Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 704 - Sworn Brother

Luvile then explained.

"Actually, it's quite straightforward. I just need Purple Tribulation Lightning Essence. As I mentioned before, I'm using Spiritual Energy, or Godly Energy in the Godly Path Realm's case, to recover it. However, a faster way to do it is to absorb Lightning Heavenly Tribulations. Before, we couldn't use this method since it would attract too much attention. Someone appearing to steal people and beasts' tribulations? That sounds ridiculous. Besides, only tribulations of the Divinity Realm breakthrough would make any difference. Obviously, you couldn't resist such a thing."


"However, you're right. At your level at the moment, the Divinity Realm cultivators and demon beasts of the Mortal Realm aren't that much of a threat. We can go back to the Luvile Universe and absorb all the tribulations we can find. Of course, it might be somewhat complicated to find them due to the scarceness of Divinity Realm Breakthroughs."

Krune shook his head.

"As you know, the Tribulation would continue to increase in power if we tried to intervene on someone's behalf. Fortunately, the Luvile Universe's Heavenly Tribulation always target us on its own. Otherwise, it would be seen as someone trying to protect the target of the Tribulation. That being said, we can simply spread some news."

Luvile got puzzled.


Krune then explained.

"None of the Divinity Realm cultivators or demon beasts wish to take the Heavenly Tribulation if possible. After all, different from people and beasts at our level, it is a terrifying moment for them. We just need to say that we have a way to help them avoid their Heavenly Tribulation without the risk of increasing the Tribulation's Power. I'm sure that we will not lack candidates."

Luvile pondered a bit about that plan and had to admit that Krune was right. 

"That sounds like a good plan, indeed. Alright, let's do as you say."

Krune smiled and nodded.

"Good! Now, time to absorb the Space Heavenly Fragment."

Without wasting any time, Krune changed into his wisp form. He then took out the Space Heavenly Fragment left behind by Zule and immediately began the absorption process. As Zule mentioned before, it was an ownerless one. It tried to resist the others' forced absorption, but without its own Universe existence, it didn't have much power to do so. Finally, it lost the battle and transformed into some kind of silver liquid. Krune's Heavenly Fragments that were already fused in the form of a cracked core also transformed into a liquid, but with several colors. The silver liquid then joined the others before they once again assumed the form of a cracked Heavenly Core. Of course, it was 'more complete' this time.

"Phew... everything went alright."




Immediately after the fusion was complete, a terrifying amount of Godly Energy began to come out of the Heavenly Fragment and fed Krune's Divine Soul!

"Ah! That's right! Part of the previous owner's cultivation will be added to my own. How could I forget about that?"

Luvile also forgot about that detail.

"That's right! Also, don't forget that Zule was the Kun-Peng's Primordial Demon Beast's Soul Fragment. He stayed in the Space Heavenly Fragment for 50 thousand years as well. Last but not least, he fused with Kun-Peng's body at the very end. You better brace yourself. The amount of Godly Energy in this thing would definitely not be small."

Krune nodded and concentrated on absorbing all of that energy. The good thing about it was that the Godly Energy was considered already his. His Divine Soul accepted all of it without having to care about any conversion or adaptation. Not to mention that the energy flow was ridiculously high! As for instabilities and things like that, none of it existed when receiving a Heavenly Fragment's energy.

Semi Divinity Realm 7th Stage Breakthrough...

Semi Divinity Realm 8th Stage Breakthrough...

Semi Divinity Realm 9th Stage Breakthrough...

Finally, Krune's cultivation stopped increasing after he reached the peak of the 9th Stage of the Divinity Realm. However, it was not because the Heavenly Fragment ran out of energy. No, not at all! This kind of thing happened once in the past when Krune absorbed his first Heavenly Fragment. It was just that Krune's cultivation couldn't progress from that point onwards. Once Krune finished his breakthrough into the Divinity Realm, his Space Heavenly Fragment would release the rest of the accumulated energy into his Divine Soul once more.

"This... this is too much energy! Just how strong was the owner of this Heavenly Fragment before he died?!"

Luvile immediately explained.

"Did you forget? This is a Heavenly Fragment that you found in the Godly Path Realm! It means that its previous owner had to at least reach the Peak of the Divinity Realm before ascending from the Mortal Realm. Even if he died straight away after arriving at this place, he still had that level of cultivation."

Krune agreed with Luvile.

"Thanks to the fact that this is the energy of a Heavenly Fragment, it left no side effects whatsoever behind. I'll go out to make my breakthrough again."

Luvile immediately felt a chill in his soul once he heard that.

"Ahem... let's not rush things, right? You still need to open your restaurant tomorrow and tell the others you are going out."

Krune immediately shook his head.

"That can't do. Look at my Heavenly Fragments. They are brimming with energy! I'm afraid that if I leave them like this, something bad might happen."

Luvile wanted to cry.

'I'm afraid that something bad might happen if you breakthrough instead, idiot!'

Still, Luvile knew that he couldn't prevent Krune from breaking through forever. Otherwise, he would never recover his soul either.

Krune then remembered something and brought his communicator out before calling Iem. After selecting his contact ID, Iem appeared on the other side of the call.

"What is it?"

"It goes like this."

Krune then explained the situation about the energy inside the heavenly Fragment.

"What?! Fuck! Why am I not this lucky?! No, that's not the worst part. You have surpassed my cultivation realm as well! Don't get too complacent. I'll definitely catch up to you again!"

Krune sighed after hearing that. As always, Iem's super competitive personality showed itself.

"Alright, alright. The reason I'm calling you is not to report it. My Space Heavenly Fragment is still full of energy. Yet, my cultivation can't improve anymore because I reached the peak of the Semi Divinity Realm. I'm going out to make a breakthrough into the Divinity Realm. Would you mind to come with me to loo-"

Suddenly, a message appeared on the communicator.

-Signal Lost-

Krune's mouth twitched after reading that.

He then tried to call Iem back several times, but the call simply didn't connect.

Luvile, who was observing everything, immediately understood what was happening.

"He's trying to escape your calamity laws! Go, go, go! To the Formations Guild! We can't let them disappear! Like hell would I take this calamity alone!"

Krune felt like crying. Still, he really wanted to have Iem helping him during the breakthrough. After all, Harold was there in his foundation.

"Can't you guys be a little more mindful of my feelings?"

"Feelings your head! No feelings can make up for this frightening perk you have. Stop wasting time, and let's catch him."

Krune returned to his human form and immediately dashed out of the restaurant. At his speed, it only took him a few minutes to arrive at the Formations Guild. However, the guys there said that Iem suddenly left in a hurry without telling anyone where he was going.

"Oh, you think you can run away from me? Hmph! I still have Zule's special mark that he used on you as well. Even if you go to the other side of the planet, I can still find you!"

It's not that Iem forgot. It's just that now that Zule was gone, he thought that Krune wouldn't be able to find him anymore through that.

Turns out that Iem went back to Immai City, where he still had his previous residence. However, he had never told Krune about this one, so he felt that he would be fine there.

There, Iem activated the protection formation of the house and sighed in relief.

"Alright. I'll look for Krune again in a year or two. By then, he would have finished his breakthrough and dealt with whatever happened during that time. Well, that's considering he isn't dead by that point."

Suddenly, he heard a voice entering his mind.

"Oh, don't worry. If I die because of this, I'll be sure to bring you with me as well."


Iem immediately spread his Divine Sense and found the wisp right in front of his house with a dark expression.

"You! You can use that mark, can't you?!"

Knowing that there was no point in hiding anymore, Iem turned off his house's protection formation and came out.

"Regardless, I'm not going! Who knows what could happen once you enter the Divinity Realm. I wouldn't be surprised even if a primordial Demon Beast appeared to destroy the Four Realms. Your calamity magnetic field is too strong!

Krune's mouth twitched once more.

"Fuck you! Who the hell has a calamity magnetic field? I was just going to ask for you to keep a lookout for any changes."

Iem snorted in response.

"The last time I did that, we ended up inside an underground world, found a Primordial Demon Beast's Fragmented Soul, and summoned the great Kun-Peng. Do you still think I'm being paranoid?"

Luvile and Harold couldn't help but mentally nod. In the end, all the previous events were linked to Krune's breakthrough. As far as they could see, Krune's breakthrough's calamities were increasing in power as time passed.

Krune then remembered one thing and smiled.

"Oh, so you don't want to come, uh? That's so bad~~... Just when I was thinking about giving you something as good as the Soul Cultivation Technique. Oh well... I guess that can't be helped. Such a pity, such a pity..."

Iem's complexion immediately changed into a completely different one.

Krune turned around and was just about to leave when suddenly, a hand appeared on his shoulder.

"Come on, Krune. We are already as close as sworn brothers, aren't we? It was all a joke, you see? How could the Great Iem leave my sworn brother to deal with something this dangerous alone? Don't worry, your brother here will keep a lookout for you."

Shameless! Can this guy be any more shameless than that? Krune finds it hard to believe.

"Alright. HOWEVER! You will have to help me not only with this breakthrough but the future ones as well."

Iem was taken aback.

"This... but I might really die..."

Krune narrowed his eyes before asking.

"So it is okay if you leave your sworn brother to die alone?"

Iem nodded without even thinking.


Krune was really tearing up now.

"Sworn brother, your ass!"

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