Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 768 - Finding Where To Go

In the meantime, Krune's group was making their way to the center of the Core Region. Just like Heavin's group, they also found the darker Crystal Demon Beasts and the stronger ghosts. However, it was hard to imagine someone faster when it came to speed when Krune was using his Purple Tribulation Lightning. Let alone when Feifei was there to predict the best route.

At first, Krune, Feifei, and Lucio weren't exactly going to the center. Instead, they would pass quite far from it on their way to meet up with Heavin and the others. That's because Krune's connection with Heavin wasn't pointing in that direction to start with. However, that suddenly changed a while ago.


Once Krune told them what happened, everyone had grim expressions. It was no secret that the closer to the center you went, the harder it got, even while passing around it. Krune and the others noticed that the number of Crystal Demon Beasts and Ghost gradually increased as they continued their journey.

"So, what should we do now?"

"I don't know. Heavin suddenly teleported from one point to another. I also can't feel him moving as fast as he was at first. Unless he purposely reduced his traveling speed, his movements are probably being restrained. Of course, he and Liriu might have found something and aren't leaving because of that."

Lucio couldn't help but warn them.

"I'm not saying that we should give up. However, as far as I know, no one has successfully gotten to the very center of the Soren Ruins and came back from there. At some point, everyone gave up on that and only entered the Core Region to search the area close to the border. Not to mention that almost no one did that to start with. Of course, there weren't any crystal demon beasts in the past either."

Krune and Feifei nodded.

"Still, we need to go if we want to see what's happening. What about this? You two hold onto me, and I will use my Purple Tribulation Lightning to move at full speed. Even if the ghosts or crystal demon beasts notice us, they won't have enough time to react due to the speed difference."

Lucio pondered for a bit and nodded in the end.

"All those who tried to go to the center and died probably moved slowly. In that case, we might as well try to use speed to our advantage."

Feifei agreed with that as well.

"I'll keep calculating the best route while you go. That should help us avoid most of the dead ends while giving us some degree of safety."

However, Lucio asked a question in contrast to Feifei's proposal.

"But what if we find out that we have no way to keep going forward? What will you do in that case? Of course, we will try to find other routes. But what if there isn't any in the first place?"

Krune narrowed his eyes as he replied.

"In that case, we can only go to the place where Heavin's connection suddenly teleported away. I can tell more or less where it is, so we can do a blanket search."

Lucio and Feifei nodded before Krune used his Tribulation Wings. Lucio and Feifei quickly held on to him after that. Not long after, with a flash of purple light, Krune, Feifei, and Lucio disappeared in the distance. Sure enough, even though the ghosts and crystal demon beasts noticed their presence, they were simply too fast.

"How long until we reach the center?"

"If we don't find any impediment, it should take at most three days. I'm moving quite fast, but we can't open Spatial Gates in this place, which delays us quite a lot."

"These Ruins are truly enormous."

Meanwhile, on the heaven-like planet, Heavin, Liriu, and Fura were still deciding on where they would go.

"Did you feel any difference in Spiritual Energy?"

Heavin and Liriu shook their heads.

"Not really. However, I was able to see a few other groups in the distance from high in the skies. The changes in the Soren Ruins really attracted a lot of people and beasts."

"What about the Black Orb? Were there any changes to it?"

"I don't know. Let me see."

Heavin quickly pulled the Black Orb out of his Spatial Ring. However, as soon as he did that, it reacted to the environment. Following that, a stream of information flowed into his mind.

"Oh! It's showing us a path."

Fura and Liriu were taken aback.

"A path? Where?"

Heavin then looked at Fura before saying.

"It was probably the place it wanted you to go once it finished modifying your mind. Anyway, let's go there and see what we can find."

Fura and Liriu nodded as they immediately departed. The planet they were on was enormous. Besides, their cultivations were restricted. Although Fura could display a Void Breaking Realm cultivator's level of power, she couldn't use Spatial Laws to open Spatial Gates. Not to mention that she couldn't fly like Heavin and Liriul, so the two of them were still faster than her. That being said, they had to fly for almost two days.

On the way, they found even more cultivators and demon beasts. At some point, all of them seemed to be moving in the same direction as them. They even found a few flying demon beasts that bumped into them on the way. Naturally, they were also flying with their wings instead of Spiritual Energy.

Some of them offered to join Heavin's group in the travel, which Heavin decided to accept. The other reason was that they were flying in the same direction as his group as well. When he asked why they were going there, they told him that some information was spreading around. Heavin then pretended that he got here for the same reason and didn't talk about the Black Orb.

As for the risks of being attacked, Fura was here with them. Not to mention that he and Liriu can also fight above the Core Formation Realm thanks to their Mental Energies and Liriu's Dracophoenix body. Those guys' cultivations were locked in the Core Formation Realm, so they weren't afraid at all.

Well, everyone was at a loss on what to do on this planet, so no one tried to initiate a fight with the others. The treasures they came after, especially the Peak Divinity Realm ones, were nowhere to be found. What would be the point in putting their lives at risk without benefits?

However, it was then that they found a member of the Phoenix Race also trapped in this planet. As soon as that guy saw Liriu, he shrieked!

"You! You're the Dracophoenix!"

As mentioned before, Liriu had gone out to meet a few of the Dragon and Phoenix Race members on his own. He told them that he had no intention of using his Dracophoenix Power to put anyone under his control. Obviously, the other two groups still tried to capture him. Unfortunately for them, Liriu was already tons of times stronger than them at that point. 

Liriu's Dracophoenix Form was recorded and shown to most Dragons and Phoenix races in all the Universes possible. For this Phoenix to be in a place like this, it obviously was at least at the Divinity Realm. Someone with that kind of cultivation definitely got the information on Liriu.

The rest of the groups then looked at that, shocked.

"So that is the Dracophoenix everyone was talking about?"

"Wait, wasn't the Dracophoenix a friend of that wisp who returned recently?"

"Yes! I do remember to have seen the reports about it from the Universes' powerhouses."

Liriu didn't seem to care much about it as he laughed.

"Oh! You know me? Don't worry. I made it very clear in my statements that I won't use my special Dracophoenix ability against Dragons and Phoenixes. Of course, as long as you don't corner me. In that case, I will do whatever it takes to escape alive."

There was only one way to prove his stance, and that was to keep his word. From the moment he came to the Soren Ruins, he also considered the fact that he might be identified.

Heavin then looked at the groups following them before saying.

"We are not forcing anyone to come with us. If you have a problem with my friend here, you are free to go anywhere you want, especially this Phoenix who had just arrived."

Everyone looked at each other. Liriu's power only worked on Dragons and Phoenixes. However, how many of those were present here at the moment? This Phoenix was the very first one to appear so far. Besides, a Dracophoenix was bound to be stronger... or so the stories say, right? It would give them an extra layer of protection.

The Phoenix narrowed his eyes for a second before shaking his head.

"Forget it. Your ability can really take control of other Dragons and Phoenixes. Still, it has a limit depending on the other side's cultivation. Besides, I did see in the reports of the Phoenix Race that you mentioned your unwillingness to take control of anyone. That would be a good opportunity to see it with my own eyes."

Liriu smiled.

"Suit yourself. By the way, what's your name?"


It was then that someone else asked.

"Wait, what about the wisp?"

Heavin shrugged his Phoenix Puppet shoulders as he replied.

"What about him? He's not here at the moment, so it's useless to ask."

Fura, who had been listening so far, asked them with a Mental Energy Message.

'So you two had such a background. Even I heard about the Dracophoenix and the wisp that disappeared during the Heavenly Competition.'

Heavin didn't seem to care.

'Krune is Krune, we are we. At least you now know where the wisp contamination came from. Hahaha!'

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