Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 723 - Dalin Universe War's Situation

After over 150 years, Tasier finally succeeded in conquering the girl, so the two ended up together. It's just that they didn't have kids. It couldn't be helped. Different races always had problems reproducing. Ao's kid was simply a coincidence, just like Krune. As for Fie, she was a half-human while Darten was a full human himself.

Everyone enjoyed the food as they talked about things not related to serious issues. It was a very nice dinner for them all. At the end of the day, Krune's friends began to leave one by one, leaving only Feifei, Fie, and Krune behind. Even Darten, Asla, and Tuan left as well.


"Sigh... 157 years since I left, who could have imagined that?"

Fie hugged Krune.

"It's okay, dad. Mom and I worked very hard during this time, so next time you go out, we will be able to go with you."

Feifei also did the same as she nodded.

"I won't let you disappear that easily again, trust me."

Krune smiled as he nodded.

The three then spent some family time together, talking about other things. Finally, Fie got up once again before looking at Feifei.

"Alright, mom. I know you have been holding yourself back for a long time already. Senior Cinty said that she would come by tomorrow to talk about the changes during this time. However, I'll talk to her so that you can have a few more days with dad. I doubt a single day in bed would be enough to vent 150 years of solitude."

Feifei's expression darkened.

"You brat! What the hell are you talking about? Don't think about unnecessary things."

Krune then looked at Feifei, puzzled.

"Does it mean that a single day is enough? I don't think you would be satisfied with that."

The impressive thing was how Krune talked about that as if he was talking about breakfast. The worst part was that Fie also thought the same way as him. Naturally, Feifei felt helpless in such a situation. In the end, she gritted her teeth before saying.

"Fine! I admit a single day is not enough. Make sure no one will come to bother us for a week!"

Even Krune was taken aback this time.

"A week?! I thought two or three days would be enough."

Fie shook her head.

"Dad, mom is already in the Divinity Realm. Her body is a lot stronger now as well. How could two or three days be enough? I hope your human form can be as resistant as her."

Krune nodded.

"Don't worry, I'll survive."

*Pah, Pah!*

Feifei slapped both Krune and Fie's back head.

"Shut up! Now, get out, Fie. Your parents have things to do."

Fie and Krune laughed, not minding that very much.

Fie then approached the room exit before saying.

"Oh, right! I would love to have a brother or a sister, so work hard, dad!"

Krune nodded.

"You can count on my hardness!"

Feifei almost vomited blood. These two are simply beyond salvation.

Well, Fie kept her promise. She talked with the others, making sure no one approached Feifei and Krune's house for a whole week. The next time they saw Feifei again, she looked a lot more 'relaxed' than she had ever been in over a century. As for Krune, he looked a little pale, though.

"Dad, are you okay?"

Krune looked at Feifei with some fear in his eyes.

"Terrifying! Remember me to never allow your mom to go without sex for more than a year again, okay?"

Fie nodded.


Feifei's face then became red as a tomato. However, she already gave up trying to fix those two.

"Hmph! So what? I'm a very healthy woman, that's all."

Krune nodded without even thinking.

"That's for sure. Maybe a little too much healthy, I would say."

Fie then asked.

"What about my brother or sister?"

Krune felt helpless.

"Do you think it is this easy to impregnate a human when you are a wisp? You were a miracle already, you know? Things wouldn't be that easy."

Cinty, as a wisp herself, didn't see anything wrong either.

"Krune's right. Kiirion and I had been trying during all this time but haven't succeeded even once. As long as we are not cultivating in seclusion, we try it every single day. We might have had sex at least 20 thousand times or more during these last 157 years. Well, I don't intend to give up, though."

Kiirion, as a human as well, understood Feifei's feelings very well. How could wisps talk about their sexual lives as if it was just like any other topic? He couldn't understand. The weird point was that they could feel embarrassed by other things that should be way less revealing.

"Ahem... Shouldn't we move into the important topic?"

Feifei felt like an angel descended from the heavens when she heard those words.

"Definitely! Krune, Fie, you too."

Fie showed a grim expression, though.

"But my brother or sister..."

Darten also heped Feifei as much as he could.

"That's fine. I'm sure your parents will work... hard... from now on. Anyway, let's talk about the other thing, okay?"

Asla and Tuan, who didn't inherit the wisp's EQ, also agreed with Darten.

"Yes, mom. Otherwise, grandfather won't be able to hear anything until night comes."

Fie smiled as she nodded.

Krune then looked at Cinty to hear her opinion.

"So, what are all these things about this war?"

Cinty took a deep breath and started to explain.

"Well, what you heard before is somewhat true. Other than Wally and me, the wisp race didn't have any other wisp in the Divinity Realm. Compared to the powers in the Dalin Universe, we really couldn't offer any significant help to any side."

Cinty continued.

"Of course, considering that releasing Dalin from the grasp of the other power was what Little Arty wanted, we wouldn't join the retaking alliance. However, even though the Dalin Protection Formation couldn't be traversed anymore, it didn't mean that there was no way of talking to the other side."

"To prevent turning the wisps' bad situation outside, I would not join the Home Alliance either. After all, it would give the powers there reason to start hunting the wisps too. All in all, it was quite convenient that neither the Retaking nor the Home Alliances asked for our help. At the moment, we are considered a weak neutral power. This state is the best we could wish for."

Krune couldn't help but ask.

"What about Lakin and the others? Are they not at the Divinity Realm? After all, they do have the Myriad Energies Technique."

Cinty shook her head.

"They might have reached the Divinity Realm if they had stayed in the wisp main world all the time. However, they had a lot of things to take care of in the Luvile Universe. Naturally, they didn't have access to Godly Energy there. Talking about Divinity Realm, your master stayed here for a few decades. He was already close to the Divinity Realm when you left, so he obviously succeeded in his breakthrough. Especially since he had the Myriad Energies Technique as well."

Krune smiled playfully. He can't wait to meet his master once again... and give him a good beating for old times' sake. This had been one of his greatest dreams ever since he was forcefully taken as a disciple back in the Divine Path Sect.

'So what if you entered the Divinity Realm. You definitely won't escape.'

Or so Krune thought.

Somewhere in a particular universe, a certain master felt a chill on his back, not knowing why that happened.

Back on the wisp main world, Cinty continued.

"Well, the Frunkan Clan really succeeded in taking control over the Dalin Protection Formation. Not only that, but they even found a way of blocking the Soul Mark that Dalin Universe people and beasts receive when they are born."

"Well, it was mostly because the outside Universe Powers were too complacent. They thought that even if the Dalin Protection Formation was taken, they could retake it with sheer numbers and strength. They never thought that the Frunkan Clan would change the Formation into a God Level one, completely blocking everyone outside."

"Now, things are as you see. The Dalin Universe's remaining outsiders are fighting the Home Alliance, trying to take the Dalin Universe Formation Core back. Only like that will they have a chance of escaping this situation. Otherwise, they will be slowly engulfed by the Home Alliance as time passes."

Krune nodded.

"I understand this part already. What about the chances? Who do you think will end winning this war? The Home Alliance or the Retaking one?"

Everyone then looked at Little Art. Because he was still the Artifact Spirit of the Godly Energy Dimensional Sphere, he still had a connection to it. Thanks to that, the Frunkan Clan never thought about trying anything funny and always kept him up to date.

"So far, it seems like the Retaking Alliance has a higher chance of winning. The issue was that there are too many experts in the Dalin Universe by the time it was closed. There was nothing the Frunkan Clan could do about it since that number never goes down. After all, it is a lot easier to cultivate and comprehend laws here than outside. Experts of all levels staying here for training was way too common."

"Does it mean that they will eventually take control over the Dalin Protection Formation again?"

Little Arty confirmed.

"That seems like it. It shouldn't take more than 10 years or so until the Dalin Universe Home Alliance runs out of strength to defend the Formation."

Krune couldn't help but ask.

"What do you want to do?"

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