Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1222 - Teach A Lesson For Xue Muer

"Who are you saying to break through by force, I didn't do that" Xue Muer said that she didn't break through this room by force.

"Then what did you call it before?" Ye Chen directly asked about what happened earlier, it was clear that Xue Muer and the female disciples from Frozen Cloud Sect had barged into his room.

" that . . .,We only made a slight mistake and entered the wrong room." Xue Muer said that if they entered the wrong room, they had no intention of breaking through.

"Isn't that the same, you and all your friends barged into your room, so don't protest too much" Ye Chen said to Xing Mei.

"what really happened, please explain to me" Xing Mei asked about what happened.

She wanted to know what had happened, Xing Mei still didn't understand what had happened..

Ye Chen started to explain to Xing Mei about what happened, himself explaining the origin of his problems with Xue Muer.

After getting a brief explanation from Ye Chen, Xing Mei finally found out why Ye Chen was holding this woman, it turned out that this woman had entered their room and did something bad to Ye Chen.

"How funny, how can you have the wrong room like that" Xing Mei felt that Xue Muer was so funy, how could she go wrong in taking a room.

"Hempp" Xue Muer snorted coldly, she was very cold towards Xing Mei.

"What's with that attitude of yours?" Xing Mei looked angry when she faced Xue Muer, this woman had dared to ignore her.

Even though Xing Mei had been kind to this woman, but what happened, this woman actually returned her with a cold attitude like now.

"Never mind, don't mind her." Ye Chen told Xing Mei to ignore Xue Muer.

"But she's really annoying." Xing Mei said that Xue Muer was really annoying.

"I also know that this woman is quite annoying" Ye Chen agreed with Xing Mei, he felt that Xue Muer was a annoying woman.

"Then how about we start teaching this woman a lesson." Xing Mei had a bad idea, she said to teach Xing Mei a lesson.

" what's that?" Ye Chen immediately asked what kind of idea Xing Mei had.

Xing Mei started to whisper the ideas she had, herself telling Ye Chen what they should do.

Ye Chen's eyes lit up when he heard this, Xing Mei's idea wasn't bad, this would definitely make Xue Muer lose face.

Ye Chen started to show an evil smile to Xue Muer, Xue Muer felt goosebumps when she saw Ye Chen's evil smile, Xue Muer somehow felt something bad was going to happen.

"You are ready for the show" Ye Chen said to Xue Muer who was sitting in the distance.

" what a show ?" Xue Muer immediately asked what Ye Chen wanted to do, what kind of show would Ye Chen put on him.

"You just shut up and see" Ye Chen said to Xue Muer to shut up and see what would happen.

Ye Chen started to silence Xue Muer, he used a special tool to make Xue Muer unable to speak or send voice transmissions to her friends in the next room.

"Let's do it" Ye Chen invited Xing Mei to carry out the plan they had agreed on.

Xing Mei nodded, she began to make preparations for a show.

"Master, please don't do that, I can't stand it." Xing Mei started to scream in a fairly loud and loud voice, even Xing Mei's voice was exactly the same as Xue Muer's.

Xue Muer's eyes widened when she saw what Xing Mei was doing, Xing Mei imitated her voice and made a sound that could make people misunderstand.

"Quick stop, what are you trying to do" Xue Muer tried to stop Xing Mei, Xue Muer didn't want this misunderstanding to happen.

Too bad, Xue Muer couldn't get her words out, Xue Muer felt that her words were stuck in her throat and didn't want to come out.

"Ah. . ., more deeply, your behavior is very strong." Xing Mei continued to chant passionate words, Xing Mei's words really made people around the room misunderstood.

Ye Chen continued to observe from the side, he was really very satisfied when he saw what Xing Mei was doing, what Xing Mei was doing was great, Xing Mei was very talented at performing plays like this.

"Xing Mei is indeed very talented, it seems that this talent will be very useful if she can use it well" Ye Chen felt that Xing Mei's talent was quite great, if Xing Mei could use this, she would definitely be able to trick the enemy she had.

"Bang! ! !" Moments later the female disciple from Frozen Cloud broke into Ye Chen's room.

"Pervert, what did you do to Sister Muer?" all the women were angry with Ye Chen, how could Ye Chen bully Xue Muer.

When the women from the Frozen Ice Sect entered, they were all taken aback by the scene before their eyes.

The scene before their eyes was very different from what they had imagined so far.

Ye Chen slept in the bed, while Xing Mei sat beside Ye Chen, and finally Xue Muer sat in the corner while.

"huh?" All the women looked very confused by what was happening, what was happening in this place was very different from the image they had.

They thought that Ye Chen was bullying Xue Muer, they didn't expect Ye Chen to do anything to Xue Muer.

"You guys barged in again, do you want to find trouble with me?" Ye Chen said to all the women from Frozen Cloud Sect,

"But the voice just now? "All of the female disciples from the Frozen Cloud Sect looked confused by what had just happened, they were all confused by what had happened in this place.

It was clear that the voice they had just heard was Xue Muer's desperate scream, how could nothing happen to Xue Muer.

Xue Muer looked fine, nothing bad happened to her.

"What sound?, I didn't hear it, did I?" Ye Chen said to Xing Mei who was beside him.

"That's right, we haven't heard any strange noises here, after all, my friend and I haven't done anything to her." Xing Mei said that she didn't do anything to Xue Muer.

The women from the Frozen Cloud Sect were even more confused, they all looked very confused by what had happened.

What happened was so unreasonable, it was obvious that they all listened to Xue Muer's voice, but how come nothing happened in this room.

"You guys better go, you guys are really annoying" Ye Chen told all these women to leave, they all bothered him.

The women from the Frozen Cloud Sect had no other choice, they all immediately returned and left this room.

"Giggle. . ., isn't that funny." Xing Mei felt amusing about what had just happened, seeing the expressions on the women from the Frozen Cloud Sect was very pleasing.

Ye Chen removed his tool from Xue Muer, when Ye Chen did this, Xue Muer should be able to speak normally.

"You two are very dangerous and cunning." Xue Muer said that Ye Chen and Xing Mei were very cunning.

"It's all because of you being cold and indifferent, if you still dare to do that again, I will make sure that you don't get anything easy." Xing Mei told Xue Muer to change her attitude.

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