Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 901 - Entering The Sub-Realm

The Zenith Plugger lookalike ring spirit vanished as Krune and Cultivator landed on the ground, mixing with the other cultivators as they moved through the crowd. 

From time to time, they would look at the sky, looking at the mountainous demon beast that calmly hovered in the air. Its eyes were clones, seemingly in a state of meditation. At times, its body felt no different from the air, as if it was nothing but a mere illusion. 

Then again, at other times, it exuded enough pressure to flatten their minds into oblivion. Even walking seemed to consume too must energy as everyone panted. Among the panting crowd, Krune and Cultivator were relatively better, only breaking out in cold sweat. 

Moreover, the mental pressure worked independently of their cultivation bases. Krune noticed how some God Foundation Realm cultivators fared better than even some of the God Core Realm cultivators. 

It seemed to be a test of their minds. 

'Is that demon beast related to the Sub-Realm? Just what is its current cultivation base?' Krune thought to himself as he walked. It was shocking at first glance, but as he thought about it, Krune realized how the entire Sub-Realm was probably created by a God for their entertainment. 

So, of course, they would dispatch someone to oversee it. The mountainous demon beast should be that very delegate dispatched by the God that had created the Sub-Realm. That was probably why the Predominated Vines didn't do anything to harm it. 

Or rather, they were unable to affect it. Krune took a deeper look, noticing the strongest of the Predominated Vines in the area were trembling, struggling to close in on the mountainous demon beast. Unfortunately, all the while them doing so, their efforts were futile as something formless seemed to be suppressing their actions. 

Moreover, this formless substance also seemed to be suppressing the Restriction Law prominent in the region. Suppressing an entire region alone, it displayed the mountainous demon beast's unfathomable power. 

Currently, they were walking through a path that spanned a kilometer wide. They were approaching the heart of the Four Sectors' Border Region. 

Krune looked around, noticing how the Predominated Vines in their surroundings seemed a lot older and mature compared to the ones he saw at the entrance. Moreover, their strength was also incomparably vast, being at the peak of the Nascent God Realm. 

Every Predominated Vine in the surrounding was at this stage, baffling Krune. After all, that was a lot of power at their disposal. If the Predominated Vines were to target someone, even if they were immortal, they would eventually fall in this place. 

Beyond a certain limit, just sheer numbers bring about a qualitative change. 

'They would have to face a heavenly tribulation if they wish to exceed their current realm. Is that why they remained in this same stage all this time? Moreover, how long is their lifespan?' Krune thought when he saw they were nearing the end of the path. 

Though not long after, as if it was a wave originating from the center, waves of shock and exclaim resounded through the moving crowd. Krune looked forward, taking in a deep breath as he also felt shock. 

In front of them was a cylindrical column formed by the Predominated Vines that stood up, reaching straight into the sky. Moreover, unlike the other Predominated Vines, these were qualitatively different.

Semi-God Realm!

All of the Predominated Vines forming the cylindrical column were in the immortal realms, beyond the reach of mortals. Just this fact alone meant they had endured a heavenly tribulation and survived to break through into a higher realm. 

Two Predominated Vines facing the path had slightly curved the base of their stalks, creating a wide entrance for them to pass through. And, as time passed in such a fashion, Krune and Cultivator entered through the entrance, looking around to witness a massive plain. 

Nothing grew on the ground here, barren as if vegetation hadn't ever grown in the place for a long time. Though upon closer inspection, the soil in the ground was suffused with dense tribulation laws. 

The tribulation lightning had impacted the place so many times the tribulation laws had been inscribed in the soil. It was incredibly precious. Sadly, despite its value, none dared to pocket it. 

After all, doing so might incur the wrath of the heavens. And, none were foolish enough to take such a risk for no reason. 

The flat ground was a perfect circle, spanning a radius of 30 kilometers. It was a massive place. And currently, it was almost filled. 

Upon entry, just like the ones before them, the gazes of Krune and Cultivator were drawn to the Predominated Vine growing in the center. Unlike all the other vines, this was curled up into a bundle at the top. 

On top of that, the bundle was shaped like a ring while the tip of the vine exited from its bottom and touched the ground, acting as a bridge. Time passed in such a fashion as hours turned into days. Two days later, the entire plains were completely jam-packed with cultivators. 

At this moment, the two Predominated Vines that had moved their bases to form the entrance wriggled and closed the entrance, joining their bases, cutting off all the cultivators in the plains from the rest of the world. 

For a moment, those inside were pensive, fearing the Predominated Vines would just lash them and devour them whole. Though soon after, their worries were unfounded as the mountainous demon beast moved a little. 

It shot its eyes open, causing fierce gales as a result. It then transmitted the message into the minds of everyone using its Divine Sense. 

"There isn't anything much you have to think or worry about. The Sub-Realm before you is incredibly vast and has rich resources. It also has suitable dangers accompanying it, so you have been warned. All of you would be randomly transported to various places in the Sub-Realm."

"Don't worry too much as your starting locations would all be safe." Its voice then turned a tad serious as it continued, "But, upon entry, you will have to stay a decade in the Sub Realm. After that, you'll have to fight for exit tickets. Only with them can you exit the Sub-Realm. If you don't obtain them, you'll be permanently bound to it for all your life."

The Predominated Vines near the path opened, creating the entrance once again as the mountainous demon beast said, "If anyone wishes to leave, I'll give you an hour to do so."

Not a single cultivator budged an inch. Rather, they all seemed excited at the prospect of getting to stay in the Sub-Realm. After all, the three continents were on the brink of war, so all of them wished to avoid it if possible. 

The populace in the plains was comprised of cultivators from all three continents. They had either bought, sneaked, or even smuggled their way through the continent paths and arrived at the area. So, they were resolved to evade the continental war no matter the means. 

Most of the cultivators had even appeared with their entire families, deciding to settle within the Sub-Realm. After all, despite the risks, it was an entirely new world. So, there was a chance they could obtain riches and forge their way to the top of that world. 

Such was the thought echoing in the minds of everyone. So, none stepped forth to leave the place. After an hour passed, the mountainous demon beast smiled for the first time. "I commend your bravery. Now, let me tell you the rules that would function in the Sub-Realm. More than rules, it's the laws the Sub-Realm operates on."

There was a gentle grunt from the mountainous demon beast as the Godly Energy in the air swirled, even absorbing some of the tribulation laws from the soil to condense into hundreds of thousands of tablets. 

A tablet hovered before each cultivator as the mountainous demon beast said, "Add a drop of your blood to forge a bond with it."

Even though a lot were apprehensive of doing so, the situation didn't allow them to hesitate too much. Thanks to peer pressure, all the cultivators dripped a drop of their blood on the tablets, causing them to shine and seep into the bodies of the respective cultivator. 

Krune sensed its position, thanks to his body being comprised of laws. The tablet had turned into a certain dot and was lodged in his glabella. If he so wished, he could summon it out and inspect it whenever necessary.

"There are a variety of functions in the tablet. I'll let you explore them in the Sub-Realm. It wouldn't be fun if I said everything." Followed by a chuckle, the mountainous demon beast continued, "If you perform certain actions, you'll be rewarded Godly Points. And, you can use those Godly Points to buy a variety of things and treasures. Moreover, they're a must if you wish to travel from one region to another."

"Did I mention how there are hundreds of regions in the Sub-Realm? Each region has a different environment and a native muddled race. These native races don't have any sentience or intelligence, but the prime advantage they have is their sheer numbers." 

The mountainous demon beast then looked below as a ray of light shot from its forehead and landed on the bundle created by the Predominated Vine in the center of the plains. The bundle lit up as Godly Energy swirled in the ring formed in its center. 

Soon, faint ripples formed on it as a variety of images constantly floated past it. The mountainous demon beast spoke again, "That's all I'll be saying. You'll have to figure out the rest. Don't forget that luck is also a form of strength. Now, get going."

The cultivators at the center gulped once before they began to scale up the Predominated Vine's body that acted as a staircase. They were afraid it would gobble them up, but upon seeing how it didn't react, they slowly scaled it up until appearing before the portal to the Sub-Realm. 

The first cultivator gently placed his hand on the rippling surface of the portal when his body disappeared like a flash of light. The ones standing right behind him noticed how his figure appeared in the center of the image that had flashed, realizing that it was functional. 

The images on the portal screen constantly changed with every touch as they transported people to different locations. A couple of days later, Krune and Cultivator arrived before it. 

"Here's to an interesting journey," Cultivator said with a smile as his figure disappeared. 

"Here's to hoping," Krune said as he shook his head, his figure vanishing soon after.

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