Journey To Become A True God

Chapter 1262 - Using Lightning Vein

The White Goddess Scarf was something that was quite dangerous once, if it got hit, it would be something very dangerous.

Ye Chen had to find a way to deal with this, otherwise he wouldn't be able to win against Sun Xuanyin.

Sun Xuanyin looked at Ye Chen who was avoiding the White Goddess Scarf, it seemed that Ye Chen was afraid of the White Goddess Scarf.

"I see, he's afraid of this" After learning this, Sun Xuanyin finally had a way to beat Ye Chen.

Sun Xuanyin again attacked Ye Chen with the White Goddess Scarf, this time Sun Xuanyin tried not to miss deeply on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen dodged again, unfortunately this time the speed of the White Goddess Scarf was much faster than before, this made Ye Chen unable to dodge it.

Ye Chen's "boom" flew when he received the White Goddess Scarf, Ye Chen flew several kilometers when he received the White Goddess Scarf.

"Damn it hurts" Ye Chen felt a fairly heavy pain from the attack just now, if Ye Chen didn't use the Heavenly Armor on his body, then Ye Chen would definitely be seriously injured.

"Surprisingly, you were able to withstand the attack just now." Sun Xuanyin was a little surprised to see that Ye Chen was able to withstand the attack she had, it seemed Sun Xuanyin was too soft in the attack just now.

To be honest, Sun Xuanyin still wasn't serious about attacking Ye Chen, if Sun Xuanyin was really serious about fighting Ye Chen, Ye Chen would have been dead from the first attack she had.

"how can you fight with a high grade weapon artifact, that's totally unfair" Ye Chen complained to Sun Xuanyin who was using a High Tier weapon against Him.

"I don't care, if you really have someone better than me, you can take it out too." Sun Xuanyin didn't care about Ye Chen's complaints, as long as he could catch Ye Chen, Sun Xuanyin would do anything.

"This bitch" Ye Chen was a little irritated by Sun Xuanyin's reply, this woman was really too arrogant and arrogant, she used all kinds of means to get Ye Chen.

"You better give up and come with me, I'm still kind enough to give you a chance" Sun Xuanyin was still kind enough to give Ye Chen a chance to give up and come along with her.

"Hahaha, do you think I'm stupid to go with you?, if I go with you, then it's tantamount to suicide." Ye Chen is not stupid, how could he want to go with Sun Xuanyin, he will definitely get bad things if he goes with a woman like Sun Xuanyin.

"You rejected me again, if it was a normal guy, they would definitely agree to come with me right away" Sun Xuanyin said to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was completely different from the men Sun Xuanyin had met, Ye Chen was completely disinterested even after getting an invitation from one of the four beautiful goddesses in the God Realm.

As a beautiful woman full of mature charm, Sun Xuanyin was the object of worship of all kinds of men in the God Realm, all of whom came from extremely powerful backgrounds and immense influence.

They used various means just to be able to meet Sun Xuanyin and chat with themselves.

Unfortunately Sun Xuanyin wasn't interested in this, for Sun Xuanyin these people were just stepping stones for her that she could use at any time.

And this time Sun Xuanyin met Ye Chen who was the owner of the body she had been looking for, but this man had always rejected her.

"I have many beautiful women who are much better and prettier than you, so there's no way I would choose you and leave them" Ye Chen said that he would not be so stupid as to choose Sun Xuanyin and leave his beloved wife.

"Like that?" There was a glint in Sun Xuanyin's eyes, it was obvious that Sun Xuanyin didn't like it when Ye Chen compared herself to other women.

Women are very strange creatures, they don't like it when a man compares them to other women who are much more beautiful.

Ye Chen felt a terrible pressure, Sun Xuanyin began to emit a powerful killing aura towards Ye Chen.

"What happened, why did his attitude suddenly change?" Ye Chen didn't understand why Sun Xuanyin's attitude suddenly bore.

"That's because you compare her to other women, it seems she doesn't like it, as one of the recognized goddesses in the God Realm there's no way she would be compared to other women." Chu Yuechan concluded that Sun Xuanyin didn't like being compared to other women .

"So she's angry about it" Ye Chen now understood why Sun Xuanyin looked so angry, it seemed that this woman didn't like it when she saw someone much prettier than her.

"This woman is too selfish" Ye Chen could feel that Sun Xuanyin was a very selfish woman, this woman only wanted to win and could not be controlled by anyone.

"I will end this soon, I will make sure that it will be very painful" Sun Xuanyin would not hold back anymore, she would teach Ye Chen a lesson so that this man would not dare mention other women in front of him.

"Master, looks like she will be really serious in fighting you, you better use all the aces on your ladder, otherwise you won't be able to win" Chu Yuechan told Ye Chen to use them all, otherwise Ye Chen would definitely suffer a terrible fate tragically in front of Sun Xuanyin.

Chu Yuechan could confirm that Sun Xuanyin would mean it, previously Sun Xuanyin was just playing with Ye Chen.

Sun Xuanyin began to distribute her profound energy into the White Goddess Scarf, when Sun Xuanyin did this, the White Goddess Scarf began to emit extremely hot flames.

It seemed that Sun Xuanyin had combined her profound flames with the White Goddess Scarf, making the White Goddess Scarf even more dangerous.

Sun Xuanyin snapped her fingers, when Sun Xuanyin did this, Ye Chen was instantly blown away and smashed into a building smashing into pieces.

"cough" Ye Chen coughed up blood, he didn't know what had just happened, everything was so fast, he didn't even see what Sun Xuanyin had just done.

"Master, this is the power of the Divine Overlord Realm." Chu Yuechan explained that this was the power of the Divine Overlord Realm.

"So this is the power of the Divine Overlord Realm, I am no match for this power." Now that Ye Chen had understood the power of the Divine Overlord Realm, he was nothing compared to Sun Xuanyin who was at the Divine Overlord Realm stage.

"Looks like I have no other choice" Ye Chen had no other choice but to use the ace he just got.

The trump card that Ye Chen had just obtained was the Lightning Vein of the Sage God, when Ye Chen used this, Ye Chen could get an enormous increase in strength, but after that Ye Chen would not be able to use his power for a while.

Ye Chen had no other choice, it was better for him to gamble than to lose at the hands of Sun Xuanyin.

Ye Chen opened his lightning vein, when Ye Chen did that, an enormous power immediately exploded in Ye Chen's body.

"This" Ye Chen was surprised when he saw that his strength had increased so rapidly, this increase was even greater than Ye Chen's Fire Vein.

Ye Chen's body gave off a tremendous amount of power, this made the entire Heavenly Thunder Valley Sect shake.

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