Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1192 - Officially Became A Disciple Of The Inner Court

"Look at this, if you don't believe me." Ye Chen threw a key at Elder.

Elder received the key thrown by Ye Chen, when Elder received the key thrown by Ye Chen, he found that this was indeed the key to look for.

"This is great." Elder couldn't believe what he saw, Ye Chen had actually managed to find the key to look for.

Elder was rendered speechless when he saw this, Ye Chen was the fastest person Elder had ever seen, Ye Chen's speed was the most terrifying that Elder had ever seen while working in this place.

"Now can I get the mark of an inner court disciple?" Ye Chen asked if he could become an inner court disciple.

"Alright, I'll do the procedure right away." The elder said that he would carry out the necessary procedures to become an inner court disciple.

Ye Chen followed the Elder, himself finished everything to become an inner court disciple.

The procedure was very easy for Ye Chen to do, he just needed to get a new uniform and also a sign to become an inner court disciple.

Everything was going very fast, in just a few minutes the Elder had transferred all that had to be done, now Ye Chen had gotten the mark of becoming an inner court disciple as well as a new uniform.

"Congratulations on your graduation, now you can become an Inner Court disciple." The elder said that Ye Chen had already become an Inner Court disciple, he was now an Inner Court disciple officially.

"This is your room key, make sure you don't give it to anyone else to prevent theft." The elder told Ye Chen not to give this key to anyone else or something bad would happen.

"Okay, I understand, thanks for the instructions, I will go first" Ye Chen said goodbye, he immediately left this place.

"This disciple is indeed something, I don't know if he has high luck or indeed has the ability." The elder didn't know if Ye Chen's luck was very high or he had an ability.

This was a riddle for the Elder, he didn't know whether Ye Chen had the ability or not.

"Finally it's over, it took much longer than I expected" Ye Chen was very happy, it was all over, now he was very happy that he had succeeded in becoming an inner court disciple, now all he needed was to move all his belongings to his new room.

"I'll just leave this to my new servant." Ye Chen was lazy to move his own belongings, it was better to tell Song Ziyu to do this.

"Ziyu. . ." Ye Chen called out Song Ziyu name, a few minutes later Song Ziyu appeared in front of Ye Chen.

"what are you looking for me?" Song Ziyu asked Ye Chen, why did Ye Chen suddenly call him.

Song Ziyu was busy, she was practicing her strength, when Song Ziyu was doing that, Ye Chen suddenly came and disturbed her.

"I need your help with something" Ye Chen said that he needed help from Song Ziyu.

"What kind of help is that?" Song Ziyu asked what Ye Chen needed from her.

Song Ziyu didn't know what Ye Chen needed, Song Ziyu felt something bad about this matter.

"I want you to take the things in my old room and move them to a new place in the inner court." Ye Chen told Song Ziyu what he needed.

"Sigh, just like that, you bothering me over such a trivial matter, are you crazy?", Song Ziyu couldn't believe that Ye Chen was bothering her over a small matter like this.

"So you dare to refuse this request from your Master, fine, then let me. .." Ye Chen didn't continue his words, Ye Chen smiled evilly at Song Ziyu instead.

Song Ziyu saw Ye Chen's evil smile, Song Ziyu felt something bad was about to happen to her.

Song Ziyu still remembered Mei Yueli words, Mei Yueli telling her not to make trouble with Ye Chen, otherwise Ye Chen would definitely not let her go like before.

"Alright, alright, I'll do it." Song Ziyu had no choice but to agree with what Ye Chen said, she had no choice but to do as Ye Chen said.

"Very good, go quickly" Ye Chen nodded in satisfaction, it seemed that the threat he gave was very effective in making Song Ziyu obedient.

Helplessly Song Ziyu go to Ye Chen's place, she going to get Ye Chen's old Items.

After Song Ziyu left, Ye Chen immediately went to the inner court, the inner court was even deeper, so Ye Chen had to go deeper.

Ye Chen entered the entrance to the inner court, just like the outer court, the inner court was guarded by several people who were responsible for guarding in case any battle or bad things happened.

The guards in this place were also inner court disciples who worked to find some contribution points to their cultivation practice.

Ye Chen immediately went inside, himself setting his foot on the inner court.

"So this is the inner court, this place has pure Energy that is much richer than the outer court." Ye Chen could feel the considerable difference between the outer court and the inner court.

The Energy in this place is definitely richer than the Energy in the outer court.

It seems that the closer to the nine peaks, the pure energy will become richer, which means that in the place of Mu Xueying, Mu Nianci, Mei Yueli and Xia Qingyu, the pure energy in that place is much richer than the one in this place.

"Okay, then my next goal is to become a core disciple, which peak should I join?" Ye Chen started to wonder which peak he would choose next.

The time for the competition was not long, so Ye Chen had to choose which peak was good for him.

"I'll just ask Senior Xueying, she should know more about the conditions of each peak" Ye Chen intended to ask Mu Xueying, she should know more about this matter than himself.

"Where should I put the things you have?" Song Ziyu asked where she should put all of Ye Chen's belongings.

Song Ziyu was very fast, in an instant she had tidied up all of Ye Chen's belongings.

"Come with me" Ye Chen told Song Ziyu to come with him to the room he got.

Song Ziyu nodded, she could only follow Ye Chen, Song Ziyu didn't know where they were going, so Song Ziyu could only rely on Ye Chen to guide the way.

Ye Chen went to find his room, he relied on his abilities to find his room.

Luckily the inner court wasn't as large as the outer court, so Ye Chen could more easily find his room.

After searching together with Song Ziyu for a while, Ye Chen finally found his room.

"Is this the room I will be staying in?" Ye Chen saw a small building in front of his eyes, this building was only slightly bigger than the one Ye Chen had in the outer court.

Ye Chen thought that becoming an inner court disciple would get an upgrade in terms of rooms, but the reality was that this room was still the same as the one in the outer court.

"How long are you going to see like that, let's go inside.." Song Ziyu told Ye Chen to go inside himself wanting to finish this task as quickly as he could.

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