Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 882 - Rainbow Series: Rainbow Disco

"There's still time for the event that would happen in the Four Sector's Border Region. It would be nice if we arrive there after five months, not before," Cultivator said. "I have an equipment spirit that can carry us all the way there within a week."

"Won't it get tired?" Krune frowned as he asked. Based on what he knew, even equipment spirits became tired after a while. Though, their tiredness was different from humans, demon beasts, and demon beasts in human forms. 

Their tiredness was exhibited by the sluggishness of the flow of Godly Energy in their meridians. The more they worked, the slower the flow of Godly Energy in their meridians. Once they got enough rest, it would return back to normal.

That was why cultivators only unleashed their equipment spirits in times of need. Other than that, the equipment spirit would rest inside the equipment. 

"I have…quite a few of such equipment spirits. So, no worries." Cultivator smiled as he took out a ring from his pouch before wore it on his finger, activating it. Within a short time, its ring spirit appeared. 

Its body was more or less similar to a Zenith Plugger, but it had a smaller stature and was leaner. Its wingspan was twice the Zenith Plugger's, so it was capable of long-distance flights. Then again, considering its lean stature, it wasn't able to carry more than four people at a time. 

Krune observed the ring spirit as the laws forming its body fluctuated. A three-dimensional image of the ring spirit soon appeared in his mind, turning into a blueprint he could use in the future. 

His mind worked at full power, immediately glancing at the figure of the massive demon beast they stood upon. The laws in his body similarly did its job as a three-dimensional image of the demon beast appeared in his mind. 

'This would be helpful in the future,' Krune thought to himself, glancing at Cultivator. Not long after, an image of his human form formed in his mind. 

He then thought while asking, "So, it's better to depart after four months, right? Otherwise, we'll probably arrive there way too early."

"Yes." Cultivator smiled as he replied, "It's good that I have some company, haha. Traveling alone was boring, to be honest."

"It's fine." Krune smiled in return, responding, "It's not as if I have anything much to do now. Besides, it seems whatever is happening there is going to be quite fun."

"Alright, then. Since you seemed interested in it, I can bring you too. We'll meet here after four months have passed. I'll be roaming these plains until then to see if I can find anything interesting. I'll experiment with the sword until then," Cultivator said as he boarded the ring spirit before taking off to the skies, eventually disappearing from view.

"Guess I'm alone now." Krune heaved a deep sigh as he looked around, noticing the carcasses of various demon beasts. After a moment of thought, he began to store the carcasses in his storage ring. They were tremendously powerful demon beasts and would prove as valuable ingredients for his dishes. 

Krune didn't wish to waste their parts now that they had been killed. He also registered their images in his mind as he decided to store the demon beast carcasses. He spent an entire week in this pursuit, storing a lot of demon beast carcasses in his storage rings.

When the rings he had ran out of space, he forged new ones. Even though his limited understanding of the spatial laws, with respect to the God Realm, prevented him from creating storage rings with a large space, he was able to produce a lot of them in a short time.

Eventually, he stored all of the demon beast carcasses at the God Core Realm and above. As for the rest, he left them as is, unwilling to take them. If he tried to do so, then no amount of storage rings would be enough. After all, the demon beast territory, Lawless Plains, was a big place.

It would take him too much time to cover it all. With that, he only focused on the ones that proved useful to him. Then again, he still went through the plains to record the images of every demon beast in his mind. Since he was passively able to do so, Krune didn't wish to miss out on these blueprints.

After all, he could change the forms of his Pseudo-Wisps into other beings as long as he had their blueprint. That's why Krune roamed about collecting them. The more blueprints he obtained, the more versatile his Pseudo Wisps would become.

Consider the ring spirit Cultivator had shown, for example. Even though the laws of the God Realm prevented any being from taking flight before they were in the Semi-God Realm, demon beasts with wings were still able to fly. It was because they were naturally making use of the laws in the God Realm to fly.

Flying by using wings to flap around was allowed by the laws of the God Realm. That's why demon beasts that were capable of flying were heavily valued. It was also a reason why the Zenith Pluggers were something every merchant desired to have. 

They were capable of short-distance flights, but most importantly, they were able to carry a lot of weight on them. It was why they were the number one demon beast every merchant desired to possess. 

That's why possessing the blueprints of different demon beasts gave him a greater advantage. Moreover, he wouldn't obtain such an opportunity to come across countless demon beasts. Krune also noticed bizarre demon beasts among the carcasses, ones that were grotesque, alien, and so on. 

Krune collected a couple of their carcasses as a sample, intending to see if they had any beneficial properties in them that he could exploit. After that, he returned to the center of the Lawless Plains, stopping at the place where he had come across the demon beast baby.

Krune then extended his Divine Sense, unable to find anything until his Mental Energy mixed into it, expanding his range while allowing him to perceive things that he was unable to before. This level of penetration was superior when compared to simply using his Mental Energy scan alone. 

He soon noticed that a massive formation was just below him. It was situated fifty meters underground and was covered by numerous formations that prevented even the Divine Senses of immortals from detecting them.

It was only thanks to his Mental Energy that Krune was able to easily detect them without any troubles. He tried to understand it, noticing that the formation was just a simple energy-gathering array. He was familiar with such types. 

Though, there was one difference between this formation and the usual energy gathering formations. The concentration of Godly Energy in the air was only equivalent to a Rank One God Stone. And, all an energy gathering formation did was slightly increase its concentration.

Depending on the quality of the energy-gathering formation, the resulting quality of Godly Energy would be different. The concentration would steadily climb up until they reached a Rank Two God Stone and beyond. 

Then again, it took a lot of time to achieve this. Also, depending on the quality of Godly Energy at the end, the amount of time it took to accumulate a considerable amount varied. It was why most energy-gathering formations were vacant for years at a stretch.

Only when they had accumulated a certain density and quantity of Godly Energy would a cultivator cultivate in it. And well, it seemed that the energy-gathering formation below him had been built for the same purpose.

Nevertheless, most energy gathering formations encompassed a small place, usually the size of a room or a cultivation chamber. The shocking thing here was the fact that this energy-gathering formation had no end.

After a moment of thought, Krune tried to scale it up as he moved around the Lawless Plains, noticing that it encompassed almost the entire Lawless Plains. On top of that, it had been gathering the energy for a long duration, at least for a couple of years.

"All this Godly Energy…" Krune muttered, sighing as he noticed how the quality of energy in the formation had already reached the level of a Rank Three God Stone. Rank Three God Stones were those typically used by God Core Realm cultivators to cultivate. 

Rank One God Stones were for Godly Fusion Realm cultivators, Rank Two God Stones were for God Foundation Realm cultivators, and so on and so forth. 

'I shouldn't waste this opportunity,' Krune thought to himself, arriving before a certain patch of the land as he made a slight tweak in the formation, opening a passage that took him underground. He had some understanding of formations. In any case, this was one of the most common formations, so he was clear of its abilities.

The only thing shocking about this energy-gathering formation was its sheer scale and not its complexity. It was only layered with numerous formations to prevent other cultivators from detecting it. Since his Mental Energy was capable of bypassing that, Krune was able to make use of the formation with ease. 

He then proceeded underground, noticing the hole he made on the ground vanish magically. He walked through a tunnel and ended up in a dome-shaped chamber where the Godly Energy was akin to a sea thanks to its sheer quantity.

'It seems like they were probably preparing for someone's Heavenly Tribulation. Only for that would they need so much Godly Energy. Not only that, but this isn't even the final product. When it finishes accumulating enough energy, it should reach the peak of a Rank Four God Stone in quality alone, perhaps even higher,' Krune determined it based on the functions of the formation as he pondered, arriving at the center of the dome-shaped chamber.

He sighed, taking in a deep breath as he felt revitalized. His body shuddered as it began to shine with the resplendent hue of a rainbow. The rainbow light flashed as its respective colors interchanged positions, flickered, made shapes, and danced across his body. It was akin to a rainbow disco.

Krune frowned as he looked around, thanking the fact that there was no one else to witness this. He didn't want to obtain another annoying nickname related to rainbows. 

Land Incarnation!

Krune soon unleashed his Spiritual Incarnation as he noticed faint ethereal laws appear in the land around him, taking up most of the ground space in the dome-shaped chamber. The Godly Energy immediately formed numerous vortexes as they converged at many spots around him, beginning to condense into tiny spheres.

"Alright, let me see how you function," Krune laughed in excitement. 

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