Is That A Wisp?

Chapter 907 - The Tablet

Every physical part or object in the region was the same. They acted akin to viruses, ones that looked no different from a regular part of the land. Though at the very moment they came into contact with Godly Energy, they become sentient, absorbing the Godly Energy as they grew in size. 

Then, they would turn into monstrosities that attacked any and every source of Godly Energy. In this case, the sources were the cultivators. After all, there was not even an ounce of Godly Energy in the region. It was completely devoid of it. 

Therefore, any hint of Godly Energy would seem like the sun in the middle of the night. Therefore, if Krune wished to remain alive, he couldn't use any Godly Energy. 

Even the barest minimum of action would emit some Godly Energy. A regular cultivator wouldn't even realize it. After all, there was usually a considerable concentration of Godly Energy in the God Realm, at least equivalent to a Rank One God Stone in quality. 

With that, they wouldn't be able to sense the tinge of Godly Energy they emit through their activities, even by breathing. Now that Krune was aware of everything, he realized that he definitely made a close call.

After all, if he had been in the chamber any longer, the rocks surrounding him would have gained sentience sooner or later. After all, despite it being almost negligible, he was still emitting some Godly Energy into the surroundings.

As the surroundings rocks absorbed it, they were indeed developing. If they were given some more hours, they would have gained sentience and would have latched onto Krune to absorb all the Godly Energy in him. 

Thankfully, Krune luckily managed to escape before that happened. Now, Krune didn't dare come out, staying within the belly of the clone as he pondered over something, focusing on the dot in his glabella. 

The dot was the tablet they were all given before entering the Sub-Realm. Krune hadn't managed to take a look at it yet. As he was within the clone's stomach, even if the action of summoning the tablet would expel some Godly Energy into the surroundings, it would only be within the clone. 

This way, he could avoid awakening even more rocks. As the clone would be absorbing all the Godly Energy, he could more or less rest assured. 

With a thought, the dot on his glabella flashed as it emitted a gentle white light, turning into a ray of light before condensing into a rectangular slab before him. It spanned a meter in length and half a meter in width. 

It was currently blank, save for the image of Krune inscribed on its surface. It was a realistic inscription as if his face had been slammed into it to create the image. As he looked at it, Krune realized that nothing changed in the tablet. 

He tried to comprehend the laws used in it, immediately getting a headache as he muttered helplessly, "I almost forgot it was made using some of the Tribulation Laws. I can't comprehend it."

Tribulation Laws were the absolute pinnacle of the God Realm. It was the only law that no cultivator could comprehend. After all, it was a product of the God Realm, something the will of the realm, or typically addressed as the Heaven's Will wielded. 

Therefore, it couldn't be comprehended by the cultivators. Moreover, if someone dared to do so, they would experience intense headaches while their Godly Energy would go haywire. If they persisted with the effort, their meridians would explode, killing them. 

Even cultivators with Spiritual Incarnation would take damage. After all, the one that caused the damage was the Tribulation Law. So, as a law, it could damage their laws, causing them problems and preventing them from reviving easily. 

Even for Krune, it wasn't wise to comprehend the Tribulation Law. After all, it was the sole law that wasn't a part of his Spiritual Incarnation. If anything, if it had become a part of him, then Krune would have to suffer from heaven's wrath constantly until he was completely annihilated from the God Realm. 

'Maybe the situation would have turned out different if I still had Luvile's purple lightning,' Krune thought, wondering the strength of that. It seemed to be a derivative of the Tribulation Laws and hence, had unrivaled power. 

It made him wonder just what sort of existence Luvile was to wield the strength of the Tribulation Law without suffering the wrath of the heavens. Then again, it made him realize that might have been the reason Luvile had to depend on Krune to reach the God Realm once again, entering Krune using a tribulation. 

Maybe as a prior God, Luvile had managed to obtain a way to harness the power of the Tribulation Law. Or maybe it was something else he derived from his experience in trying to leave the Four Realms. 

Krune stopped moping about as he focused on the tablet before him, trying to see if he could control it using his thoughts. With one thought, the tablet collapsed into a dot of light and retreated to his glabella.

Upon another thought, it recondensed into the tablet once again. As Krune continued to do it, he kept thinking about other things, from one substance to another, in an effort to activate the tablet to display something other than the inscription of his face. 

As time passed, he hallucinated as if the inscription of him on it was laughing at his foolishness, making a mockery out of him. Soon, Krune lost his patience, getting pissed off as he slammed a punch at it, causing a loud gong sound.

Following suit was a ripple along the surface of the tablet as his inscription merged into the surface like it was water. Soon, followed by another ripple, a set of words appeared on it. 

[Region: Epic Hell]

[Number of cultivators: 74]

[Total Score: 12 Godly Points]


  [Highest Score: 10 Godly Points]


  <1: Matternock [10 Godly Points]>

<2: Stockpil [2 Godly Points]>

"Epic Hell, what the hell is up with this weird name?  And the scores…" Krune frowned as he muttered. "How were they able to accumulate Godly Points?"

Based on what the mountainous demon beast had said, they could perform certain tasks to receive Godly Points. Soon, Krune realized upon seeing the data that everything that was displayed was only concerning his region, Epic Hell. 

This meant there were a couple of cultivators that had managed to earn some Godly Points even in this ridiculous environment. They had only recently appeared in the Sub-Realm, so it was pretty quick of them to do so. 

As for Krune, he still had no idea as to how he could earn some Godly Points. There was no information concerning that on the tablet. Rather, all he could see was the data that appeared on it through sheer coincidence. 

Krune then tapped on the tablet a couple of times, nudged it, scratched it, scribbled on it, rubbed it, and punched it quite a few times to relieve his frustration. But ultimately, nothing changed. Sighing, he retrieved it, watching the tablet condense into a dot and return to his glabella once again. 

"Wait a second…" Suddenly, he thought of something as Krune's attention shifted. The clone immediately flapped its wings in a hurry and accelerated, heading towards a floating island before looking at its surface. 

"It wasn't here. It was somewhere else." Krune closed his eyes, relying on his shared thoughts to witness everything the clone saw. The clone then flew over a couple more floating islands, eventually hovering above what seemed to be one of the largest floating islands in the immediate vicinity. 

There was some water in the center, forming a pond. Surrounding it were what seemed to be sand, coarse and wet. On one end of the floating island was a hill, rather steep with jagged rocks. Moreover, the entire ground of the floating island was covered by rocks resembling sharp blades. 

Surprisingly, half-buried in the sand was what he had glanced over once during the flight but had glossed over. Now that he had interacted with the tablet, Krune could immediately recognize it. 

Half-buried in the sand and gently washed by the waves of the pond from time to time was a tablet just like his, possessing the same dimensions. Though, that was the only thing present in the place. The owner of the tablet seemed to have gone missing. 

Krune had some suspicions, hovering in the air as the clone looked at the tablet, focusing on the pond beside. The waves on its surface seemed unnatural. After all, there wasn't any wind in the place. Rather, the entire region was devoid of any wind, despite it being a place where the surface was covered by churning lava.

The clone opened its mouth as another clone flew out. Unlike the previous clone, this was shaped as a bird-type demon beast that excelled in speed and maneuverability in the air. It was mimicking the ring spirit Cultivator had used to help them escape the sea of Predominated Vines. 

With such a form, its evasive abilities were guaranteed. The bird-type demon beast clone flapped its wings in a hurry as it sped towards the pond, intending to make an instantaneous sweep of the tablet and the surrounding area with its Divine Sense. 

This was to understand the details of the area while not giving it an opportunity to birth something because of the energy in the Divine Sense. The clone morphed its shape, causing another head to form in the place of its tail. 

This head opened its mouth, causing a spiral of the laws of fire, wind, and gravity to form in it. A second later, it unleashed a column of fire, rocketing towards the target area as it flashed past instantly, quickly changing forms as it flapped in the air and slowly returned to the clone within whose stomach Krune was hiding. 

As it disappeared, Krune frowned, shuddering for a moment as he felt a chill wash over his body. Unexpectedly, a massive hand shot forth from the pond, swiping past the area the bird-type demon beast clone had flown past. Thanks to the difference in their speeds, its reaction had been late. 

Nevertheless, its appearance confirmed Krune's conjecture. 

"So, a cultivator had appeared on this floating island, mistakenly used his Godly Energy, and ended up creating a strong monstrosity that ended up killing him and sucking his Godly Energy dry. Through this, it grew even more powerful."

"At the end, only the cultivator's tablet remained behind." Krune sighed as he recalled the face of the individual inscribed on the respective tablet. His Divine Sense sweep gave him all the information he needed, realizing that the body of the monstrosity birthed by that cultivator was…rather huge.

After all, this cultivator was at the Seventh Stage of the God Core Realm. Including all the preparations he had made, which were stored in his spatial ring, it resulted in the birth of a terrifying figure. 

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