate with those leaders in the end.

Around an hour later, another Silver Core crack began to shine once more. Right after, ten figures appeared with a flash of silver light. Four of them were the Peak God Core Realm Celestial Organizations' Leaders. The other four were their Peak Mortal Rejection Realm subordinates. Lastly, the remaining were Aragan and Franlia's assistants, who they sent in to send the message.

Of course, those Four God Core Realm leaders immediately assumed a defensive stance while they looked around. After all, there was a chance that a Heavenly Tribulation didn't come because of their subordinates' low-level cultivation. There was also a chance that it was because of some trick played by Franlia and the other Sect Leaders to lure them out.

Surprisingly, the four leaders had a Formation Core on their hands. Those were the four Cores that kept the Celestial Protection Formations running on the Planet inside the Foundation Space. As mentioned before, it was possible to use them as equipment to help resist the Heavenly Tribulations.

The fact that they brought those Four Formation Cores outside shows that they already took control over their own Celestial Organizations. During Krune's stay in the Foundation Space, he came to know that there was a lot of opposition against the escaping plan. There were the Celestial Organization Leaders, who wanted to leave at all costs. On the other hand, the other elders wished to keep the Formation running forever. 

Of course, they knew that it would be impossible for the Formation to run for all eternity. Then again, they were still too afraid of death. Not to mention that the plan of using their lives to protect the low-level members against the collapse seemed ridiculous. Why would powerful and mighty God Core Realm cultivators and demon beasts like them sacrifice their lives to save some ants?

Because of that, none of the Celestial Organization Leaders took the Formations' Cores out. At most, they could check them out. In the following years, an internal war happened inside the Celestial Organizations between both parties. Fortunately, the leaders' sides won, which allowed them to also make use of the Formations' Cores like now.

The good thing was that the Formation inside could still run without the cores for some time, making use of the Godly Energy already present in the Formation. It's just that Suelen and the others would need to go back in at most a few days.

The thing they were most afraid of was to lose these Formations' Cores. Still, if they died outside, things would be even more helpless for those living inside the Foundation Space. In the end, they reached the conclusion that they would take the risk and go out with the Core Formations to try and resist any possible Tribulation or ambush.

Well, nothing happened in the end, exceeding their expectations.

"It seems like... everything is fine."

Gamadol, Suelen, Jamot, and Varkin sighed in relief. The most dangerous part was finally over, which was the moment they stepped outside. Since there was no Heavenly Tribulation and those Sect Masters didn't attack, it meant that they would be able to negotiate.

The Four Leaders then came close and initiated their own negotiation.

"Welcome, Sect Masters. We are the leaders of the Four Celestial Organizations. My name is Jamot, the leader of the Celestial Sky Organization."

"I'm from the Celestial Energy Organization. You can call me Suelen."

"Gamadol, leader of the Celestial Soul Organization."

"And finally me, Varkin. I'm the leader of the Celestial Weapons Organization."

Franlia and the others looked at them. Still, what really caught their attention were the four Formations' Cores floating by their side. They could obviously see how much energy emanated from those things. Without a doubt, those things were incredibly dangerous even for them.

"I'm Franlia, the Sect Master of the Sky Shifting Sect. This one beside me is Tosely, an elder of my Sect."

After that, Binmia and Aragan came forward and introduced themselves as well.

Seeing that neither side seemed intent on starting a battle, everyone relaxed a bit. Finally, Jamot took the front and entered the main point.

"As mentioned in the messages we sent out, we are willing to negotiate the resources present in the Silver Core. As a token of friendship, we brought a few things to offer as gifts to you. At the same time, it also shows a little of what we have in there."

Jamor then sent three Spatial Rings toward Franlia, Aragan, and Binmia's direction. Those three sect leaders quickly looked at the contents inside, making their eyes lit up. Elemental Essences were just the start. Several materials inside would be nearly impossible to acquire in the Godly Path Realm. In fact, some of them didn't even exist.

However, what made them really excited was that Jamot told them that this was just a little bit of what they could find in there. Just how many more resources would be present on that Planet? They were quite eager to see.

"Indeed, it seems like negotiations are the best outcome for both parties."

Jamot and the others smiled after hearing that.

"That's good to hear. Well then, shall we start?"

Meanwhile, on Krune's side...

"Is this the right place, Zule?"

Zule, who was still inside Krune's Divine Soul, nodded.

"Yes. We are approaching the very center of Kun-Peng's brain. That is where most of the Soul Fragments are hibernating, trying to save or gather energy. However, we better be careful. By now, all those Soul Fragments might have developed their own consciousness. Of course, those are still Kun-Peng's, just separated in several parts. If they fuse together, they will become the same entity, different from what would have happened if I was absorbed by that last Zule."

Krune nodded as he used that chance to warn Dudo and Mala as well. Finally, they seemed to reach a fissure where the walls' color changed into a deeper silver. However, they could easily see that this wasn't a standard passage like the ones before. Instead, it seemed more like a tear made by a powerful attack. Krune and the others saw the injury outside, so they immediately thought this was done by the same attacker.

"You're wrong. This cut was not done by the one who attacked Kun-Peng in the past. Instead, it's a collateral effect of the secret technique that Kun-Peng used to escape to this place."

"You can remember?"

Zule nodded.

"Just barely. After all, that was the most painful experience in Kun-Peng's life. Logically, this memory was preserved better than anything else."

Dudo and Mala then noticed something in the front.

"What are those things?"

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