Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 867 - Just A Simple Fat Cultivator

"Hahaha!" Trivar cackled with joy as hundreds of demon beasts flew out from his spatial ring. They were the forces he had stored inside while the caravan was passing through the Falling Boulders Precipice.

He actually had a reason for storing them in the ring as they would be useful to him later. Unfortunately, he had to use them earlier than expected because of the threat Trivar felt from afar. 


The demon beasts flew out and attacked the bandits, ganging up on each one before shredding them apart.

At least five demon beasts targeted one bandit, killing them after 10 to 15 consecutive blows. Whack and Zuna's expressions crumbled as the bandit group they had nurtured through the years was being torn to pieces like paper.

Unfortunately for them, they couldn't move away from their spots and help them out. Yuric stopped them using his Spiritual Incarnation. All this time, Whack and Zuna were making sure that they didn't step on the swamp Yuric had created.

It was to avoid being melted by the acid mixed in it. That was why they were incredibly vigilant. It wasn't a single effect that they could find a counter to. Instead, it was a fusion of laws, the mixture of which varied according to Yuric's comprehension of each law, the base laws he had established, and the foundation using the other laws he built upon. 

It was why a Spiritual Incarnation was feared and revered upon. Not only did it make its user nigh-invincible against those at the same level, but it was also impossible to counter. Unless one spent a long time sensing the laws to make up a Spiritual Incarnation, found the right combination, and comprehended the respective laws to a level surpassing the person that had comprehended the same laws, it wasn't possible to counter against.

Only a Spiritual Incarnation could contend against another Spiritual Incarnation. The only reason why Whack and Zuna were able to fight against Yuric without being at much of a disadvantage was thanks to the environment. 

In the Immortal Severance Zone, the Suppression Laws were in the majority. They suppressed the power other laws could wield in the place. It was similar to a natural habitat. 

A Fire Law would be completely suppressed in the ocean where the Water Law was dominant. The case here was similar. Due to the trait of the Suppression Law, it suppressed everything in nature within the zone it was active. 

The Immortal Suppression Zone was the only place in the Zamuria Continent where the Suppression Law was present in such massive quantities. After all, it was the incomplete Spiritual Incarnation of a Primal God. 

The Suppression Law was only the base that formed the Spiritual Incarnation. There were other laws forming it as well, weaving a complex structure. That was why people were left with no other choice but to helplessly watch their cultivation bases be suppressed in the region. 

As for the bandits, since they have lived a long time in the region and had adapted to it, they began to comprehend the laws active and in abundance in the region. Once their comprehension had attained a qualitative change, they were able to loosen the suppression placed on them. It was similar to how Krune prevented the Calamity Laws from manipulating his karma after understanding it to a certain extent.

In Whack's case, he was able to increase his cultivation base to the Second Stage of the Godly Fusion Realm. In terms of the amount of Godly Energy flowing in his body, he had already lifted the suppression enough to possess an amount of Godly Energy equivalent to a God Foundation Realm cultivator. This was the advantage he used to become the boss of a large bandit group.

He also had numerous pieces of equipment that he had stolen and were priceless treasures in the Immortal Severance Zone. After all, equipment that could be wielded by a First Stage Godly Fusion Realm cultivator and display powers surpassing the Realm was a rarity. It was akin to Krune's brooch. 

Whack was equipped with a lot of similar items and had also learned techniques suitable to use in the place. It was looted from the powerful cultivators that had created such techniques to give them an advantage in the region, only to fall under his hands. 

After all, despite the powers of techniques, the physical strength and amount of Godly Energy of such cultivators were limited and were defeated under the human wave tactics typically used by the bandits. Zuna was similar and was even stronger than Whack. 

After all, when she arrived at the Immortal Severance Zone, she was already at the Ninth Stage of the Nascent God Realm, only a step away from facing her heavenly tribulation. With that, she had greater experience and better insight into the laws of the world. That's why once she adapted to the region, she began to comprehend the Suppression Laws at a faster pace and managed to elevate her cultivation base to the Third Stage of the Godly Fusion Realm. She also obtained other benefits, hence why her bandit group was stronger than Whack's.

But right now, the two of them stared at the wonder displayed by Tina as she controlled hundreds of demon beasts to fight against them. 

In the beginning, the demon beasts had resisted her control. After all, they were still in their human forms.

But as time passed, spurred by an indignant feeling that sprouted in their hearts, they transformed into their demon beast forms. It was in an effort to break free of the thing that tried to control them. After all, they were many times stronger in their demon beast forms.

Sadly, they hadn't known that such an act was one of foolishness. The moment they transformed into their demon beast forms, Tina's control over them had solidified, putting them under her beck and call.

"Who…the heck are you?" Zuna asked as she stared with hatred, watching the remaining bandits fall prey to the demon beasts. She then noticed faint fluctuations in her surroundings, watching how Yuric's Spiritual Incarnation seemed to have been doused by it. Her eyes widened in shock as she eventually understood something, finally sighing in resignation. 

"Oh, you know. Just a simple fat cultivator," Tina smirked as she replied, watching the demon beast group swarm Whack and Zuna, overwhelming them until they were eventually killed. She didn't seem to care about the number of demon beasts that she had wasted to kill the two bandit bosses. 

It seemed that all the demon beasts that were a part of their caravan were those Tina had put under her control. 

A number surpassing two thousand. 

A Beast Tamer could at most control one or two demon beasts. But she, on the other hand, had long since surpassed the common sense of the world. 

"Beast Tamer Spiritual Incarnation," Yuric looked around and sighed as he muttered. It was the name he had given to Tina's Spiritual Incarnation. Even he had no idea what laws formed the core of her Spiritual Incarnation and what method she had used to condense it. Though, he did know of its final effect.

It was to tame demon beasts. On top of that, as long as a single tamed demon beast lived, she could revive through it. Yuric wasn't even sure if Tina's current appearance was her true self. The concept of life and death no longer existed for those with a Spiritual Incarnation.

As long as their laws existed, their body would more or less be undying. Even if they died of old age, they could rebirth with a new body soon after. Though, this usually implied they had to cultivate from scratch. Then again, as they revived through their Spiritual Incarnations, they weren't easy to kill.

It was why danger zones existed all over the four realms. Usually, when powerful figures with Spiritual Incarnations died, they scattered it all over the land. Sometimes, the Spiritual Incarnation fragments slipped through the God Realm and fell into the three realms below, forming the danger zones in them.

After that, as thousands of years passed, they would eventually recondense themselves into a cultivator of the lower realms and embark on a journey to find the remaining fragments of their Spiritual Incarnation. 

And once they complete it, they would return to the God Realm through the traditional way—as a Nascent God. It was why cultivators with Spiritual Incarnation were both revered and feared. 

Yuric mentally sighed after looking at the chaos done by Tina, feeling restricted as he glanced at Hwalian and the other mercenaries from his Mercenary Team. He was the only one among them that hadn't fallen prey to Tina. It was all thanks to his Spiritual Incarnation. 

Unless Tina spent tremendous effort to subdue him, she couldn't control him. Moreover, even after that, as long as Yuric fought against her using his Spiritual Incarnation, he would slowly break out of her control. That was why she hadn't bothered to waste her time and energy on him.

After all, she didn't need to control him directly. She had better alternatives, which was controlling his Mercenary Team. Plus, unless he didn't abide by her terms, she would kill his team members. If it was anyone else, Yuric might just grit his teeth and escape. After all, he had his pride as a cultivator with a Spiritual Incarnation. 

But Hwalian, the only other God Core Realm expert in his Mercenary Team, was his sworn brother. He couldn't leave him alone. It was why he had no other choice but to submit to Tina's wishes.

'Thankfully, Xula escaped.' Yuric sighed as he thought this. Even though he acted otherwise, he was happy when Xula and Krune showed dissatisfaction towards Trivar. It meant Xula would eventually extricate herself from the mission, especially from Tina.

After all, she was also a demon beast, one originating from a powerful race at that. Moreover, she was close to completing her Spiritual Incarnation. It was the only reason why Tina hadn't acted on her. Even after taking control of the others in Xula's mercenary team, she didn't display it openly, waiting for the day Xula completed her Spiritual Incarnation.

That way, she would obtain a second expert on her side. Yuric mentally smirked as he inwardly muttered to himself, 'Unfortunately for Tina, Zuna foiled her plans. Surprisingly, she was able to detect it so quickly and act upon it, killing Xula's teammates without hesitation. Now, Tina lost her chance to take control of Xula in the future.'

"What are you wasting time for, Yuric? Let's go," Trivar spoke from atop the carriage. "Also, bring in the storage rings of those two bandit bosses."

"Understood." Yuric nodded, making a hand motion as two rings flew out from the swamp before landing on his palms. He then presented them to Trivar with a mild bow.

Trivar then shattered the formations on the rings before gazing inside, only to scowl with anger, "Those bastards dare play a prank on me even after their deaths?!"

Contained within each ring was a single slip of paper that stated the same thing. "To the one that steals from this bandit boss, know that you will end up getting nothing. Hahaha! Did you really think I would stash all my precious treasures inside my ring? They're hidden somewhere you don't even have a clue to begin searching of. Well, sucks to be as dumb as you."

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