Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 780 - Tea

"It has been confirmed. The Dracophoenix and the wisp were there in the Soren Ruins. We've also confirmed that the Divine Path Sect Master from the Luvile Universe and Krune's wife was there as well. Last but not least, there was that shadow-like figure that those who survived the Core Region commented about in the past. The so-called Soren."

The people inside the room listened to the man's report as they pondered on what was happening. Not long after, another man entered the room and bowed to those Universe Powerhouses' representatives.


"This demon beast is the phoenix who happened to follow the Dracophoenix into the Ruins, Zuran."

Zuran was in his human form when he came inside.

"Hello, everyone."

Lidmir Jiadem, the leader of the Galec Universe, was the first one to ask.

"So, tell us what you saw during this trip into the ruins on that planet."


Zuran then explained everything he had seen. How they were about to die when Krune's group appeared. How they were not affected by the restriction of the planet, etc...

Sure enough, the one that got most of their attention was Soren, who seemed to be the center of everything. Of course, the fact that Krune was there with his wife and master cast a shadow on their hearts as well. Just what were they trying to do in that place? Who was the guy they killed?

"What do you all think?"

Olave Merfil, the leader of the Zenfin Sect of the Larael Universe, shook his head. He was also the same person who got Krune to concoct the pill that saved his daughter's soul.

"I said it before, and I'll say it however many times it takes. I don't think it's a good idea to get involved in his affairs anymore. Can't you see? Zuran and the others had their cultivations sealed. They were absolutely no match for Krune's group in that place. If they wanted to, Zuran and the others would have been wiped out. That means we wouldn't have gotten our hands on this information to start with."

Zuran agreed with Olave.

"They also had the Dracophoenix. Although I'm confident in my ability to resist his control ability, that's only when I'm at my peak. At that moment in time, Liriu could have taken control of me since my cultivation was sealed. Still, he once again said the same things as he told our Phoenix and Dragon races before. He had no intention whatsoever of taking control of anyone."

The Mohie Clan Head, who controlled the Hara Universe, then added.

"Krune and the Dracophoenix aren't the only ones we should be careful about anymore. We now have this Soren, who seemed to be far stronger than the two. Last but not least, you also received the report about what happened between Senior Phantom Blade and Lani Gobel, right?"

He was obviously talking about the fight for the trade route close to the Luvile Universe. 

Going back several days in time, Lani had just activated his Purple Tribulation Lightning as Tixan Loume (Phantom Blade) brought out his sword.

Tixan's sword was just some crappy iron sword that anyone could buy with just a few coins. However, Lani knew that in Tixan's hands, that was far from being harmless.

Suddenly, Tixan's sword moved in a slashing motion against Lani. As it did, all the laws, elements, space, and anything else in its way was cleaved apart. Even with his Tribulation Lightning, Lani almost failed to react in time.


Lani was frightened by that single strike. This was very similar to the first attack Lani received from Tixan when they first began to fight. However, now that a real sword was on Tixan's hands, it was several times stronger, faster, and of course, sharper.


Suddenly, a chip fell off from Lani's staff. Lani looked at his Purple Tribulation Staff and became even more shocked. It was the first time that Krune's staff had received a bit of damage. One must remember that Krune's staff could display a power far above normal Divinity Star Weapons thanks to the Purple Flame effect. Also, it was made with materials from the Godly Path Realm, which were much more sturdy. Nonetheless, Tixan's first strike had already chipped it, and it was even a direct clash.

"Hahaha! Very good, Lani! Let's continue."

Lani didn't have time to think as Tixan charged at him. Tixan had really gone through a complete qualitative change now that his iron sword was in his hands. Just his speed alone had more than doubled!

However, Lani wouldn't just stay still and do nothing. Purple Tribulation Lightning extended into his staff as well and mixed with the Purple Flame. Following that, his speed also increased as he counter-attacked.

*Clang, clang, clang, clang...*

Sword Qi and Staff Power clashed and broke apart the fabric of space around them. The Spatial Storm, which was already aggressive in the first phase of their battle, became even more terrifying. While that was happening, Lani and Tixan's Domain clashed against each other, trying to get the upper hand.



All of a sudden, Tixan and Lani exchanged more powerful attacks as both of them were forced back by the shockwave of Spiritual Energy. However, the moment that happened, Tixan sheathed his sword as his body assumed an attacking stance. Even though his sword was sheathed, Lani felt like the next attack wouldn't be as simple as the previous ones.

Sword Laws gathered all around Tixan's sword as the invisible Sword Assimilation power had increased multiple times in an instant.

Lani wasn't any slower either. Purple Tribulation Lightning burst forward as he gave up trying to save any of it. He held his staff with one hand on his left side as his right hand extended in Tixan's direction. Obviously, he also entered an attacking stance, ready to go all out.

Time seemed to stop for a moment as the two sides' combat powers increased to their limits. Suddenly...

*Vup!* The two charged at each other with a speed that surpassed all boundaries of what they had ever displayed before.

"One Sword to Conquer All!"

"Staff Hit-Point!"

Surprisingly, both their attacks were quite crude. One of them was basically a sword draw, while the other was simply brandishing his staff. However, only Lani and Tixan knew just how terrifying their opponent's next attack would be. As experts liked to say, they already made the complex into simple, but that 'simple' was more powerful than any other complicated attack they could pull off.


For hundreds of kilometers, space completely collapsed. Not only that, but even the spatial storms were cleaved or smashed. It was to the point that the Mortal Realm couldn't display that level of power correctly anymore, so everything fell apart.

The onlookers outside were frightened by those attacks. There was no lack of Peak Divinity Realm cultivators here, but neither of them would dare to offend either Lani or Tixan for the rest of their lives. They were simply not at the same level. They understood very well that even if they joined hands, they would still be trashed in just a moment.

The broken space around the epicenter finally began to repair itself with much difficulty—little by little, the result of the exchange was presented in front of everyone. Tixan was holding his iron sword while standing on one side of the field in outer space. 

Lani, however, had a very deep gash on his chest. Blood flowed out as he coughed even more of it. Lani then looked at the Purple Flame Staff in his hand... or it was better to call it two now? Krune's staff had been split in two! Seeing that happen made Lani's heart hurt more than the injury on his body.

After some time, he looked back at Tixan and how he didn't seem to have suffered anything at all.

"Hehe! To think that I told my disciple that I would be able to deal with this situation on my own. What a joke."

Tixan narrowed his eyes as he looked at his iron sword.


Suddenly, a chip fell off of it as well. Normally, you would expect it from such a weak sword. However, in his hands, that worn-out sword hadn't received any further damage for countless years. With his level of understanding at Sword Assimilation, no one had the power to do that... until today.

"Impressive. I really didn't expect that I would damage my sword in the Mortal Realm anymore. However, it was worth it."

Lani bitterly smiled.

"I have nothing to say. The victor is the king, that's all. If you want revenge for your dad's sword, I'm right here."

Tixan laughed as he put his sword back into his Spatial Ring.

"Hahaha! Revenge? What bullshit are you talking about? I believe my long-deceased dad would have been thrilled to see it happen. He asked me to throw it away many times, but I insisted on keeping it. Did you know? After I grew up into an adult, I bought many other swords. This garbage iron sword was kept inside my Spatial Ring as a simple memento. After all, the other ones I got were much stronger and beautiful."

"But in the end, I ended up coming back to this iron sword. It doesn't matter how good the other swords are; they simply can't surpass the power of this iron sword. Do you know why?"

Lani nodded straight away as he used his Spiritual Energy to stabilize his injury.


Tixan smiled in response.

"Exactly. No other sword can obtain the same commitment from me as this trash sword. My full power can only be displayed while holding it. Too bad that it is reaching its limits."

Tixan then looked at Lani again.

"Anyway, this was a good fight. I'm obviously the victor, so the trade route is ours. Do you have any issues?"

Lani shook his head.

"Very well. Let's settle the rest of the arrangements for those ants over there. Come, let's drink some tea."

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